Weekly update and Year over Year comparison.
Happy new year, it's going to be rough for the first couple months. Omicron has taken hold all over the world now. It might be 10x less deadly, but it also has the potential to drive up cases 10x higher than they ever were before.
In total 9.13 million new cases were reported last week (up from 5.37 million) to a total of 288,462,248
Also another 43,559 more deaths were reported (down from 48,291) to a total of 5,452,672

Reported deaths are still on decline from the past delta wave, cases are rapidly climbing from Omicron
The continents

Europe reported 4.67 million new cases (up from 2.89 million) and 22,255 more deaths (down from 23,704)
North America reported 3.00 million new cases (up from 1.50 million) and 10,467 more deaths (down from 12,543)
Asia reported 656K new cases (up from 503K) and 7,549 more deaths (down from 8,515)
South America reported 383K new cases (up from 144K) and 1,703 more deaths (down from 2,105)
Africa reported 307K new cases (up from 286K) and 1,523 more deaths (up from 1,376)
Oceania reported 114K new cases (up from 40.7K) and 62 deaths (48 last week)
Corners of the world

USA reported 2.71 million new cases (up from 1.38 million) and 9,234 more deaths (down from 10,952)
Canada reported 226K new cases (up from 90.2K) and 180 deaths (107 last week)
Australia reported 113K new cases (up from 39.8K) and 57 deaths (48 last week)
India reported 84.4K new cases (up from 43.8K) and 2,017 more deaths (down from 2,321)
South Africa reported 65.2K new cases (down from 117K) and 402 deaths (446 last week)
Brazil reported 56.8K new cases (up from 21.7K) and 680 deaths (782 last week)
South Korea reported 34.6K new cases (down from 44.7K) and 492 deaths (480 last week)
Iran reported 12.6K new cases (down from 14.1K) and 300 deaths (314 last week)
Japan reported 2,420 new cases (up from 1,504) and 7 deaths (8 last week)
Europe in detail

France passed the 200K new cases per day with the UK not far behind. Omicron is starting to become big in more and more countries.
Comparing with last year
2020 had a total of 84,355,259 reported cases and 1,834,484 reported deaths, a reported fatality rate of 2.17%
2021 saw a total of 204,106,989 reported cases and 3,618,188 reported deaths, a reported fatality rate of 1.77%
Despite the deadlier Delta variant, the vaccines did their job to reduce the fatality rate. Still nearly double the deaths of 2020 as panemic fatigue won out over social distancing measures.
In 2020 Europe had a total of 23,870,517 reported cases and 547,499 reported deaths, fatality rate 2.29%
In 2021 Europe had a total of 63,767,104 reported cases and 979,894 reported deaths, fatality rate 1.54%
Europe's share of cases this year was slightly higher 31.2% vs 28.3%, yet its share of deaths was slightly lower 27.1% vs 29.8%
In 2020 North America had a total of 23,621,874 reported cases and 517,565 reported deaths, fatality rate 2.19%
In 2021 North America had a total of 42,351,299 reported cases and 727,582 reported deaths, fatality rate 1.72%
North America's share of cases this year was a lot lower 20.7% vs 28.0%, same for deaths 20.1% vs 28.2%
In 2020 Asia had a total of 20,757,124 reported cases and 338,426 reported deaths, fatality rate 1.63%
In 2021 Asia had a total of 63,910,105 reported cases and 916,107 reported deaths, fatality rate 1.43%
Asia's share of cases went up to 31.3% vs 24.6% last year and 25.3% of deaths vs 18.4% last year.
The huge Delta wave in India is mostly to blame for that, as well as for the pretty small improvement of the fatality rate
In 2020 South America had a total of 13,255,904 reported cases and 363,696 reported deaths, fatality rate 2.74%
In 2021 South America had a total of 26,558,289 reported cases and 828,362 reported deaths, fatality rate 3.12%
South America's share of cases went down 13.0% vs 15.7%, yet its share of deaths went up 22.9% vs 19.8%
The higher fatality rate can be from a more devastating delta wave, less effective vaccines, but also from better reporting on deaths (South America had a lot of excess deaths in 2020) and maybe not as good reporting of cases.
In 2020 Africa had a total of 2,800,709 reported cases and 66,224 reported deaths, fatality rate 2.36%
In 2021 Africa had a total of 7,009,812 reported cases and 162,799 reported deaths, fatality rate 2.32%
Africa's share of cases was pretty much the same (3.3% vs 3.4%), slightly more deaths 4.5% vs 3.6% of the total last year.
Africa is still only at 9% vaccination rate, not much improvement in the fatality rate is as expected.
In 2020 Oceania had a total of 48,410 reported cases and 1,059 reported deaths, fatality rate 2.19%
In 2021 Oceania had a total of 510,380 reported cases and 3,444 reported deaths, fatality rate 0.67%
Oceania had the biggest improvement of fatality rate, but their numbers are also the most affected (percentage wise) by Omicron.
Omicron should bring the fatality rate way down and after Februari Covid-19 will likely become endemic. Regular booster shots for 60+ are likely to stay along the yearly flu shot. A booster shot for all might be needed to get through the current Omicron wave.
Vaccinations went on vacation this week, very small increase, but are also replaced by booster shots
Global vaccination rate is now 48.97% (+0.88%)
South America 63.58% (+0.58%)
Europe 61.10% (+0.53%)
Oceania 57.97% (+0.11%)
North America 57.98% (+0.31%)
Asia 56.16% (+1.23%)
Africa 9.05% (+0.24%)
Stay safe. The next couple months are going to be rough but this summer should be relatively normal again.