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Forums - Politics Discussion - Inside the NBA and the Double Standard of Racism


Who's right?

Ernie 1 14.29%
Charles 5 71.43%
Kenny 0 0%
Shaq 1 14.29%
Jpcc86 said:
KLAMarine said:

What if Luka felt dehumanized by the usage of "white boy"?

He did apologize, didnt he?

That'd be some thin skin for a proffessional white boy NBA player tho.

"He did apologize, didnt he?"

>As the perpetrator should have.

"That'd be some thin skin for a proffessional white boy NBA player tho."

>It ain't Luca who got so upset at a basketball game that he had to make it racial. Luca did what he had to do: he let his balling do the talking.

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Xxain said:
A bitch as white boy is not the equivalent to a bitch ass nigger. White boy is not a racial slur. Hell, white boy doesnt even have a definite negative connation (though it can and when it does its more judgemental). Nigger always has a negative connection. So, that connection is just wrong. The status of the person saying a slur doesnt matter; its the power in the word itself is what he meant. There is no power behind "white boy", but Nigger and slurs like Kite and even non racial slurs fag and even bitch all have a long history - Words designed dehumanize their intended targets. White boy does not fall into that category. With that being said, Harrell was wrong for that and he has apologized for it.

So he was talking trash, trying to get a rise out of his opponent and he brought race into it .... it certainty sounds like he was using it as a slur.  

Cobretti2 said:
Jpcc86 said:

He did apologize, didnt he?

That'd be some thin skin for a proffessional white boy NBA player tho.

Yer but this is the 21st century,  If you ask a friend who is a woman at work to get you a coffee it can be seen as derogatory/sexist/misogynistic  by someone looking in on the conversation these days. It is all about perception to the world and not the intent between two people.  

Hell, even graduates, get treated better than long time employees.

Hell, even some people find the word wife demeaning these days and expect you to call your wife your partner. I've had people snap at me because I asked how long have you and your wife been together. Get the crazy eye and they go well my PARTNER (in an aggressive voice) and I have been together for... One couple said wife is derogatory to me and not to use that word anywhere lol

You are right and that is just sad ... the PC train seems not to have lead us to being kinder to each other and more conscience but instead seems to have taken most people to Triggeredsville