BraLoD said:
The hype is real! |
I definitely want to play GoT more than TLOUII. Can't wait!
BraLoD said:
The hype is real! |
I definitely want to play GoT more than TLOUII. Can't wait!
BraLoD said:
I was more hyped for it too. TLoU2 is a huge montain to climb now that it's out, tho. Amazing little thing. But I believe in you GoT, become the GotG! |
I was about to say hell yea cuz I thought you meant Goty, but that honor belongs to God of War.
It takes genuine talent to see greatness in yourself despite your absence of genuine talent.
shikamaru317 said: I'm thinking high 80's, maybe 87. Sucker Punch has never managed a 90+ meta, so I will be surprised if they manage it now, even with the extra dev time on Tsushima. Their last 2 releases were among their lowest scores ever, 80 and 73. |
Well the 73 was for a standalone DLC, so lower score was expected. Would say the difference is similar to TLOU versus Left Behind and UC4 vs Lost Legacy.
duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"
Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"
Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."
Pretty sure SP has never made a game in the 90s, but I would love for them to break that pattern. This game and the setting has so much potential for beauty. When the first GoT gameplay trailer was shown at Sony’s last E3, it blew me away with its beauty more than any other of the “big 4” (TLoUp2, Spider-man, Death Stranding).
I haven’t been that impressed since, and I’m a tad concerned it may not be as good as I originally hoped, but I’m hoping I’m wrong and they kill it with GoT.
I say 86, it will be praised for its visual style and overall atmosphere, but the combat will be jarring for some and the world appears a bit "naked". I think a lack of variation will be a go-to argument for the lower scores.
Gonna be intresting to see how it scores.
Game makes you go "nice grass":
and "Beautifull sunset" :
Youtube titles for reviews look promising so far. Will check back in a few hours time when embargoes lift.
I am so excited! Got the deluxe edition on pre-order with the steelbook and all that! Might not play it till the Ps5 comes out, though.
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