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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Hey Vivster, a buddy of mine is in the US Army and he's based in Kaiserslautern right now, are you close to that city?

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jason1637 said:
SvennoJ said:

Compared to the 5 day average on the 24th (exactly one week ago) they are all down, so despite mid week throwing out higher numbers, week to week comparison is still moving in the right direction. USA is still slowly catching up to Europe, currently 8.2 days behind.

Were at least 2 weeks probably more behind Europe. A lot of States just ordered their stay at home policies in the last 48 hours and there are still a lot of states without an order declared t.

With that time difference I mean how far (or little) behind the USA is in total detected cases vs total detected cases in Europe. Since the USA is steadily catching up it's clear they started measures later. The question is, will the USA peak higher than Europe, which seems likely given the slower response in the USA. Once Europe peaks USA will catch up fast like what's currently happening with Spain and Italy. Spain will pass Italy total in total detected cases.

There are some wildcards in Europe though, Turkey is starting to come up from behind and I have no idea of what Greece is doing.

John2290 said:
vivster said:

Currency is imaginary. That means it can be imagined to whatever it should be. Recession is just as well an imaginary thing. It happens when money stops circulating for one reason or the other. Recessions fix themselves as soon as people start consuming again. There is no such thing as a point of no return. That's just rhetoric from people who want to coax out bailouts for their fortune.

The economy is made up out of people, products and services, as long as those exist the economy will be fine. If for some reason things are not gonna be fine it's because major global players do not want to play ball because they only know how short term profits work. But that's nothing some social outrage or civil war can't fix.

A currency or recession is not an an ianginery thing, lending might be as in IOUs and printed cash money but currency is a reflection of work and labour, differences in exchanges of that labour and also how much time that labour is worth. A recession is a break down of the flow of this, harder to get that cash money going cause the IOUs or cash money doesn't work and gets less valuable without the physical work and exchange to back it. What did they teach you in economics? That you can just wish money into the world? Reassess your knowledge of economics because it is flawed at the most basic level. Oh and a depression is like a stalled engine, think of a recession as an engine you can fix by swapping out parts think of a depression as an engine that you need to build from the ground up and quite possibly can not get many of the parts. A depression on a country scale is managable, we see countries bounce back fron wars all the time relatively quickly but that is because the global engine keeps chugging along, a global depression is a mind fuck, it's never fallen apart so know one knows how to fix it, it would take years if not decades of work and trade deals between countries able to stand to get it back up and running again. Right now, before all other variables, we aren't going to get it back the way it was and the fear is from how much we fall short or fail.

You sure ate up everything the richest people on the planet want you to think. That's how you get those juicy bailouts.

The only way things are not gonna be fine after this is that certain people either do not want it to be fine or are doing things out of pure greed that will lead to it. Now that I said it out loud I think you're right. We're completely fucked.

My economics teacher was South Park Season 13 Episode 3.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

JRPGfan said:

Most of the world = whatever will I do! this social distanceing is horrible, Im about to lose my mind!

Most of VGChartz = aaawww, perfect time to catch up with the backlog of games I have, read some books, or binge that tv series I wanted to see.

Social Distanceing? self Quarantine? no problem
Now apply a power outage, or no internet to that.... things are suddenly vastly differnt.

No power, no problem. Spring is here, got a stack of books to catch up on. No gas might be a bigger problem, still would like some cooked food!
Actually no power means my kids will be so bored I won't get to read at all anymore, so yep, no good!

This social distancing, would be fine for me if it stays that way lol. People on the trails make room for us to pass (I took my kids out cycling for a bit yesterday). Roads have far less traffic. I don't have to worry about getting stopped and held up with an idle chat along the way. I have a great excuse not to go shopping or go to the dentist. Gas is cheap. The air is cleaner, less traffic noise. Nice quiet park, no more filling up with tons of cars for baseball and soccer practice. No more trash blowing onto my property as a result. No rowdy kids in rafts coming by on the river.

I'm enjoying this new life. The only downside, my kids are home all day. Currently they're loudly arguing over who is more lazy (they're having a competition about being the laziest...) The competition who can be quiet the longest doesn't work anymore lol. Next crisis, netflix isn't working on the tv. (too lazy to watch on any of the other 10 devices it works on)

TruckOSaurus said:
SpokenTruth said:

4/2 US-Italy and others:

It's odd what has become the new normal.  News cases and deaths for the US, Italy, France, Spain and others...all the new normal.  

Brazil is emerging as a place to watch. 3 days in a row with high new cases totals.  All near the same level suggesting it is being capped by testing capacity.  Deaths doubled from the previous day.

Brazil is in deep trouble because their response is even worse then the US's. Bolsonaro is still denying the problem and pushing for everyone to act as normal.

cant be worse than this:

How the hell is Africa gonna deal with this? Are they trying to just let 60-80%+ get infectioned?

theres 1,3 billion people in africa.

This is not gonna end well.
in europe and america, we talk about probably haveing half as many ventilators, as we would like, dureing a controlled shutdown, and a "flattened" curve.

In Africa, they likely wont be able to flatten the curve... and ventilators? jeez.

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africa is going to be fine, they live in the hardest conditions already

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

kirby007 said:
africa is going to be fine, they live in the hardest conditions already

And they will die in hordes in their villages, unnoticed by everyone else.

drkohler said:
kirby007 said:
africa is going to be fine, they live in the hardest conditions already

And they will die in hordes in their villages, unnoticed by everyone else.

So business as usual?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Remember the USNS Comfort that hospital ship that Trump sent to New York.
Its been there 5 days....

"The vessel’s captain, Patrick Amersbach, said in a call with reporters Thursday morning that only three of the 1,000 beds on the ship were put in use since the first patient was accepted Wednesday — but he expected the number to increase soon."

"A Navy spokeswoman on late Thursday night updated the number to 20."

Its been there 5 days and has possibly helped 20 people.

“If I’m blunt about it, it’s a joke,” - Michael Dowling, the head of New York’s Northwell Health hospital system, told the Times.

JRPGfan said:

Remember the USNS Comfort that hospital ship that Trump sent to New York.
Its been there 5 days....

It's a converted tanker, intended for wounded soldiers in war zones. Essentially an "Open-Deck" hospital, zero isolation rooms. Now the last thing you want in an "open hospital" is people throwing around any virus - hence almost zero patients. What NY needs is isolation rooms.