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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Wow. I'm glad we don't have this problem

In most cases, judges are concluding that if governments say it is safe to hold classes in-person, it is not for them to find otherwise. Therefore, most judges are siding with the parents who want their children to be physically present at school this fall.

That just riled me up, wtf. Can you sue the government and justice system when an outbreak occurs at the school the judge forced your kids to go to? Justice system is crap everywhere. I've had my share dealing with the Dutch 'justice' system. It looks like the Canadian justice system isn't any better.

Among others

Parents of students at Bowness High School in Calgary were informed late Saturday that a positive case of COVID-19 was confirmed at the institution, but officials say the school will remain open.

Fuck the establishment!

Around the Network

At 41 cases for the past 24 hours, we just had our lowest daily case count here since the 26th of June. It's been just over a month ago now since we were getting daily counts as high as 700+.

Thanks to the continued efforts of everyone else Germany has managed to slip below the world average of 114 deaths per million. Proving once again the German race is better than average.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
 Proving once again the German race is better than average.

Sounds like something from the mouth of Adolf Hitler.

Thank you Germany, your biggest gift to planet Earth is that asshole.

Nighthawk117 said:
vivster said:
 Proving once again the German race is better than average.

Sounds like something from the mouth of Adolf Hitler.

Thank you Germany, your biggest gift to planet Earth is that asshole.

Seeing how many current presidents model themselves after him it he's actually one of our most popular exports. You're welcome.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
vivster said:
Nighthawk117 said:

Sounds like something from the mouth of Adolf Hitler.

Thank you Germany, your biggest gift to planet Earth is that asshole.

Seeing how many current presidents model themselves after him it he's actually one of our most popular exports. You're welcome.

There is only one current president. The rest are former presidents.

Nighthawk117 said:
vivster said:

Seeing how many current presidents model themselves after him it he's actually one of our most popular exports. You're welcome.

There is only one current president. The rest are former presidents.

My bad for assuming that you are aware of the existence of other countries but your own.

But good to know how quickly you are willing to make a connection between Hitler and Trump.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Nighthawk117 said:

There is only one current president. The rest are former presidents.

My bad for assuming that you are aware of the existence of other countries but your own.

But good to know how quickly you are willing to make a connection between Hitler and Trump.

Indulge me, what current presidents model themselves after Hitler?  The only thing Trump and Hitler have in common is that they are both white men.

Nighthawk117 said:
vivster said:

My bad for assuming that you are aware of the existence of other countries but your own.

But good to know how quickly you are willing to make a connection between Hitler and Trump.

Indulge me, what current presidents model themselves after Hitler?  The only thing Trump and Hitler have in common is that they are both white men.

I guess the most prominent examples right now are Putin, who is on his best way to use fascism and democracy to make himself dictator for life and Xi Jinping who already did that and is currently enjoying his concentration camps for muslims. Then there is Bolsonaro who uses the extreme populism and martyrdom that Hitler would've admired. You got your President of the Philippines Duterte who couldn't be more authoritarian right if he tried. There are of course more in Africa. And all of them including Trump share that beautiful personality cult of narcissists like Hitler. Not saying Hitler invented the "narcissistic asshole dictator" trope but he surely popularized it to be enjoyed by many other pathetic narcissist all over the world.

Turns out you can still be a terrible person even without the bonus of killing 6 million jews. For example by killing hundreds of thousands of your own citizens through a preventable virus.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

vivster said:
Nighthawk117 said:

Indulge me, what current presidents model themselves after Hitler?  The only thing Trump and Hitler have in common is that they are both white men.

I guess the most prominent examples right now are Putin, who is on his best way to use fascism and democracy to make himself dictator for life and Xi Jinping who already did that and is currently enjoying his concentration camps for muslims. Then there is Bolsonaro who uses the extreme populism and martyrdom that Hitler would've admired. You got your President of the Philippines Duterte who couldn't be more authoritarian right if he tried. There are of course more in Africa. And all of them including Trump share that beautiful personality cult of narcissists like Hitler. Not saying Hitler invented the "narcissistic asshole dictator" trope but he surely popularized it to be enjoyed by many other pathetic narcissist all over the world.

Turns out you can still be a terrible person even without the bonus of killing 6 million jews. For example by killing hundreds of thousands of your own citizens through a preventable virus.

I'm no fan of any of those guys - including Trump.  However, he's no where near as evil as Adolf. 

Even if Hillary were president, instead of Trump, the US would still have 200k dead from the China virus. The American people don't listen to their leaders, they would rather flip them the bird.