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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint

If Ukraine wouldn't care about civilians they could probably take Donetsk even with crazy fortifications and Russia would be dead (political). Ukrainian held territory is only a few miles away and with their power they have right now they could do it. But it would cost many civilian lives as well and not "only" many lives of soldiers. So that Ukraine can't really do that... Russia just bombs every single building before they even reach a city.

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crissindahouse said:

If Ukraine wouldn't care about civilians they could probably take Donetsk even with crazy fortifications and Russia would be dead (political). Ukrainian held territory is only a few miles away and with their power they have right now they could do it. But it would cost many civilian lives as well and not "only" many lives of soldiers. So that Ukraine can't really do that... Russia just bombs every single building before they even reach a city.

true... Russia is using very different tactics than the West, they put huge amounts of money into the army, use cheap artillery massively with little accuracy and technologically outdated

they destroy a whole city to weaken the enemy, a huge ruin with its civillians buried underneath

thankfully NATO has developed increasingly accurate - and expensive - weapons the last decades, investing in quality and not quantity

this allows them to hit targets precisely, disrupting enemy supplies to weaken the enemy, and also minimizing soldier losses along with civillian

we can only hope that Ukrainian courage and Western weapons wil prevail, and stop Russia's barbaric path in the long term 🙏

don't mind my username, that was more than 10 years ago, I'm a different person now, amazing how people change ^_^

dark_gh0st_b0y said:
crissindahouse said:

If Ukraine wouldn't care about civilians they could probably take Donetsk even with crazy fortifications and Russia would be dead (political). Ukrainian held territory is only a few miles away and with their power they have right now they could do it. But it would cost many civilian lives as well and not "only" many lives of soldiers. So that Ukraine can't really do that... Russia just bombs every single building before they even reach a city.

true... Russia is using very different tactics than the West, they put huge amounts of money into the army, use cheap artillery massively with little accuracy and technologically outdated

they destroy a whole city to weaken the enemy, a huge ruin with its civillians buried underneath

thankfully NATO has developed increasingly accurate - and expensive - weapons the last decades, investing in quality and not quantity

this allows them to hit targets precisely, disrupting enemy supplies to weaken the enemy, and also minimizing soldier losses along with civillian

we can only hope that Ukrainian courage and Western weapons wil prevail, and stop Russia's barbaric path in the long term 🙏

^This, even if it means blowing up parts of Russia. Ukraine's already gotten a start on that anyway.

Some Jews not liking Zelensky isn't out of the realm of possibilities, however there is no context to the statement made by Putin so it's just baseless with no merit and clear why he went of on another tangent straight after it. He literally had the opportunity to spell it out why it is the case but by deflecting the way he did we can only hope some Russians who been brainwashed by this man can see through it and start to think.

But it just shows the hate may not fit the Nazi narrative as:
It could be because they don't agree how he runs Ukraine.
It could be because he was able to become a president in Ukraine and they jealous of it.
Maybe they think Zelensky is too Westernized and thinks different then a traditional Jew.
Maybe they wanted favours and played the race card and he just said well I represent Ukraine and I do what is best for all the people of the country not just my fellow Jews.
Maybe he as slightly different religious views.
Maybe he has different views on Israel / Palestine relations and history.
Maybe they aren't happy that he would take German made military equipment to defend the country based on historical event's ma see him as a traitor to his people.

I am sure there are 100s more examples of why a Jew may hate another Jew that have nothing to do with Putin's Nazi angle.

Also essentially it is no difference than {insert any race} hating someone from their own race because they don't agree wit their views on something.
i.e. homosexuality is a good example, in countries that still ban it, if you speak up for it you may be considered an outcast and an embarrassment to your own kind.

Hell it's no different than families disowning members (their own blood) because they don't have the same traditional religious views as they do.

There is so many small petty things that humans hate each other for in general but you don't see many using those reasons to starts wars with other countries.



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16 Jun: Ukrainians CAPTURE THE WHOLE FOREST IN 1 HOUR | War in Ukraine Explained - YouTube

After a short pause due to unsuitable for fights weather conditions, Ukrainians have finally launched their next series of attacks. The most intense clashes took place around Lobkove. Over the last several days, Ukrainians have conducted a series of light-reconnaissance operations around Zherebianky, and judging by today’s actions, the main goal of these reconnaissance attacks was to see where Russian firing points in Zherebianky are and how Ukrainians can secure their flanks against a counterattack from this village.

Today in the morning, Ukrainians finally launched the first assault in the direction of Pitykhatky. If we look at the topographic map, we can see that Piatykhatky is also located in the lowlands, which is why it became the next logical target.

Russian sources reported that Ukrainians used 5 armored fighting vehicles and 2 tanks. Russian sources also reported that Ukrainians started applying a new tactic, which proved to work much better on the Zaporizhia front: Ukrainians are quickly delivering their assault units directly to the contact line with various armored carriers, the carriers immediately leave while several tanks provide fire support from a distance and drone operators help to navigate the situation on the ground. The reason why this tact works better than direct heavy assaults is that in most places, Russians have created multiple small defensive positions instead of one big fortification. Such conditions require extremely high mobility of small assault units for the highest efficiency of attacks.

After 1 hour of continuous fights Ukrainians reportedly completely chased Russians from probably the most important position in this region – the forest. This forest is 1 km long and 300 meters wide, which means that the assault went extremely swiftly. The forest gives a substantial tactical advantage. Not only does it allow hiding and accumulating assault units right on the doorstep of 2 Russian-controlled settlements, but it also secures Ukrainian flanks against a sudden counterattack from Zhebianky.

After achieving this initial success, Russian sources reported that Ukrainians started preparing reinforcements to develop their success even more. Shortly, Ukrainians were ready and launched the next series of attacks. One small assault unit approached Russians from the northern bank of the river and opened fire on Russian positions, which made Russian troops less agile, while the second assault unit attacked the settlement from the southern bank of the river, more precisely from the forest. After around 1 hour of intense clashes, Ukrainians pushed Russians out of the western part of the settlement.

Russian sources reported that Russian forces faced many difficulties in rebuffing the Ukrainian attack, primarily because prior to the attack, Ukrainians once again used Remote Anti-Armor Mine shells to mine the roads for the Russian reserves. However, even after Russian reserves finally arrived, they did not have enough forces to make a decisive blow, and both parties got stuck.

Both parties heavily relied on artillery, however, Russian sources reported that Ukrainians prioritized counterbattery fire over direct support of the units on the ground, and Russians were forced to respond reciprocally, so 2 separate battles took place here simultaneously: between the infantry and between the batteries.

In order to break the situation, Russian forces requested airstrikes on Ukrainian positions, and soon, the Russian assault helicopters Ka-52 arrived on the spot and started targeting Ukrainians with missiles. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Ukrainians managed to shoot down one of those helicopters in the process. In the end, it seems like Ukrainians had to retreat to the forest, and they did not manage to establish full control over the settlement at this time. Nonetheless, even the most prominent Russian sources admit that Ukrainian almost took the village, which is why they are expecting a new attack on Piatykhatky very soon. And this new attack will likely be even harder to repel, as Ukrainians now understand the setting much better and will avoid many mistakes. After Piatykhatky, the next logical step is Zherebianky, which due to the local geography, will require even more coordination between multiple assault units in multiple directions and tactical excellence.


Rescuers Are Braving Snipers As They Rush To Ferry Ukrainians From Russia-Occupied Flood Zones | AP News

Gennadiy may be wounded in hospital, but he has still found a way to participate in Ukraine's long-awaited counteroffensive. Sitting on a crowded ward at a medical facility in Dnipro, the commander unexpectedly pulls out his mobile to reveal live footage of green fields and tree lines in a newly contested part of the front.

Progress has been measured, acknowledges the wounded veteran, saying it took 10 days for Ukrainian soldiers to capture Russian trenches in the next tree line. "Why did it take so long to take that one position? We wanted to minimise our losses," he says, showing me the location in question by switching to the Deep State mapping app, used to track developments in the frontline.

But the surprise, given the importance attached to drones by Ukraine's military, is that the soldiers themselves have to fund the effort because the army cannot afford them. "We pay up to 70% of our salaries to buy drones," said Shved, particularly citing the new "first-person view" attack drones.

Firm data about casualty numbers is not provided by the Ukrainians, however, although the grim reality is that attackers expect to suffer more losses in war. Morale nevertheless remains relatively high even among the wounded, and many in the Dnipro medical facility keep up with military developments constantly, texting, calling and even fundraising for buddies at the front.

They say the counterattack remains at its preliminary stages – "we haven't seen much of a fight involving western tanks yet," Shved argues, and only modest numbers have so far been seen on the battlefield – but despite the gradual progress so far, the group argue it is going better than the slow rate of village capture might suggest.

It is their job to be optimistic, given what is at stake. But they also know they are in danger. "We are drone operators, we are target number one, high priority for the Russians. So as soon as we are detected, they will shoot everything into our location," says Shved, arguing near-misses are not uncommon.
"I have no doubt we will defeat them," adds Spielberg, "but I don't know if I can survive until that time."

‘It’s 21st-Century Warfare’: On Ukraine’s Counteroffensive Frontline | Ukraine | The Guardian

I wish Moscow was flooded as retribution for blowing up that dam. Why doesn't Russia ever get hit with natural disasters? -_-