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Forums - General Discussion - Coronavirus (COVID-19) Discussion Thread

Pence just said there have been 254k tests done in the US.

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NightlyPoe said:
Snoopy said:

Yep and we can all die due to lack of food and supplies. 

Plenty of space for social distancing on a farm.

Yeah because shipments, storage warehouses, truck driver bay, ect is what I would call social distancing.

SpokenTruth said:
trunkswd said:

I'll likely be fine if I end up getting it as I'm 32, but I would feel horrible if I pass it on. So I've been doing social distancing when going out. And all I've been doing is walking around the condo complex. 

And that's it.  The changes don't have to be overly dramatic.  It does not mean you can't go outside.  It doesn't mean you can't still talk to others (like Eric thought it meant). 

The more that retract their cranial cavities form their rectal cavities and ride this out like the rest of us, the sooner it will all be over and the fewer people that will die.  I just have a hard time giving compassion to those who have none themselves for others due to some ignorant self-exceptionalism.

Cool, so we can finally agree with Trump and stop doing deals with China and give them the middle finger. It seems every 10 years a virus comes about and it always feels like it is from China. It always hurted the world economy, but this time it will put the world in a great depression.

Snoopy said:
SpokenTruth said:

And that's it.  The changes don't have to be overly dramatic.  It does not mean you can't go outside.  It doesn't mean you can't still talk to others (like Eric thought it meant). 

The more that retract their cranial cavities form their rectal cavities and ride this out like the rest of us, the sooner it will all be over and the fewer people that will die.  I just have a hard time giving compassion to those who have none themselves for others due to some ignorant self-exceptionalism.

Cool, so we can finally agree with Trump and stop doing deals with China and give them the middle finger. It seems every 10 years a virus comes about and it always feels like it is from China. It always hurted the world economy, but this time it will put the world in a great depression.

All those other viruses: Ebola,  MERS, SARS, etc... didn't cause a worldwide depression.  Covid-19 is doing that to our planet right now.

SpokenTruth: We are hungry for a chart update, especially NP. :)

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Thank you, sir.

Looking at all of these numbers...God help us in the month of April.

NightlyPoe said:
Eagle367 said:

Libertarianism is one of the stupidest and most impractical ideologies of the modern world and I include Scientology in that category

Can't say I voted for him.  He's kinda the Bernie Sanders of the Republicans.  The leader of a kooky fringe ideology who tried to infiltrate a major party's primary.  Kinda the same trajectory too.  Young, obnoxious supporters that made it seem like he was more popular than he was.  Though Bernie obviously came closer to winning.  I kinda thought that Rand do better in 2016, but he didn't have the crackpot appeal of his father, and Trump pretty much took over the outsider mantle.

Oh, and Paul had zero compunction against working the system to snipe delegates.

Don't even go there. Bernie Sanders isn't the leader for some cooly fringe ideology, he is the leader of an ideology that is the most effective and best working in the world right now and that every developed country has adopted. It's the best ideology humanity has right now. The most practical and the most humane. Libertarianism is next to impossible to even implement, democratic Socialism and social democracy are the ideologies of the greatest nations on Earth right now. In times of crises, even Americans are beginning to understand that. Capitalism is old and outdated and didn't work for most humans. Bernie cares about humanity, not profits for a few, which is what capitalism is about. I'd even say capitalism as in the US is a dying ideology while Bernie's ideology is becoming the mainstream in every nation as the best ideology. Comparing libertarianism to democratic socialism is like comparing scientology to Islam in terms of popularity. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

NightlyPoe said:
Eagle367 said:

Libertarianism is one of the stupidest and most impractical ideologies of the modern world and I include Scientology in that category

Can't say I voted for him.  He's kinda the Bernie Sanders of the Republicans.  The leader of a kooky fringe ideology who tried to infiltrate a major party's primary.  Kinda the same trajectory too.  Young, obnoxious supporters that made it seem like he was more popular than he was.  Though Bernie obviously came closer to winning.  I kinda thought that Rand do better in 2016, but he didn't have the crackpot appeal of his father, and Trump pretty much took over the outsider mantle.

Oh, and Paul had zero compunction against working the system to snipe delegates.

Don't even go there. Bernie Sanders isn't the leader for some cooly fringe ideology, he is the leader of an ideology that is the most effective and best working in the world right now and that every developed country has adopted. It's the best ideology humanity has right now. The most practical and the most humane. Libertarianism is next to impossible to even implement, democratic Socialism and social democracy are the ideologies of the greatest nations on Earth right now. In times of crises, even Americans are beginning to understand that. Capitalism is old and outdated and didn't work for most humans. Bernie cares about humanity, not profits for a few, which is what capitalism is about. I'd even say capitalism as in the US is a dying ideology while Bernie's ideology is becoming the mainstream in every nation as the best ideology. Comparing libertarianism to democratic socialism is like comparing scientology to Islam in terms of popularity. 

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Snoopy said:
NightlyPoe said:

Plenty of space for social distancing on a farm.

Yeah because shipments, storage warehouses, truck driver bay, ect is what I would call social distancing.

They can easily be socially distanced as opposed to circulated air office buildings, schools, restaurants, coffee shops, malls, stores, amusement parks, theaters, night clubs, gyms, sport clubs, court rooms, libraries, dentist practices, swimming pools, spas, nail salons, barber shops, tattoo parlors, etc.

Container shipments are mostly automated nowadays. Distribution centers do not have a lot of physical contact, huge warehouses, few people. At the end of the chain a few simple precautions, gloves, maybe masks, check employees before they go to work, done.

The real people at risk are all the health care workers, doctors, nurses, volunteer workers, cleaners at hospitals, ambulance workers. The heroes of this pandemic. Fire and police will be chipping in as well to help with the sick.