I’m looking forward to seeing all the new entrants on the chart tomorrow.
I’m looking forward to seeing all the new entrants on the chart tomorrow.
Nice, almost 200 points for SMTV. I think it can debut around 250k physical and maybe close to 300k with digital. Think this is pretty good for the series.
Should be a nice week for Switch if ringfit stock are any indication.
Did Boutros count the double pack as one preorder or two? If he only counted it as one, then SWSH is ahead of BDSP.
PDiddy said: Did Boutros count the double pack as one preorder or two? If he only counted it as one, then SWSH is ahead of BDSP. |
Pretty sure he counted it for 2
Looks like CoD had a good second week at COMG. Curious to see how the Famitsu numbers for it look.
I think releasing 2 Switch exclusive baseball games so close to each-other wasn't the best move for Konami.
xMetroid said:
Pretty sure he counted it for 2 |
He did not. Double Pack was counted as 1 only.
Kakadu18 said: The sky is the limit for Pokémon. |
728 in total for 3 days left (last day 766)
Sword 233
Double Pack 175 (= 350)
Shield 145
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