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Forums - Sales Discussion - COMG! Japan Pre-Order Chart

It's Touken Ranbu, basically Kantai Collection for girls where instead of ships being anthropomorphized as pretty girls it's swords being anthropomorphized as pretty boys.

It was huge 5-6 years and has very much an ardent fanbase that would like to have those limited edition goods.

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Wow at Touken Ranbu Musou. Will either be really big or like SMT V just slow down in preorders after this explosive opening.

Nice to see a couple of new preorders for Fatal Frame and SMTV, hope both do well.

Hoping to see more pre orders for SMT
As it stands persona 5 the royal has little more then double the pre orders then smt5 at 33 days remaining (192 vs 93)

Doesn't seem like a huge boost for evergreens other than Ring Fit. Will be curious to see how big of an initial shipment the OLED Switch model had.

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Metroid will do fine... Hopefully.

Damn Japan.

Megiddo said:

Doesn't seem like a huge boost for evergreens other than Ring Fit. Will be curious to see how big of an initial shipment the OLED Switch model had.

A significant share of OLED purchases will probably be people who already own a Switch and its games, upgrading from the Lite or base model.

There is a global chip crunch going on though and we know demand is massively beyond supply at big Japanese retailers so it will be interesting to see how many Nintendo ultimately manages to ship for week 1.

Guess COMG removed the "Lottery" Touken Ranbu off their chart. With Demon Slayer being in the top 5 on Amazon for quite awhile (including #1 a lot of the time the past few days) it's a bit surprising how little movement it has on these charts.

Shin Megami Tensei V deserved better...
That is why I said "Switch" isn't the right console for it.

"I don't think its anything to do with the console
The switch has sold over 21 million consoles in japan and is closing in on 95 million sales worldwide

I doubt people who own a switch are saying
"I ain't buying it because its not on playstation"