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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Opinion: The Future Will Not About Hardware Platform (PC/COnsole/handled/Mobile ) but Ecosystem (service/software)

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What do you think

I am still not onboard with this future 13 50.00%
Am I dreaming 2 7.69%
Are we ended up on weird reality 0 0%
I don't know how to accept this reality 3 11.54%
I don't want to change, i... 2 7.69%
I will quit gaming 6 23.08%
Chazore said:
HollyGamer said:

There will be no more hardware platform wars. Their will be only  ecosystem war . Steam VS Epic or Gamepass VS PSNow VS Stadia etc. I never said fanboy will be nomore . I said hardware platform fanboy will be no more. 

Yeah, and that's what I meant by fanboy wars never reaching an end, because now we're seeing the Steam vs Epic war since late 2018, and really, that's no good either and it was entirely brought on by ratboy sweeney, not Gabe, nor anyone else, because before they showed up things were fine with GoG, Steam and everyone else (even if Origin and Uplay were doing trash clientside).

Either way, hardware fanboy wars being over?, big deal, nothing changes because *fanboy wars* in general still rage on. You should put the bigger focus on the bigger picture here, like the console wars are but a spec of dust in the wind compared to every other fanboy war in general, that has raged on since before you were even born.

What would be better is for general fanboy wars to come to a complete end, rather than one that never really mattered in the grand scheme of things. HW wars were always slated to end at a given moment in time, but fanboy warring in general?m, practically timeless. 

Semantic, but it's clearly different. The war is still the same but the object is different.   

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HollyGamer said:
Leynos said:

Not ownership. Digital is a rental.

That's in the past. In the future digital will be yours. The same thing like your money using ATM / Digital money etc. 

Don't own it unless I can hold it.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

Leynos said:
HollyGamer said:

That's in the past. In the future digital will be yours. The same thing like your money using ATM / Digital money etc. 

Don't own it unless I can hold it.

Do you always bring gold in your wallet ? 

HollyGamer said:
Leynos said:

Don't own it unless I can hold it.

Do you always bring gold in your wallet ? 

 I'm made of metal. My ass is 25% gold

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!

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Leynos said:
HollyGamer said:

Do you always bring gold in your wallet ? 

 I'm made of metal. My ass is 25% gold

LOL, but seriously why do you so attached to old way and traditional. I mean there is nothing wrong to have physical. But ownership is not just about the thing that exist and can be touch. Hell even we all going to die and our physical ownership will go away.

And yet, the best selling console of 2019 is a console without a subscription model and almost no software outside games. Perhaps, one day, we will hear predictions from someone who, at least, try to understand why people buy consoles.

Oh and MS tried to create a multimedia platform with the XOne. We all know how well it went.

I still think we have a gen or two left of the traditional hardware cycle.

Consoles will become "game players/readers". Like any media players. Like Blu-Ray players. You can choose between a model or another from whichever manufacturer you prefer. And some will be of better quality than others, with better reading capabilities or features, but all do the same basic function which is reading the [untethered] media format. Like Amazon Prime, Netflix, Steam or EGS, you can choose to subscribe to any service you prefer, or buy wherever you like. Each having their perks and idiosyncrasies.

That’s what I always believed the future would be like. Even though the cloud is gaining ground, the fact that the internet isn’t the same everywhere around the world, I don’t see any gaming device relying exclusively on it any time soon.

With the gaming devices being more and more alike, be it PC, home consoles, dedicated handheld or phones, and with developers wanting to put their content available for as many such devices as possible, I see the future heading there.

Last edited by Hynad - on 17 January 2020

It would already be that way if 3 certain gamestores wouldn't force you to use very specific outdated hardware.

So no. I doubt we will have the choice centric utopia anytime soon.

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