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#45 - Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King - 3DS

Great gameplay, great soundtrack, a classic journey done very well with a bunch of fun characters along the ride, VIII is a very comfy RPG experience, comfy and with a lot of sad moments and a generally helpless tone to a lot of the story sequences, but still, pretty comfy, some may call that generic, but I find it charming. 

#44 - Paper Mario: The Origami King - Nintendo Switch

I'm not typing 100 paragraphs about why I love this game again.

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#43 - Pokemon Sword - Nintendo Switch

I like Pokemon, Gen 1 is cool, 2 is fine, 3 is pretty great, 4 is probably more okay now that there are remakes that play at a proper speed, 5 is magical, 6 is depressing, 7 is pretty great too.

Gen 8 I didn't expect to like as much as I did, it definitely brought me back to them Black and White days, and is probably the most fun I have had with a Pokemon game.

Sword and Shield are the undisputed best at making the Pokemon League feel important, the whole proper tourney setup, the fact that you have actual people following your journey and cheering you on, every gym battle is a proper grand event, as they should be. This is backed by a really good cast of characters, Hop is a fantastic rival, Bede is super entertaining, Marnie is a cute friend, Sonia is a great spin on the professor, and Leon, while I initially was expecting to not like him that much, easily became my favorite champion, he does his job, he is a fun guy, and his team is great. And that is just a handful of the main characters, I quite liked all the gym leaders, plus the extra lore and backgrounds you unlock through the trainer cards add to that.

As far as the new Pokemon goes, these are my favorite additions, pretty much love all the designs, went out of my way to actually catch every new Pokemon this time around because they were all that good, and Snom dethroned Caterpie as my favorite bug type.

The music is also the best it has ever been, love that they finally went back to the Gen 5 thing of having a final Pokemon theme for the Gym Leaders, this time pushed more by adding a variation for fainted Pokemon as well, be it yours or your opponent, and adding a final battle theme for your rivals, there is also a lot of nods to that gen, the music team is probably as much of a fan as I am of that gen, the Trainer battle having part of the credits theme of 2, Bede's battle theme having the PWT final battle thrown in there, Rose's theme being very Ghetsis, is all good shit. The first time I just had to stop playing the game and listen was the Slumbering Weald, like my god what a beautifully catchy, atmospheric and haunting theme that is, and is like right at the start of the game too. I love that there are constant motifs playing through the game to make the journey all that more whole and connected. And the journey is finished with the best send off possible, by having the Champion theme be an amazing reinterpretation of the Hall of Fame. The DLC is also consistent with the music, giving the Kanto birds, on top of better designs, a theme worth the wait.

Mechanically I like having the PC open at all times (and has more balance in the sense that the PC doesn't heal your Pokemon anymore, have to go to the center), it actually made me swap Pokemon more often, since is more convenient, so I didn't stick to a single team the whole way. Dynamax I like, not from the competitive sense or anything, but for the fact that it finally gives Pokemon a proper way of having them being boss fights without the need of a trainer, a classic 4v1 composition, and it makes for some cool fights, I know it will probably be abandoned for Gen 9, but I hope they come up with something similar to keep having set pieces like that. The main wild area is bland, is not terrible to traverse but nothing super interesting besides the music, the DLC Isle of Armor and Crown Tundra are fantastic tho, they feel like multiple well designed Pokemon routes all stick together, there are some cool discovery moments, like going through a cave in the isle and you end up in this desert area, which also gives me hope for Arceus, if they stick to this kind of level design for the rest of the series I'm more than ok with it.

My favorite part of the story is the theme of succession and passing the baton to a new generation, not only your character as the champion, but Marnie and Bede become part of the new gym leaders, how Sonia takes the mantle of the main professor over the course of the game, Hop finding that for him is not about succeeding his brother Leon, but having a different path in life as a professor, I think is quite nicely done, and pretty heartwarming by the end of it all.

The game has some glaring issues, like some town designs, and main routes being too on the small size, and the main story pacing that runs alongside the League being thrown off in the last stretch, but it didn't detract much with how much joy this game brought me.

The * here is that Black is also pretty great, and would be in the top 50 next to this one most likely, but I decided to give the spotlight to Sword.

#42 - Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate - Nintendo 3DS

What puts 4 above the rest for me, is that not only is a great entry that refines what 3 did, or that it has a great cast of new and returning monsters, but that is actually manages to tie it all up with a nice story.

4 adds a lot of weight to your main hunts, besides the usual, have to fight the flagship monster to save the village, my favorite example of this is the mining town, not only you get a new crew member there, but every big monster creates a change in the town, defeating one will cheer them up, and fighting another later on will bring back the heat back to the town, and you do another hunt to get materials to repair your ship and continue on, is adding that extra level of context to the hunts of 4 that gives it that story weight. The flagship is also amazingly handled, Gore Magala is the Vergil of Monster Hunter, your first fight you only manage to barely repel him, second time you are helping fellow hunters get away, and you get more comfortable with his patterns and attacks, then the proper fight comes and he gets a frenzied status that makes him unpredictable yet again, making you adapt to his moveset yet again, and the final battle with him is a completely new form, once again throwing you off, the rivalry is built up across most of the game, and that final cutscene before the final clash perfectly encapsulates that, is just a really good story.

I like all the different hubs, the areas all have a great design to them, the re purposing of the mines from a cave area to the lava area of the game is clever, Heaven's Mount has this super climactic feel to it, is all lovely.

And of course the gameplay loop is as satisfying as ever, slowly building up your items, having that zen progression by doing smaller monsters, some gathering, before the big confrontation, and repeat.

The * here is that Monster Hunter Rise is almost as good as 4, for different reasons, also has the best score in the series, it could probably reach the same level depending on Sunbreak's quality, because the Ultimate story of 4 I don't find as interesting, so if Sunbreak delivers it would match it for sure.

#41 - Freedom Planet - Nintendo Wii U / Switch

An actually good Sonic game X Treasure Co. charm. Enemies have to attack you to do damage which makes it so you don't get punished for playing the game, and you have a health bar instead of getting depressed because of rings. 10 / 10.

#40 - Garou: Mark of the Wolves - Neo Geo / PC

#39 - The King of Fighters XIII - PC

SNK is cool, their characters are the coolest, and Mark of the Wolves and KoF XIII are peak fighting games, both artistically and mechanically.

Besides the perfect pixel art animations, the sound design of these games are awesome, every attack, you feel that oomph, super satisfying. MotW has a great gauge system, the strategy part is when does the gauge come into play, between your 3 thirds of life, which allows you do to an extra move, and make it so that doing perfect blocks restore your health, could be used as your first option, or something that you leave as a last resort, while XIII is more of the great fast paced combat of KoF, bringing it more back to basics, by picking an order at the start and sticking to that for the match.

XIII as a fighting game also has a lot to do for the player, has a neat story mode with branching paths and unique dialogue depending on the teams you pick, arcade has both normal team and special endings, plus every character has a neat conversation with each other at the start of every match, and being invested into these characters, it makes me want to see if I can get every possible convo out of it, doing matches over and over unlocks color palettes so you can edit your character, the way it lets you edit is pretty expansive and well worth more than some extra costume, I take making Kula look like Vivio or Utena over any kind of DLC. A pretty solid package.

The * here is Street Fighter III: Third Strike, excellent fighting game, even tho I don't care about a good number of characters in that roster.

#38 - Halo: Combat Evolved - PC

Halo is cool. I went on a binge of 1-3 last year, and it was a blast, I really should have played these games much sooner, and the trilogy and Reach is something that I feel I will always look back at very fondly. Combat Evolved is definitely my favorite of the bunch, there is only one really questionable level, but nothing game breaking, other than that the game is back to back a set of well paced scenarios, with appropiate lenght, a lot of cool gameplay opportunities, one might call that very improvisational gameplay, the music score is incredible, the story is a nice, epic sci-fi tale, the art direction and atmosphere of the original game is still great and holds up. Halo is just awesome, and the vehicles are cool.

The * is that I could realistically put 2, 3, and Reach a bit after Combat Evolved in a ranking, cool set of games, buy the Master Chief Collection.

#37 - Undertale - PC / Nintendo Switch

Idk what else to say about Undertale, and I don't feel like copy pasting what I wrote in previous years, but is still pretty excellent.

All caught up.

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Eric2048 said:

#44 Is a first person Rpg where you fight with swords and magic but it probably isn't the first thing that pops into your head. Hint #2 it features ragdoll physics and you can find some pretty creative ways to defeat your enemies.

#41 This game is the second game in a spinoff series from a well known rpg franchise. You use "magic keys" to travel to other worlds. Hint#2 It is a turn based Rpg. One of the monsters you can encounter is a slime creature.

#40 This is the first game from a certain playstation franchise that hasn't seen a new entry for some time now. Hint#2 The main character has a unique weapon which he uses for melee attacks.

#41: Dragon Quest Builders 2

S.Peelman said:

The #35 en #34 were guessed fairly quickly, here's a second hint for #33 and a first for #32.

#35: People already live here even though this building is still under construction.

Hint 2: And they work there, shop there, eat there, go into the subway there, go to the doctor there, and more things. SimTower - Guessed by kenjab

#34: You must keep the pope happy or else the inquisitors will come for your family.

Hint 2: Those guys are pretty unfair. Your characters need to have a really high piety to survive if an inquisitor targets him. Medieval II: Total War - Guessed by Farsala

#33: Being chased by the antagonist makes it look like this game is in the survival horror genre, but it's not really.

Hint 2: The encounters are scripted though, and your enemy looks familiar.

#32: Chose one of three families, naturally one goes west over the mountains, the next goes east towards islands and ancient lands, and the third goes across the sea to the desert and fertile shores.

#33: Metroid Fusion

S.Peelman said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

Here are some more hints from me:

45. a) Overall I prefer the more linear games from this series, but I decided to remove "Bloodlines" from my list to make room for this game.
b) After you've explored almost everything, this game uses a clever trick to effectively double the size of the game.

42. a) I've always loved this PS3 sequel, but previously I didn't put it on my list.  I've considered it to be fairly similar to the first entry in the series which is much higher on my list.  Maybe the fact that the first game is now on Switch made me change my mind.
b) Some fans of the series criticised this second entry for being "too easy".

45: Sometimes I feel like guessing the same game of multiple people lists, but Symphony of the Night.

42: Dark Souls 2?

45. Correct!

42. Correct!

Mnementh said:
The_Liquid_Laser said:

Here are some more hints from me:

45. a) Overall I prefer the more linear games from this series, but I decided to remove "Bloodlines" from my list to make room for this game.
b) After you've explored almost everything, this game uses a clever trick to effectively double the size of the game.

44.  a) I discovered this digital only tower defense game on the PS3 while I was waiting for some fun physical games to be released.
b) This is part of a series of games, but most games in the series tend to be of a totally different genre than the others.

42. a) I've always loved this PS3 sequel, but previously I didn't put it on my list.  I've considered it to be fairly similar to the first entry in the series which is much higher on my list.  Maybe the fact that the first game is now on Switch made me change my mind.
b) Some fans of the series criticized this second entry for being "too easy".

41.  This is a more kid friendly GBA sequel to a PS1 game with a more serious storyline.

#44 is the PixelJunk series. Tower Defense must be PixelJunk Monsters.

44.  Correct!

Games That Just Didn't Make It:
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune
Drakengard 3
Heavenly Sword
Star Wars Episode 1: Racer
Dead Space
Lolipop Chainsaw
Soul Calibur 2
Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Batman Arkham Asylum
Rogue Galaxy
AC 2: Brotherhood
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

All of the above were once in my top 50 but have since fallen out.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

Kakadu18 said:
Eric2048 said:

#44 Is a first person Rpg where you fight with swords and magic but it probably isn't the first thing that pops into your head. Hint #2 it features ragdoll physics and you can find some pretty creative ways to defeat your enemies.

#41 This game is the second game in a spinoff series from a well known rpg franchise. You use "magic keys" to travel to other worlds. Hint#2 It is a turn based Rpg. One of the monsters you can encounter is a slime creature.

#40 This is the first game from a certain playstation franchise that hasn't seen a new entry for some time now. Hint#2 The main character has a unique weapon which he uses for melee attacks.

#41: Dragon Quest Builders 2

Getting Closer. It is a Dragon Quest game but not that one