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Forums - General Discussion - Section 8 (the secret forums)

What? No racism FTW? Hmph!

BTW, how I'm supposed to only post on this section? X_X

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I want to welcome the new members to the twilight zone :)

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

^^^ haha, thats a very nice intro for this

so wait, I can't go back to the normal people forums now?

Around the Network

WHY can no one figure out that its reffering to not posting on the other numbers that do not have official forums?

I realize grammatically it says this is the only one but seriously.

"Back off, man. I'm a scientist."

Your theories are the worst kind of popular tripe, your methods are sloppy, and your conclusions are highly questionable! You are a poor scientist. Especially if you think the moon landing was faked.

ioi + 1

ok i get it now. Don't go off starting a section 69 or something stupid like that.

That Guy said:
so wait, I can't go back to the normal people forums now?

 nope - u must remain here


That Guy said:
ok i get it now. Don't go off starting a section 69 or something stupid like that.

 too late for that now

pichu_pichu said:
That Guy said:
ok i get it now. Don't go off starting a section 69 or something stupid like that.

too late for that now

 yeah - there are hundred out there already