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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nvidia's GeForce Now is losing all Activision Blizzard games, a bad sign for cloud gaming

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What do you think

Yes it's a bad sign 12 75.00%
No 4 25.00%
twintail said:

I mean, do you think other publishers are just allowing this to happen with no financial gain? cause it is is extremely unlikely that other big publishers are not being paid to have their games on the service? EA, Konami, Capcom, SE, Remedy and Rockstar don't have their games available for this service either.

Do you think it's anything else over money?.

This is Activision we're talking about here. 

Also, I don't see a fine print or a press conf where the other players stated "we will not ever be releasing these games on GFN".

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

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twintail said:
Chazore said:

Do you think it's anything else over money?.

This is Activision we're talking about here. 

Also, I don't see a fine print or a press conf where the other players stated "we will not ever be releasing these games on GFN".

I dont get the point of your question. I clearly stated that its a money move for all publishers, where you somehow seemed to suggest that it was something only the CEO of Activision would do. 

The same article from this thread even states that Blizzard has a license agreement that strictly forbids cloud streaming of their games. 

The other publishers I mentioned were in the beta programme, and dropped out before the official launch.You can find that info in the same article. I"m not saying nor suggesting the future might be different. I'm stating that there are other publishers who don't have their games on the service either. The present simpleness of my statement should have made it obvious that Iwas talking about the current situation. 

Because that's what it is. This is mainly about Activision pulling their plug, which directly holds it's link to it's CEO. The other known publishers also act the same, in the desire for all the money, rather than a slice, as deemed by Nvidia. It's become obvious over the years now with the whole self made storefront gig, and now self made sub game vault subs. I don't see why it would stop at streaming services, not when the other two are made evident that said companies want hardly any middle men that aren't going to pay them more (making the middle men with the worse off deal).

Blizzard has a lot of fine prints, but it fails to do a myriad of things (refunds being the most glaring of faults, that they should have been following to the code since day 1, hence why Australia is still wanting to take action, because Blizzard broke a code). The last thing I expect is a mere fine print holding them back from this.

We can talk all about law you and I, but they broke one before, and that's why they are in this mess with another country's government. Hell even EA is being sued in France for not complying with their laws, so you think a large company is going to always obey a little bit of fine print, when history has shown us that they break them whenever they feel like it?. 

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.

xl-klaudkil said:
Dont care about cloud gaming, physical for life

^ this.

That said, I'd gadly take digital, over haveing to "stream" concent.
Game streaming just isnt as good a idea, as it is with movies / tv.

JRPGfan said:
xl-klaudkil said:
Dont care about cloud gaming, physical for life

^ this.

That said, I'd gadly take digital, over haveing to "stream" concent.
Game streaming just isnt as good a idea, as it is with movies / tv.

I've played through Persona 5 (~150h) on PS Now and it worked like a charm, as should most/all turn based games - God of War was decently playable aswell, but the compression was a bit too evident for my taste, so I ended up playing through that one locally.

Many companies are adding to their eula a term which you can't stream their games without their permission.

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Well any bad news to cloud gaming, GAAS and streaming is like a good new to me.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

Azzanation: "PS5 wouldn't sold out at launch without scalpers."

I don’t see this as a problem for Xcloud....everyone in the market now stumbling around just to get in first while Xcloud being rolled out slowly in testing phases and doing quality control.

In the end none of these guys have what Xcloud has: the rich back catalog of Xbox games, Xbox’s 14 studios, and the ability to import your saves from Xbox to Xcloud.

It will never substitute for traditional gaming but I see it being a nice convenience like playing in other rooms in the house, or even being a entry point to Xbox for people that would never buy a console.  

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


sales2099 said:

I don’t see this as a problem for Xcloud....everyone in the market now stumbling around just to get in first while Xcloud being rolled out slowly in testing phases and doing quality control.

In the end none of these guys have what Xcloud has: the rich back catalog of Xbox games, Xbox’s 14 studios, and the ability to import your saves from Xbox to Xcloud.

It will never substitute for traditional gaming but I see it being a nice convenience like playing in other rooms in the house, or even being a entry point to Xbox for people that would never buy a console.  

Just like Netflix, it'll depend on priceing vs subjective value, and exclusive content that'll draw in people.
Alot of these streaming serives attempting to compete against one another, will just fall by the way side.

in the end, likely only a few of the stronger ones will survive.

This isnt like digital store fronts, where the upkeep costs are tiny, and theres room for so many (even if it drives people mad, haveing so many launchers). Game streaming is expensive, and there likely isnt room for everyone to have their own take at it.

"Is it a bad sign" maybe not for all game streaming, however it might be for geforce now.

Honestly though, Xcloud, PSnow, Geforce Now, Stadia, amazon's thingy... and whatever others there are.
The market might not have space for all of them.

Geforce Now, has a huge advantage in that its got some years behinde it, and a big library that hooks up through steam.
Much better games library than Stadia offers. Probably its biggest advantage, if it starts loseing games, due to rights of streaming it could be a bad sign.

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 12 February 2020

Most likely they want to make money off it whether if the service is free or not.

As expected. Why let someone else profit off of what you own, or share the profit when you can keep all the profit for yourself? Streaming games is a complete shitshow.