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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread | The 12th Annual Greatest Games Event

Dulfite said:
S.Peelman said:


Returning after being featured in 2016 is Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. This is a great RPG that built upon it predecessor, yet still stands in its shadow. The game features a darker storyline, with deep moral themes, mostly conveyed through the extremely well written, and voice acted, Kreia. The choices you make in this game have a huge effect on the relationships with your party members and the game's antagonists. Even though there's technically only a simple 'good' and 'bad' ending, each ending will feel very different due to this.

The game sadly was in an unfinished state when it released, and the rush to release left a lot of content cut or half as fleshed as it should have been. This is especially apparent in the end-game, when even the enemies that have cool names like 'Sith Assassin' wear regular Joe clothes. Luckily, a lot of the raw material for this cut content was left in the game files; models for characters and locations, sound files and even scripts. Fans took it upon themselves to restore that which could be restored to complete the game. Having this mod, the Restored Content Mod, is basically essential when you play this game if you want to enjoy it to the fullest. The extra story about the HK droids and the trip to the Droid factory is great to play.

Can we all make massive banners like this for each of our 50 games? This will be the biggest thread on this site lol.

Looks tiny on mobile.

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Vinther1991 said:
Runa216 said:

46 - A Switch rerelease of a game most people think is boring and derivative but I feel is the best in its subseries.

New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe?

Yep! Love that game. 

My Console Library:

PS5, Switch, XSX

PS4, PS3, PS2, PS1, WiiU, Wii, GCN, N64 SNES, XBO, 360

3DS, DS, GBA, Vita, PSP, Android

I like how much effort some people put into this.
I'll just say why each game is on my list and what I liked about it.

#50: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

This is the second Zelda game for the Nintendo DS from 2009. Back when it released I was just 7 years old.
It was like Phantom Hourglass but with some things better and others worse.

I have massive nostalgia for this game. While looking back it looks like total shit, back in the day it looked great for the little boy who had never seen an HD game yet.
I spend countless hours 100%ing the game over and over again. Catching every rabbit, completing all train tracks on the map and getting all train parts.
The demon trains and the huge monsters chasing me in the tunnels were nightmare fuel. The game never got boring nor repetetive. It always threw something new at me. Like the section where you need to protect the guy from the pirates.

The villains and story were great and it had the third best iteration of Zelda after Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild.
The final boss fight with the dark world section before that is the best part of the game.
The soundtrack is phenomenal with some really great track (no pun intended), especially when driving the train. I always liked how it changed with the speed of the train.
The only part I didn't like was playing the flute with the Lokomo, I constantly messed it up and had to restart.

It's a great game and an important part of my childhood.

Last edited by Kakadu18 - on 16 November 2021

Since it's already the 13th, here's the next right away.

#49: Super Mario Bros. 3

It's a fantastic platformer with some amazing level design.
I played it for the first time on the Switch with NSO. It's easily the best NES game and the one that aged the best.

I have zero nostalgia for this game, since I played it for the first time in 2019 and never since. Usually either this game or Super Mario World are named as the best 2D Mario platformer. I think this one's better.

It's level design is top notch with some great variety and challenge.
It looks great to this day.
Absolute must play if you have NSO.

Last edited by Kakadu18 - on 16 November 2021

Before I come up with the next batch of hints, I suppose I'll say something about the first two games on my list.


Batman: Arkham City (PS3)

YoY: -6

Out of the three Rocksteady-developed Batman games this one is my favourite. It took the template set in Arkham Asylum and polished the existing mechanics while adding a number of great new elements. The sandbox is larger, but not to the extent that it becomes overwhelming, the boss battles were vastly improved, the traversal around the world is a lot of fun, and the gameplay is overall more varied than before. It also doesn't suffer from the issues that took Arkham Knight down a few pegs, such as the over-reliance on the batmobile in the last game of the trilogy.


God of War 2018 (PS4)



The God of War-series had never really clicked with me during its original run on the PS2 and PS3. I liked the first game, when the concept was fresh and Kratos actually felt like an interesting and unique character that wasn't yet completely defined by the fact that he was angry and violent. The biggest hurdle that the new God of War had to clear in my mind was somehow making Kratos an interesting and actually relatable character, because without that I found it very difficult to get excited for it. Somehow, they managed to do exactly that, in large part by introducing a number of new characters and having Kratos develop a relationship with said characters over the course of the game. It was a genuine masterstroke, and made for a wonderful story. The gameplay was also a lot of fun, and using the weapons was always interesting regardless of how much fighting you did.

The sequel is, despite the rather silly complaints of some weird people on the Internet, shaping up nicely as well it seems.

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Hint: Very fast with lots of pixels! A highly definitive racer that defies physics.
Supplementary Hint: There's a clue in the hint to the specific title of the game.
Guessed by: Nobody

Kakadu18 said:

I like how much effort some people put into this.
I'll just say why each game is on my list and what I liked about it.

#50: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

This is the second Zelda game for the Nintendo DS from 2009. Back when it released I was just 7 years old.
It was like Phantom Hourglass but with some things better and others worse.

I have massive nostalgia for this game. While looking back it looks like total shit, back in the day it looked great for the little boy who had never seen an HD game yet.
I spend countless hours 100%ing the game over and over again. Catching every rabbit, completing all train tracks on the map and getting all train parts.
The demon trains and the huge monsters chasing me in the tunnels were nightmare fuel. The game never got boring nor repetetive. It always threw something new at me. Like the section where you need to protect the guy from the pirates.

The villains and story were great and it had the third best iteration of Zelda after Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild.
The final boss fight with the dark world section before that is the best part of the game.
The soundtrack is phenomenal with some really great track (no pun intended), especially when driving the train. I always liked how it changed with the speed of the train.
The only part I didn't like was playing the flute with the Lokomo, I constantly messed it up and had to restart.

It's a great game and an important part of my childhood.

Spirit Tracks is great, a very underrated game. I think it suffered from the lukewarm reception Phantom Hourglass got back then, but it's actually leagues apart. I liked Spirit Tracks's world, which was pretty big with lots of secrets actually, the game's dungeons, control scheme and the soundtrack.

Extra hint for 47, 45 has been guessed, and a hint for the game #44.

#47: It looks like you stranded on a lovely island, if it weren't for that bird.

Hint 2: The centrepiece of this island is a large tower with what looks like a big keyhole.

Hint 3: At the end though, there's quite the twist, when it seems like this island wasn't actually real, and was just in the mind of the one that mourns you. So sad.

#45: After the end of the second game, this third game starts when the space station of the antagonist crashes, freeing an evil mask with a name that's the exact opposite of the name of your close one-extra-hit protector friend. Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped - Guessed by UnderwaterFunktown

#44: In Europe this game came three years after the original release in Japan, but it became a massive phenomenon nonetheless. Pokémon Blue Version - Guessed by Zippy6

Last edited by S.Peelman - on 13 November 2021

S.Peelman said:

Extra hints, and a hint for the game #44.

#47: It looks like you stranded on a lovely island, if it weren't for that bird.

Hint 2: The centrepiece of this island is a large tower with what looks like a big keyhole.

Hint 3: At the end though, there's quite the twist, when it seems like this island wasn't actually real, and was just in the mind of the one that mourns you. So sad.

#44: In Europe this game came three years after the original release in Japan, but it became a massive phenomenon nonetheless.

#44 is Pokemon Red/Blue?

Even with 3 hints no idea on #47!

S.Peelman said:
Kakadu18 said:

I like how much effort some people put into this.
I'll just say why each game is on my list and what I liked about it.

#50: The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks

This is the second Zelda game for the Nintendo DS from 2009. Back when it released I was just 7 years old.
It was like Phantom Hourglass but with some things better and others worse.

I have massive nostalgia for this game. While looking back it looks like total shit, back in the day it looked great for the little boy who had never seen an HD game yet.
I spend countless hours 100%ing the game over and over again. Catching every rabbit, completing all train tracks on the map and getting all train parts.
The demon trains and the huge monsters chasing me in the tunnels were nightmare fuel. The game never got boring nor repetetive. It always threw something new at me. Like the section where you need to protect the guy from the pirates.

The villains and story were great and it had the third best iteration of Zelda after Skyward Sword and Breath of the Wild.
The final boss fight with the dark world section before that is the best part of the game.
The soundtrack is phenomenal with some really great track (no pun intended), especially when driving the train. I always liked how it changed with the speed of the train.
The only part I didn't like was playing the flute with the Lokomo, I constantly messed it up and had to restart.

It's a great game and an important part of my childhood.

Spirit Tracks is great, a very underrated game. I think it suffered from the lukewarm reception Phantom Hourglass got back then, but it's actually leagues apart. I liked Spirit Tracks's world, which was pretty big with lots of secrets actually, the game's dungeons, control scheme and the soundtrack.

Yeah, it sadly sold alot worse than Phantom Hourglass. Although I liked Phantom Hourglass more (yes, it's also in my top 50), Spirit Tracks is very special to me.