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Forums - Sony Discussion - New PS4's ad : The Best Place to Play (2020)

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Idk, I’m really only super interested in 4 confirmed games for the year, and that only goes up into FF7 in April. I don’t think there is a best place to play for me this year(so far).

super_etecoon said:
The best place to play is everywhere, with the Nintendo Switch. So odd for them to have a tag line that perfectly plays into Nintendo's message.

I've only ever used Switch in docked mode.  Never once brought it to a basketball court to play with friends as they advertised.  Also always use pro controller 

I am Iron Man

The Fury said:
One of my favourite games of all time being remade to new fantastic graphics and I could be as excited for it as I am for a new CoD, as in not. Different gameplay, split up story, changed mechanics.

I said to people at work that if all this new gameplay, button mashing non-strategic gameplay was in the form of FF16, I'd be all over it but it's not. They are remaking FF7 with it instead. I want FF7 remade, not whatever they are making.

I want to be exicted for it, I really do but fears of it being like FF13 and 15 (as in meaningless button mashing bullshit) will ruin the game.

The only reason I preordered it is because of the fast paced gameplay.  Tried the original on PSstore and did not like the turn based stuff.

I am Iron Man

Ka-pi96 said:
JRPGfan said:

When I said biggest I ment = budget, quality, graphics, Story, expectations, wow-factor (you get CoD+Fifa every year) ect.

TLoU - part 2 + Final Fantasy 7 Remake + CyberPunk 2077 are the "big" tittles for 2020.

I expect them all to get pretty great metacritic scores too, but that wasnt really what I ment by "big" titles.
These are "the movers & shakers" that will push hardware, akin to a new Zelda Breath of the Wild or Mario Oddessey.

Some games are great enough, to make you go out and buy a console if your lacking one.
These titles are that type of games.

So what you meant was "in my subjective opinion"? Yeah, I thought as much. For the industry itself it's definitely not the biggest game of the year though.

Plus I can practically guarantee you that more people have bought a PS4 for FIFA or COD than will buy one for the FF7 remake.

More PS4 players have those titles.  Did they buy a PS4 specifically for those though when they could get them elsewhere?  For example if there's 5 COD players.  They all want COD.  One wants COD and was an MGS fan.  So he gets PS4 for COD and DS.  Another gets it for COD and Ratchet and Clank.  Another gets it for COD and TLOU.  Another gets it because COD and Horizon looks cool.  The fifth gets the Xbox because he loves Halo and COD.  PS4 exclusives sold those 4/5 gamers even though each one is only getting 1/5 of the COD sales.  

I am Iron Man

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Persona 5 Royal on PS4 March 31.

Random news...

super_etecoon said:
The best place to play is everywhere, with the Nintendo Switch. So odd for them to have a tag line that perfectly plays into Nintendo's message.

I respectfully disagree. The only way Nintendo would probably be the best place to play is if they got almost all the third-party support of their competitors in addition to their first-party games, had similar specs, and a modern online and OS infrastructure. But imagine if this happened. Xbox would likely already be dead and PlayStation would be locked tightly in a battle with Nintendo.

As a handheld, Switch is unparalleled. As a home console, I don't think it matches up to the PS4.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 48 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Best play to play... well until the PS5 comes out. Weird marketing message, I though best place to play was going to be the PS5 marketing slogan.

Last edited by yvanjean - on 21 January 2020

Robert_Downey_Jr. said:

The only reason I preordered it is because of the fast paced gameplay.  Tried the original on PSstore and did not like the turn based stuff.

Seems neither do SquEnix anymore. They haven't made a ATB FF game in a decade. the fact they claim it's a remake yet even the options in the battle menu are different shows this is anything but. Like I said, if this was FF16's gameplay with new story and character, great, all over it. As FF7? No.

I used to purchase SquEnix RPGs all the time, now I've purchase FFXII HD remake and that's it since 13.

Hmm, pie.

yvanjean said:
Best play to play... well until the PS5 comes out. Weird marketing message, I though best play to play was going to be the PS5 marketing slogan.

That can be the best place to play when someone can actually play on it

I am Iron Man