Answering to: The Liquid Laser
Sorry my friend, but I would like to explain why I do not agree with this argument. First of all, most people who buy in this industry do not buy from a specific market like, let's say, buy from the handheld or home console market; they can buy from both markets if they want, and they do. The only place where this could be a valid argument is in Japan where most people seem to favor handheld consoles, but everywhere else, the Switch is selling well because it is an attractive product.
Just to put an example, this argument is like saying that PS2 has advantage because it had ability to play DVD movies. By that logic I could say that it had more scope in the market because of that. As you can see this argument does not make sense. PS2 sold well because it was an excellent product not because of its ability to act like a DVD. The same can be said for Switch, not because people from different markets buy it. This is just my opinion in a respectful way.