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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Rumor: E3 might be canceled after all, EDIT : CONFIRMED (To be announced today March 11 at 9:30 AM LA time)


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What is E3 ? 2 28.57%
we still have another 450 days for E3 1 14.29%
sales2099 said:
vivster said:
Imagine companies noticing after this that they actually don't really need an E3 presence to sell games.

I think it’s more then that. Collectively all the developers that gather have greater exposure on them as opposed to each one doing an individual announcement reveal. Most gamers aren’t glued to every little bit of industry news. But E3 has always managed to have more mainstream outreach. 

Like I only care about the MS conference but I end up finding about so much more from other devs just because there’s so much news all at once. 

You do realize that most gamers don't go to E3, right? So where do they get their E3 news? From news websites. The same websites that will publish press releases from games with or without E3. So it literally makes no difference if there is an E3 or not. The only thing that will change is news articles will be missing a letter and a number in their titles.

If anything lots of stories will be missed by people because of the flood of news all at once.

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vivster said:
sales2099 said:

I think it’s more then that. Collectively all the developers that gather have greater exposure on them as opposed to each one doing an individual announcement reveal. Most gamers aren’t glued to every little bit of industry news. But E3 has always managed to have more mainstream outreach. 

Like I only care about the MS conference but I end up finding about so much more from other devs just because there’s so much news all at once. 

You do realize that most gamers don't go to E3, right? So where do they get their E3 news? From news websites. The same websites that will publish press releases from games with or without E3. So it literally makes no difference if there is an E3 or not. The only thing that will change is news articles will be missing a letter and a number in their titles.

If anything lots of stories will be missed by people because of the flood of news all at once.

Lol my post didn’t imply gamers physically go there. I mean that E3 has more mainstream outreach then other news tends to be. Gamers like us are glued to the internet almost daily to see if any news happened. Most don’t care but they tend to look up what happened for e3. 

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