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16 Jun: Ukrainians CAPTURE THE WHOLE FOREST IN 1 HOUR | War in Ukraine Explained - YouTube

After a short pause due to unsuitable for fights weather conditions, Ukrainians have finally launched their next series of attacks. The most intense clashes took place around Lobkove. Over the last several days, Ukrainians have conducted a series of light-reconnaissance operations around Zherebianky, and judging by today’s actions, the main goal of these reconnaissance attacks was to see where Russian firing points in Zherebianky are and how Ukrainians can secure their flanks against a counterattack from this village.

Today in the morning, Ukrainians finally launched the first assault in the direction of Pitykhatky. If we look at the topographic map, we can see that Piatykhatky is also located in the lowlands, which is why it became the next logical target.

Russian sources reported that Ukrainians used 5 armored fighting vehicles and 2 tanks. Russian sources also reported that Ukrainians started applying a new tactic, which proved to work much better on the Zaporizhia front: Ukrainians are quickly delivering their assault units directly to the contact line with various armored carriers, the carriers immediately leave while several tanks provide fire support from a distance and drone operators help to navigate the situation on the ground. The reason why this tact works better than direct heavy assaults is that in most places, Russians have created multiple small defensive positions instead of one big fortification. Such conditions require extremely high mobility of small assault units for the highest efficiency of attacks.

After 1 hour of continuous fights Ukrainians reportedly completely chased Russians from probably the most important position in this region – the forest. This forest is 1 km long and 300 meters wide, which means that the assault went extremely swiftly. The forest gives a substantial tactical advantage. Not only does it allow hiding and accumulating assault units right on the doorstep of 2 Russian-controlled settlements, but it also secures Ukrainian flanks against a sudden counterattack from Zhebianky.

After achieving this initial success, Russian sources reported that Ukrainians started preparing reinforcements to develop their success even more. Shortly, Ukrainians were ready and launched the next series of attacks. One small assault unit approached Russians from the northern bank of the river and opened fire on Russian positions, which made Russian troops less agile, while the second assault unit attacked the settlement from the southern bank of the river, more precisely from the forest. After around 1 hour of intense clashes, Ukrainians pushed Russians out of the western part of the settlement.

Russian sources reported that Russian forces faced many difficulties in rebuffing the Ukrainian attack, primarily because prior to the attack, Ukrainians once again used Remote Anti-Armor Mine shells to mine the roads for the Russian reserves. However, even after Russian reserves finally arrived, they did not have enough forces to make a decisive blow, and both parties got stuck.

Both parties heavily relied on artillery, however, Russian sources reported that Ukrainians prioritized counterbattery fire over direct support of the units on the ground, and Russians were forced to respond reciprocally, so 2 separate battles took place here simultaneously: between the infantry and between the batteries.

In order to break the situation, Russian forces requested airstrikes on Ukrainian positions, and soon, the Russian assault helicopters Ka-52 arrived on the spot and started targeting Ukrainians with missiles. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Ukrainians managed to shoot down one of those helicopters in the process. In the end, it seems like Ukrainians had to retreat to the forest, and they did not manage to establish full control over the settlement at this time. Nonetheless, even the most prominent Russian sources admit that Ukrainian almost took the village, which is why they are expecting a new attack on Piatykhatky very soon. And this new attack will likely be even harder to repel, as Ukrainians now understand the setting much better and will avoid many mistakes. After Piatykhatky, the next logical step is Zherebianky, which due to the local geography, will require even more coordination between multiple assault units in multiple directions and tactical excellence.