April cant come soon enough, not only for Switch 2 news but shipments updates
We reap what we sow
April cant come soon enough, not only for Switch 2 news but shipments updates
We reap what we sow
Nintendo recently started releasing games on Thursdays, so I'd imagine that will extend to their consoles as well. With that in mind, I'm expecting NS2 to launch on a Thursday, although 6/6/2025 would be great. I guess they're doing Thursdays because Thursday is basically considered Friday Eve for a lot of people. I personally usually work from home on Friday unless I need to be in for something specific. Would be nice to just have to take off an even week for a new system launch (although I should be starting a new job soon, so I definitely would not take off for NS2 launch lol).
Actually I mixed things up a little in my latest post. I what I meant is that releasing Switch 2 after its video release is rushing things up, not the April Direct. That would go more in line with my theory of Nintendo promoting the Switch 1 until half of 2025 (so up to June), and then shifting its focus onto the Switch 2 (June foward). Your comments made me see things clearer. And actually adjusting Switch 2's release to June solves a problem that I had with my other comment, which is the game window release. Releasing the Switch 2 in August/September wouldn't leave enough room to have many big titles spread out nicely throughtout the year. I think that we can see Metroid Prime 4 being released in June with the release of the Switch 2 (being a cross-gen game), the next Mario Kart around October or November as the holiday game, or it being a September release and then the next Super Mario game being released in November as the big holiday title. Actually I have been wanting to creat a topic duscussing this matter of the Switch 2's possible date release and its big titles' month release, but I am kinda lazy to make topics in the forums board.
Edit: I don't think Pokémon Legends ZA will be a cross-gen game (is this a bold prediction?). I think it'll be released only as a Switch 1 game in April. I think Nintendo will make sure Legends ZA doesn't overshadow Mario Kart or Metroid Prime 4 during the second half of the year, unless Nintendo really really wants to make sure the Switch 2 have a successful release, although I think a new Mario Kart is huge enough to grant this
trunkswd said:
According to Shawn Layden that PS2 picture is real with 160,636,885 units produced. Sold wise Sony has stated over 160 million, so the final total is somewhere between those two figures.
My opinion is widly known here. I think this "in loving Memory" numbers are so fishy, it smells all around the world like the Tsar Bombas shock wave. This 82,51 million number was ptinted by Laydon himself just to make himself feel better against the GBA. I mean exactly 1 million more units and we only know 10 years after discontinuation?! Come on! This PS2 looks fake as well. O say: IF the PSP suroassed the GBA all media would have talked about about the first time a non Nintendo handheld passed a Game Boy and Sony would not have been shy pumping out a huge PR in 2014. About the PS2 as well: IF the system really passed 160 million, why not announce it in 2013 when it was ceased? Answer: Because it hasn't. Why "announce" it when it became clear that Switch will get to 155 million minimum!? Before attacking and insulting me, people should think about this! If they sold tgat much it would mean they had more income than they told their investors. Sell more, earn more, pay income tax! So they would have commited a tax crime. This is why i don't believe that.
super_etecoon said:
I know this speculation of the Switch 2 release date probably belongs in a more specific thread, but since the topic was already here I wanted to check into my theorized 05-25-25 release date. At first I just liked the look of the date and it reminds me of the 09-09-99 release date of the Dreamcast, which I always thought was a pretty great marketing tactic. The Dreamcast failed, but we all know that it didn’t have anything to do with their marketing or games. Anyway, I wanted to see what day of the week Nintendo generally releases their systems on. Here’s what I found. Note, all of these dates are for NA release. Switch: 03-03-17 (Friday) WiiU: 11-18-12 (Sunday) 3DS: 03-27-11 (Sunday) Wii: 11-19-06 (Sunday) DS: 11-21-04 (Sunday) GameCube 09-14-01 (Friday) N64 09-29-96 (Sunday) SNES 08-23-91 (Friday) NES 09-27-86 (Saturday) 05-25-25 is on a Sunday, just like the vast majority of their recent console releases. Friday seems to be the next most common with the Switch being the most recent example. Obviously this doesn’t mean anything, but it’s still interesting. |
There was a time console releases did not happen on the same day in the major regions Japan, US, Europe. Example the Wii U was released on November 30th in Europe, not the 18th.
Nowadays it looks like Nintendo wants to release them simultaneously on the same day. I believe Nintendo even confirmed this if I remember correctly.
Sunday does not work for Europe, with a lot of countries having restrictions on opening hours for Shops on Sunday (e.g. Germany shops are closed)
Last edited by Tober - on 27 January 2025fedfed said: so even if PS is and we can confirm at 160.6, Switch is |
If the Switch would get to 160,6, Sony will rush out and say 160,8. For me 160 million+ is the border when it would be Nr.1.
I don’t think Jim Ryan or Sony will make any more declarations, as funny as a joke
It is. And at the end of the day neither Sony nor Nintendo is likely to use these numbers as a cudgel against the other.
Where it matters is where it has always mattered…on boards, forums, twitters, and fanboy flame wars. So for those, Nintendo absolutely needs to sell 161 and not a single unit less to have a compelling argument at this point. And that will have to be done organically as Nintendo isn’t going to go out of their way to sell a million more units just so Nintendo fans can claim victory.
To be honest, I have to blink each time I see the sales for the Switch. Whether it surpasses PS2 or not it has absolutely earned itself a place in history, and off the equally impressive disaster the WiiU was, it has the mythology of a great comeback movie like Rocky or Karate Kid. I won’t be disappointed if it doesn’t eventually tackle the PS2, though at this point I don’t see how it doesn’t.
super_etecoon said: I don’t think Jim Ryan or Sony will make any more declarations, as funny as a joke |
I don't say (now) it will pass PS2, but if it comes only close to their original FC and their FC for coming FY is at least average, it will happen. I can see Sony pumping it to 165 millon if the Switch surpassed 160 million but no one with a clear mind should believe them. The question will be: Where do we draw the line? Where is the point where we say: No! We do not believe that anymore! What if Nintendo came out and said: Actually we produced 164.353.489 DS systems? Who would believe them? One thing is dead sure: 155 million for the Switch is the absolute (quite low balled) floor.
killer7 said:
I don't say (now) it will pass PS2, but if it comes only close to their original FC and their FC for coming FY is at least average, it will happen. I can see Sony pumping it to 165 millon if the Switch surpassed 160 million but no one with a clear mind should believe them. The question will be: Where do we draw the line? Where is the point where we say: No! We do not believe that anymore! What if Nintendo came out and said: Actually we produced 164.353.489 DS systems? Who would believe them? One thing is dead sure: 155 million for the Switch is the absolute (quite low balled) floor. |
At first, it was 155M, then 157M~159M, then 160M, then 160.6M and now 161M. Soon people will start talking about 161.5 or something like that