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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Data obtained by BIRN (Balkan Investigative Reporting Network) from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia shows that more than 10,000 certificates in which COVID-19 was cited as the cause of death were issued in the country in 2020, although only around a third of this number were officially reported to the public at the time.

A total of 3,130 deaths were published on the official website last year.

Not really.
Official numbers show Serbia at 1041 deaths per million, while neighboring countries such as Bulgaria (3225), North Macedonia (3313), Bosnia and Herzegovina (3414), Montenegro (3216) and Hungary (3152) have pretty much exactly three times as many deaths.

Around the Network

Very strange happenings in Japan now.

We went from record high numbers to numbers as low as the beginning of the first wave in 2020. COVID-19 is pretty much cured here, at least temporarily. Despite all that, I must state that most people (99%) are still using masks, even outside.

Recent vaccination data only suggests that we passed France and UK numbers and certainly Germany, so we still have a ways to go to pass countries like Canada, Denmark, and Finland. I hope that we at least get to Spain levels of vaccination or even better, Portugal. Before I stated Japan didn't start 12+, but that was false, Japan started during the summer. Not sure about the elementary kids yet.

Weekly update. The rise in cases in Europe is pushing up the global average.

In total 2.91 million new cases were reported last week (up from 2.83 million) to a total of 243,714,567
Also another 48,957 deaths were reported last week (up from 47,288) to a total of 4,953,058

The USA continues declining, Europe is picking up speed with most countries now having entered another wave

The continents

Europe reported 1.34 million new cases (up from 1.10 million) and 18,447 more deaths (up from 16,250)
North America reported 621K new cases (down from 719K) and 15,417 more deaths (15,417 last week)
South America reported 137K new cases (up from 121K) and 3,452 more deaths (slightly up from 3,207)
Asia reported 758K new cases (down from 826K) and 9,997 more deaths (down from 10,683)
Africa reported 39.8K new cases (down from 42.4K) and 1,554 more deaths (1,551 last week)
Oceania reported 19.6K new cases (slightly up from 19.3K) and 200 deaths (180 last week)

Corners of the world

USA reported 526K new cases (down from 603K) and 11,841 more deaths (slightly up from 11,403)
India reported 106K new cases (down from 118K) and 1,732 more deaths (slightly up from 1,602)
Brazil reported 84.4K new cases (up from 76.7K) and 2,484 more deaths (slightly up from 2,234)
Iran reported 78.7K new cases (down from 81.9K) and 1,233 more deaths (down from 1,498)
Canada reported 19.0K new cases (down from 21.5K) and 261 deaths (282 last week)
Australia reported 15.6K new cases (slightly down from 16.2K) and 104 deaths (102 last week)
South Korea reported 9,608 new cases (down from 11.4K) and 99 deaths (72 last week)
South Africa reported 3,323 new cases (down from 4,879) and 329 deaths (326 last week)
Japan reported 2,800 new cases (down from 4,566) and 122 deaths (195 last week)

Europe in detail

All heading up again.

Global vaccination rate went up to 36.77% (+1.06%)

Europe 54.30% (+0.75%)
North America 50.00% (+0.91%)
South America 47.73% (+2.60%)
Oceania 44.22% (+3.73%)
Asia 40.41% (+1.16%)
Africa 5.33% (+0.35%)

So far a higher vaccination rate has just meant letting cases rise and unfortunately while vaccination does prevent most deaths, it still leads to a higher number of deaths than were cases are kept low.

Things are looking a bit rough in Eastern Europe.

Curiously the only country in South America suffering something like a Delta wave (in cases at least, not deaths so far) is Chile, the most restricted and vaccinated of all. That might be exactly the reason: it had far less naturally infected than its South American counterparts and relied almost entirely on Coronavac, and let's not mince words here, that is the worst Covid vaccine.

The fact that India apparently developed a much better inactivated virus vaccine than China has got to sting...






Weekly update, Europe is driving the pandemic now. Passed the 5 million official deaths.

In total 3.01 million new cases were reported last week (up from 2.91 million) to a total of 246,726,278
Also another 50,876 deaths were reported last week (up from 48,957) to a total of 5,003,934

Cases and deaths still rising in Europe, declining in the USA

The continents

Europe reported 1.53 million new cases (up from 1.34 million) and 21,430 more deaths (up from 18,447)
Asia reported 707K new cases (down from 758K) and 11,767 more deaths (up from 9,997)
North America reported 585K new cases (down from 621K) and 13,074 more deaths (down from 15,417)
South America reported 134K new cases (slightly down from 137K) and 3,084 more deaths (down from 3,452)
Africa reported 34.1K new cases (down from 39.8K) and 1,372 more deaths (down from 1,554)
Oceania reported 17.3K new cases (down from 19.6K) and 149 deaths (200 last week)

Corners of the world

USA reported 507K new cases (down from 526K) and 10,001 more deaths (down from 11,841)
India reported 101K new cases (slightly down from 106K) and 4,031 more deaths (up from 1,732)
Brazil reported 81.6K new cases (down from 84.4K) and 2,293 more deaths (down from 2,484)
Iran reported 64.8K new cases (down from 78.7K) and 1,070 more deaths (down from 1,233)
Canada reported 16.2K new cases (down from 19.0K) and 222 deaths (261 last week)
Australia reported 13.5K new cases (down from 15.6K) and 97 deaths (104 last week)
South Korea reported 11.6K new cases (up from 9,608) and 92 deaths (99 last week)
South Africa reported 2,706 new cases (down from 3,323) and 260 deaths (329 last week)
Japan reported 1912 new cases (down from 2,800) and 64 deaths (122 last week)

Europe in detail

The UK had a slight drop but remains on top, the rest are all climbing

Global vaccination percentage (2 doses) is now 38.05% (+1.28%)

Europe 54.69% (+0.39%)
North America 51.08% (+1.08%)
South America 50.68% (+2.95%)
Oceania 47.32% (+3.10%)
Asia 41.98% (+1.57%)
Africa 5.65% (+0.32%)

Globally, 1.3 billion doses were promised to COVAX from wealthy countries but only 150 million have been delivered.

World Health Organization Director-General Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus asked the G20 leaders on Friday to immediately donate another 550 million doses so that 40 per cent of the world population can be vaccinated by year's end.

"Promises aren't translating into vaccines reaching the people that need them," he said in an open letter that was also signed by Prince Harry and Meghan, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

Around the Network

Weekly update, Europe continues to escalate, passed the Januari wave but still below last year's November wave.

In total 3.10 million new cases were reported last week (slightly up from 3.01 million) to a total of 249,826,797
Also another 49,465 deaths were reported last week (slightly down from 50,876) to a total of 5,053,399

The USA was flat (in reported cases) week over week, Europe continues up.

The continents

Europe reported 1.67 million new cases (up from 1.53 million) and 23,763 more deaths (up from 21,430)
Asia reported 689K new cases (down from 707K) and 10.351 more deaths (down from 11,767)
North America reported 572K new cases (slightly down from 585K) and 11,515 more deaths (down from 13,074)
South America reported 123K new cases (slightly down from 134K) and 2,457 more deahs (down from 3,084)
Africa reported 29.5K new cases (down from 34.1K) and 1,249 more deaths (slightly down from 1,372)
Oceania reported 13.3K new cases (down from 17.2K) and 130 deaths (149 last week)

Corners of the world

USA reported 508K new cases (507K last week) and 8,951 more deaths (down from 10,001)
India reported 84.4K new cases (down from 101K) and 2,495 more deaths (down from 4,031) (last week had a reported deaths adjustment)
Brazil reported 69.1K new cases (down from 81.6K) and 1,608 more deaths (down from 2,293)
Iran reported 64.1K new cases (64.8K last week) and 1,055 more deaths (1,070 last week)
Canada reported 15.6K new cases (slightly down from 16.2K) and 181 deaths (222 last week)
South Korea reported 4,928 new cases (down from 11.6K) and 119 deaths (92 last week) (reported cases adjustment, increasing actually)
Australia reported 9,603 new cases (down from 13.5K) and 87 deaths (97 last week)
Japan reported 5,594 new cases (up from 1,912) and 59 deaths (64 last week) (reported cases adjustment, declining actually)
South Africa reported 1,804 new cases (down from 2,706) and 144 deaths (260 last week)

Europe in detail

The UK is declining slightly, Russia still slightly climbing and has taken the lead. The rest are all rising sharply.

Global vaccination percentage is now 39.31% (+1.26%)

Europe 55.37% (+0.68%)
North America 52.20% (+1.12%)
South America 51.86% (+1.18%)
Oceania 49.68% (+2.36%)
Asia 43.57% (+1.59%)
Africa 6.15% (+0.50%)

Weekly update, Cases worldwide are on the rise again, Europe is still climbing.

In total 3.36 million new cases were reported last week (up from 3.10 million) to a total of 253,189,293
Also another 50,300 deaths were reported last week (slightly up from 49,465) to a total of 5,103,699

USA is starting to rise again as well, Europe is getting close to last year's November peak. The difference now is France and Spain are not as high yet.
Europe is now responsible for 61% of cases and 51% of deaths this week.

The continents

Europe reported 1.90 million new cases (up from 1.67 million) and 25,833 more deaths (up from 23,763)
Asia reported 650K new cases (slightly down from 689K) and 9,718 more deaths (slightly down from 10,351)
North America reported 624K new cases (up from 572K) and 10,960 more deaths (slightly down from 11,515)
South America reported 145K new cases (up from 123K) and 2,826 more deaths (up from 2,457)
Africa reported 34.0K new cases (up from 29.5K) and 1,193 more deaths (slightly down from 1,249)
Oceania reported 12.3K new cases (slightly down from 13.2K) and 101 deaths (130 last week)

Corners of the world

USA reported 554K new cases (up from 508K) and 8,260 more deaths (slightly down from 8,951)
Brazil reported 78.5K new cases (up from 69.1K) and 1,823 more deaths (slightly up from 1,608)
India reported 70.5K new cases (down from 84.4K) and 2,625 more deaths (slightly up from 2,495)
Iran reported 53.8K new cases (down from 64.1K) and 865 deaths (1,055 last week)
Canada reported 16.7K new cases (up from 15.6K) and 154 deaths (181 last week)
South Korea reported 15.3K new cases (4,928 last week) and 115 deaths (119 last week) (Corrections in cases last week)
Australia reported 9,635 new cases (9,603 last week) and 78 deaths (87 last week)
South Africa reported 1,978 new cases (slightly up from 1,804) and 174 deaths (144 last week)
Japan reported 1,364 new cases (5,594 last week) and 27 deaths (59 last week) (Corrections in cases last week)

Europe in detail
Germany is currently on top in number of cases, while it seems Sweden is having the last laugh after all, currently the best off in Europe.

Worldwide vaccination rate passe the 40%, currently at 40.31% (+1.00%)

Europe 56.06% (+0.69%)
South America 54.32% (+2.46%)
North America 53.09% (+0.89%)
Oceania 51.52% (+2.84%)
Asia 44.71% (+1.14%)
Africa 6.36% (+0.22%)

Cases are starting to rise again in Ontario now the weather is getting colder, further openings have been put on hold. The government expects to start vaccinating 5 to 11 years olds as well in one to two weeks, Pfizer boosters have been approved for 18+.

I was kinda shocked to see how fast cases are rising here in Germany but then went on to see how many countries in Europe and even neighboring countries are off much worse. Still rather calm in comparison, especially in those places that aren't near the few selected regions of Germany that have skyrocketed (basically everything close to Czechia and Austria). These regions are also very weak when it comes to vaccination rates. Only about 50%....

Japan Vaccination rate has finally settled to be around Canada's rate. I was hoping for at least Spain or Portugal's rate, but I think approval is needed for 5-12 year olds to achieve that.

Tokyo reported 7 cases today, which in case you are wondering is the lowest amount since May or March 2020. You could say it is being underreported, but hospitalized patients are also at 107 from a high of 4351. The last time it was 107 or below was March 20th, 2020, the 15th day of tracking.

Either way I feel much more comfortable traveling around and eating at restaurants than before.

Interesting, I wonder how civil rights deal with that? It's still a debate here what services are allowed to bar entry to unvaccinated people. Locking half the population down based on vaccination status, big move. Will it work, since the vaccinated spread it just as well? It should lower the hospitalization rate anyway.