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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

drkohler said:
KiigelHeart said:

.. but doctors said testing dead bodies is unreliable and they won't do it.. 

No. Doctors are scared shit about cutting up dead covid bodies. The local university hospital has done post mortems on 20 bodies (surgeons volunteered) which had serious conditions and found covid viruses everywhere, in masses. So this is very dangerous thing to do. Until recently, the WHO advised against doing it. In a nutshell, it was seen that giving the oxygen treatment was useless in all 20 cases as the lungs were incapable of taking up enough oxygen.

Nonsense. There's only one reported infection from a dead person so far. It's techically possible but unlikely. Forensic pathologists know how to protect themselves, they examine bodies with more dangerous diseases. They do autopsies to bodies that may be infected. 

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SvennoJ said:

“This is not like a disease we have seen before,” said internal medicine specialist Dr. Jamie Spiegelman. He says COVID-19 does not behave like a regular pneumonia, making medical management “unpredictable and day by day we have to change what we do."

There are even signs the disease may be causing heart inflammation, kidney disease, blood clots and liver problems.


“People are not getting better quickly, and they are on breathing machines for a very long time,” she said.
“We don't have any treatments, all we can do is support the body with the machines we have and hope the body itself recovers from the disease."


“You know the fact that only a tiny percentage of the population has had this at this point, so we're still looking at many months going on,” said Dr. Michael Gardam, chief of staff.

“The economic impact of that is going to be astounding.”


Stay home, don't listen to herd immunity BS, this needs to be stopped.

^ this is the important stuff.

^ usa has a "mild" version of coronavirus that isnt as deadly as the strain europe has.

Also its likely that actual deaths, are twice the current 45,000+ number currently.
Theres so many unreported, not diagnosed deaths, from this thing, at home/hospic/nurseing homes ect.

9/11 attack, was around 2900+ people.
This virus, which likely only has infected ~3% of the population (usa) has already been confirmed to have killed 45,000+ people (perphaps x2 that).

Last edited by JRPGfan - on 22 April 2020

JRPGfan said:

^ this is the important stuff.

^ usa has a "mild" version of coronavirus that isnt as deadly as the strain europe has.

Also its likely that actual deaths, are twice the current 45,000+ number currently.
Theres so many unreported, not diagnosed deaths, from this thing, at home/hospic/nurseing homes ect.

9/11 attack, was around 2900+ people.
This virus, which likely only has infected ~3% of the population (usa) has already been confirmed to have killed 45,000+ people (perphaps x2 that).

Which is not surprising after reading this bit:

Outside the ICU, COVID-19 patients who are less severely ill are still closely watched in case stable breathing turns into a crisis. That can happen within seconds, says nurse Ayotunde Ajiboye.

Staying home is not the best course of action. At first I thought those videos of people dropping down in the street were over exaggerated or rare exceptions, but if that's what's being observed in hospitals as well, scary stuff.

S.Peelman said:
Here in The Netherlands they’re starting an experiment with supplying blood plasma of patients that have been cured of Covid19, and thus contains antibodies, to patients in serious condition. The hope is that the sick person’s body will copy the injected antibodies and improve a patients sickness. They’ll be administering these antibodies to 426 patients.

Same thing here, initial test with 1,000 patients. Hopefully it helps

The study is expected to be carried out in every province, and likely each territory. The initial number of people involved is approximately 1,000 patients.

“When people have recovered from COVID-19 infection, we are hoping they will donate a unit of plasma which is essentially the clear portion of blood where all the antibodies are,” said Arnold, an associate professor of medicine and the director of the McMaster Centre for Transfusion Research.

The more places try this the more accurate the results.

In other news....the sky is falling !!!! for your lives !!!

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John2290 said:

There is the beginnings of the famine. It'll expand from there and rebound on the west as these countries stop producing for us, although we'll be hit much slower I'd imagine with a lot more leeway to get ourselves producing and distrubuting food. Hopefully for most of our nations, Goverment control of food and some unsatisfied or slighlty hungry bellies is all we'll have to deal with this year. 

As for war, the outlines of the begginings are starting to show and not small skirmishs in poor countries either. To early to point to anything specific being reported but the last few days the outlines have started to become opaque in the media which lags behind reality. I hope that bitch Donald Trump can keep his bitch mouth in line and his bitch attitude from destabilizing western alliances. Also, I'm hopong our great leader Xi and the CCP are going to rethink using this situation as a power grab because it looks a lot like an admission of guilt and cause to rally for war against China esspecially when these mother fuckers played cyber warfare with the US people to cause panic of the virus before lockdown. China looks like golliath right now and the US looks like a a bead of sweat on Davids ball sack even with those two destroyers in the south China sea, thenonly thing that has weakened China these last few weeks has been their Racism in mcdonalds which has caused 2 billion in industrial damage in African countries from protesters. Poor Africans done more against them than all of the US's hardware, big machinery and cyber tech since they started making moves. 

Sounds like a very easy problem to overcome. We just wait until a hundred thousand or so people die, then blame the UN and cut funding. Problem solved.

The WFP is obviously heavily influenced by China  which wants them to collect more money so they buy more rice. So how can we even believe them?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Mitch McConnell says he favors allowing states to declare bankruptcy -
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he favors allowing states struggling with high public employee
pension costs amid the burdens of the pandemic response to declare bankruptcy rather than giving them a federal bailout.

Yikes! Glad I don't work for a state or local government.

John2290 said:

There is the beginnings of the famine. It'll expand from there and rebound on the west as these countries stop producing for us, although we'll be hit much slower I'd imagine with a lot more leeway to get ourselves producing and distrubuting food. Hopefully for most of our nations, Goverment control of food and some unsatisfied or slighlty hungry bellies is all we'll have to deal with this year. 

As for war, the outlines of the begginings are starting to show and not small skirmishs in poor countries either. To early to point to anything specific being reported but the last few days the outlines have started to become opaque in the media which lags behind reality. I hope that bitch Donald Trump can keep his bitch mouth in line and his bitch attitude from destabilizing western alliances. Also, I'm hopong our great leader Xi and the CCP are going to rethink using this situation as a power grab because it looks a lot like an admission of guilt and cause to rally for war against China esspecially when these mother fuckers played cyber warfare with the US people to cause panic of the virus before lockdown. China looks like golliath right now and the US looks like a a bead of sweat on Davids ball sack even with those two destroyers in the south China sea, thenonly thing that has weakened China these last few weeks has been their Racism in mcdonalds which has caused 2 billion in industrial damage in African countries from protesters. Poor Africans done more against them than all of the US's hardware, big machinery and cyber tech since they started making moves. 

Europe as a whole is self sufficient when it comes to basically everything.
Ontop of that, since europe last went through a famine, we made a rule that we stockpile a years worth of x,y,z.

Even if all farming stopped today, europe wouldnt hunger for like a years time.
We have gigantic silos full of surplus, stockpiled for situations where markets change or a famine returns.
(usually we just burn it (its a waste of foods), but we do it, to make sure europe doesnt starve again. One of those silly EU things, that might now be usefull)

"It'll expand from there and rebound on the west as these countries stop producing for us,"
^ europe is basically 100% self sufficient when it comes to food, no one will starve, even if say africa or china stop sending anything to us.

We've been over this before right? Europe isnt going to run into issues with famine.
So relax.

Also most countries have gigantic wholesale chains that supply supermarkets, that also keep like half a year of supplys on hand at all times.
It works this way in denmark atleast, its bad for competition (a few players, own most of the supermarkets and supply chains) however it makes storage easy, and they usually have large supplys on stock at all times (half a years worth on most goods).

So again, I repeat, no reason to fear a famine.

The war thingy....
Why would anyone start wars now? what possible reason could there be for one? what good would it do?

Nighthawk117 said:
Mitch McConnell says he favors allowing states to declare bankruptcy -
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Wednesday he favors allowing states struggling with high public employee
pension costs amid the burdens of the pandemic response to declare bankruptcy rather than giving them a federal bailout.

Yikes! Glad I don't work for a state or local government.

How many people do the states employ?
How many people will lose their pensions and end up homeless? how much will it damage the economy to not have these "normal" people putting money into circulation in society again? Right ontop of a economic crisis, were its going to be hard to get small bussines to survive once they open up, where you would need that sort of money circulation the most.

This sounds stupid to me.
That bill to help bailout small bussiness was mainly taken by "big corps" that had huge profits and tons of money set aside.
Again screwing over the small guy, it was ment to protect.

Why does america hate the avg joe?
Why does it only bailout the rich & powerfull?

Mnementh said:

Is claiming Wuhan has herd immunity based on ... belief(?) now evidence based medicine? Seems not very evidence based at all.

Also, the spanish flu was one of the deadliest pandemics of all time, a death rate similar to that would be devastating.

Well I found some example what evidence based medicine means, here's some quotes from Johan Giesecke (our previous virus dude) about face masks and lockdowns:

"A few European countries have introduced requirements to wear face protection in public places to reduce the spread of the corona virus.

There is no scientific basis whatsoever for it to help, says infection protection expert Johan Giesecke.

TT: But if there is no evidence that it helps, why do countries encourage entire populations to wear face protection?

Every country in Europe is currently taking a lot of measures for which there is no scientific basis whatsoever. No wonder they come up with something else."

"Professor Johan Giesecke, blasted the sort of lockdowns imposed in Britain and Australia and warned a second wave would be inevitable once the measures are eased.

The Swedish government decided early in January that the measures we should take against the pandemic should be evidence based. And when you start looking around at the measures being taken by different countries, you find very few of them have a shred of evidence-base, he said.

Sweden is one of the few countries to do so in this way. The others are wrong. We take into account the scientific evidence. Norway and Denmark have a more political leadership that will show strength and implement measures, says Johan Giesecke."

So based on what Johan giesecke is saying, face masks don't work (The public in sweden has not been recommended to use face masks), lockdowns don't work as they will face a second wave when they start easing up restrictions and blasted the political leaders in Denmark and Norway for wanting to show strength. We shall see in a year who is right (he has said we should w8 1 year before comparing results).

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