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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Celebrities are running out of adrenochrome, they are posting weird stuff on twitter, talking to each other in code.

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Tidbits from here and there:
China sent airplane-loads of test kits to Spain. They have proven to be unreliable.
France retrofitted an entire tgv train to evacuate patients from overburdened Grand-Est (Alsace) region into other regions.
Central Europe: After people went for toilet paper like there is no tomorrow, garden soil sales are spiking ieverywhere (gotta do something when in isolation..)
Spain: Death rate approaches Italy's rate (7.5% vs 10%), and doctors (having been infected) are dying at an alarming rate.

Here in Chile we have lockdown in some parts of the capital where we know the virus was imported. I think the count is 1300 or something infected and growing by 100-200-300 cases each day, 4 deaths up until today. My mom's a doctor, she's 60 now, she thinks they will all be called to service in a few weeks and we are just getting out of summer, winter will be hard.

One thing that's in discussion though is numbers of tests that can be processed each day, and how many each nation is capable of doing.

Why are people worried who is to blame? If anything this virus should be teaching us, is that we all share this damn planet and should ban together to fight it collectively. Humans have endured all types of tribulations throughout history, and we have the power to endure this as well if we abandon the b.s.

John2290 said:

It's not us that has to learn. That is the simple difference. China simply needs to regulate food productions, markets and farmers to the same degree we do. 

And there likely will be no next time, there are so few avenues out of this one and they are closing by the day. It's more likely that we'll be in a global depression with wars raging to fuel a last ditch econony and billions starving in famines all over the world before we even have a chance to clean up the virus and at any rate what is the point, if the virus doesn't mutate this flu season it sure will next season and we all get fucked again. This is at the very best going to be a slow death and we won't see a boom again for a decade if not more. 

Let's not get carried away here.

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jason1637 said:

Sigh, yep the death toll numbers aren't reliable either. Some countries will put it on covid19 if it was only suspected in pneumonia cases. Some will test and blame it on covid19 if traces of the virus are found regardless if it was responsible for the death. Some will more readily put it on underlying conditions and only see covid19 as a complication, not the reason for death. And some won't test at all.

Sadly Italy is not going down much yet, but at least it has reached a plateau.
Calculating backwards from an average daily deceased count of 713 on March 25th:
Assuming an average fatality ratio of 1.2% (based on UK study) and mean time from onset to death of 20 days (based on China data) the amount of active cases must have been 29.7K on March 5th. ((713/2)/0.012) The reported active cases were 3.3K on March 5th.
That's 8 out of 9 cases going undetected (on March 5th), some spreading the virus on wards.

Better more widespread testing, more of the unseen cases get detected, messing up the numbers, making it hard to find the turning point in the data. In China it still took 20 days for the daily deceased count to significantly go down after reaching a plateau in daily detected cases. But it also showed that at least it stopped climbing 8 days after the growth factor went below 1.0. If March 21st was indeed the turning point for Italy, in 3 days the daily deaths should stabilize and not go up anymore.

jason1637 said:


We mustn't cause a panic!
Think of the stock markets!

The fact that their useing like 3-4 tricks to avoid giveing accurate numbers is nuts.
You know whats likely to cause panic? people finding out that your goverment is lying too you about how dangerous this is!

Look numbers are dropping!
(that guy died 10 feet off the hospital, he doesnt count)
(that guy died at night, we only count those before xx:xx)
(that guy died.... due to cornovirus, but we didnt have family concent to say he died)
(that guy died.... before we even got test results back! (you want to know the test results? nah dont worry about it))

^ this is insane.

It happend, US is now ahead of Italy in total confirmed cases.... 431 more, and the US will be #1.

John2290 said:

It's not us that has to learn. That is the simple difference. China simply needs to regulate food productions, markets and farmers to the same degree we do. 

That attitude will kill us all in the end.

Should Canada blame the US for E. Coli in imported lettuce and demand reparations since it keeps happening.
Or maybe we (Canada) should stop importing Romaine lettuce from California and Arizona or check it at the border.

Livestock regulations suck in the US and most modern countries as well as for other parts of the food chain. Monsanto, antibiotics in feed, sick animals going to slaughter, bad irrigation policies, pesticides, PCBs and heavy metals in fish. It is very much us who have to learn (as well).

Our 'degree' is disgusting tbh.

Sorry off topic. But hopefully this crisis doesn't simply get forgotten again in a few years when things get back to normal. The economy will bounce back like it always does. 

John2290 said:
S.Peelman said:

Let's not get carried away here.

I'm not getting carried away. We can't buy our way out of this and the debt has already extended far further than it can go, not that most nations had money lying around anyway. The Global economy is gone with near certainty, some the nations, like America are doing exactly what Venezuela did and buying themselves into hyper inflation and diaster. You go the other end and do nothing we all die sooner but with a bang. Poorer nations are going to be put in this scenario with no other option and little to no help becuase the rest of the world is dealing with their own countries, not in enough time anyway. There isn't many ways to navigate this besides giving up all freedom to a complete global world government as soon as possible and even then, what, we pool everything together and live with socalism on a level greater than China for the rest of our lives. Most likely we return to soverign nations with no financial reason for any one of them not to go to war but all the reasons in the world to do so. The famines? They are a certainty unless by some miracle Covid decides not to touch the third world and completely avoid taking out workers who grow and produce food. Thier countries, our countries, all countries. Unless you have land, stuff to produce on that land, a gun, strong and willing people around you and well away from cities, you're life is going to get extremly harsh relatively fast. The nect decade is going to be torture and we all know it, some just keep their head in the sand and stringing onto hope. 

Okay, maybe. But why not just keep focussing on the better outcome. The world will be happier then.