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shikamaru317 said:
Shaunodon said:

Voted Avowed. A big budget RPG by Obsidian set in the Pillars of Eternity universe. All I need to know.

Also have to say, after a day of sleeping on it and now watching the reaction from the Digital Foundry crew, it seems 343 has once again dropped the ball. While I felt it overall looked pretty great and the gameplay seemed quick and fun, it really needed to blow people away in some aspect and it didn't.

When the DF crew said it looks less impressive than some current-gen open world games, that's just not good enough for a flagship title. We don't know how open world Infinite will be either, but even at 60fps it should be at least a noticeable improvement over current-gen titles.

5+ years of development, 2+ years hyping up the Slipspace engine, only developing for Xbox and PC, yet 343 just aren't delivering the goods. Let's hope over the next few months they're working their asses off to really polish this up properly.

A delay shouldn't be out of the question either. I don't see any other big titles likely arriving year one for PS5 or XSX, so the release of Infinite should be able to play a big part in the start of this gen. It can't afford to fall flat again.

Agreed with all of this. DF is absolutely right, there are current gen open world games that look better, maybe not at the same 4k 60 fps, but I can think of several current gen open world games that look better than Infinite, including RDR2, AC Odyssey, Witcher 3, and Horizon Zero Dawn. The PC versions of those games are able to exceed the graphics of Halo Infinite at the same 4K 60 fps with hardware of similar spec to Xbox Series X, and I'm sure the same will be true for the upcoming Horizon Zero Dawn PC port. There is just no excuse for Halo Infinite to look the way it does currently, unless they are telling the truth about the build they showed yesterday being an early pre-corona virus build of the game.

They hyped up the Slipspace engine as being next gen, but Halo Infinite looks anything but next gen currently. Don't hype something if you can't pull it off. I mean if those rumors are true, Halo Infinite is the highest budget game ever with a near $500m, more than the $250m budget of GTA V and close to the combined $500m budget for The Destiny 1 and 2, with the 2nd largest dev team ever on a game (only behind RDR2), there is just no excuse for this level of graphics if that is true.

I also agree that they should delay it into 2021 to fix the graphics if necessary. Xbox can't afford another bad launch for the series after Halo 5, and if the like/dislike ratio on the gameplay demo is any indication, neither the fanbase  nor the critics are going to react well to Infinite on launch with the current level of graphics. Xbox Series doesn't need Halo on launch to sell well, even Xbox One, with all of it's announcement backlash, managed to sell out 1st Holiday in 2013. Halo on launch is not necessary, the other launch exclusives are enough to sell out the console this Holiday; Gears Tactics, CrossFireX, The Medium, Tetris Effect Connected, and Yakuza 7 next gen build. They also have marketing on AC Valhalla, Watch Dogs, and Cyberpunk to help sell it. Plus they could have Series S coming in at $250-300 which pretty much sells itself at that price.

If they need to wait, I agree with this sales pitch, then launching H6 with the Series S and relying on Everwild, next Forza and SoT3 for that one alongside a marketing deal for ToA. That would really stabilize the salespoints. 

Around the Network
Shaunodon said:

Voted Avowed. A big budget RPG by Obsidian set in the Pillars of Eternity universe. All I need to know.

Also have to say, after a day of sleeping on it and now watching the reaction from the Digital Foundry crew, it seems 343 has once again dropped the ball. While I felt it overall looked pretty great and the gameplay seemed quick and fun, it really needed to blow people away in some aspect and it didn't.

When the DF crew said it looks less impressive than some current-gen open world games, that's just not good enough for a flagship title. We don't know how open world Infinite will be either, but even at 60fps it should be at least a noticeable improvement over current-gen titles.

5+ years of development, 2+ years hyping up the Slipspace engine, only developing for Xbox and PC, yet 343 just aren't delivering the goods. Let's hope over the next few months they're working their asses off to really polish this up properly.

A delay shouldn't be out of the question either. I don't see any other big titles likely arriving year one for PS5 or XSX, so the release of Infinite should be able to play a big part in the start of this gen. It can't afford to fall flat again.

I agree that it probably would have been better to delay Halo, but I think it will do more harm than good at this point. The first impression of the game will already be remembered better than anything they show after polishing it. And it won't look good to delay it as during the show they mentioned Holiday 2020 release window once again. If the decision about delay would have needed to be made it should have been made before the show IMO. And it doesn't look good either that MS is already backing off of some stuff they were talking about a week ago. Halo delay will only make it worse.


derpysquirtle64 said:
Shaunodon said:

Voted Avowed. A big budget RPG by Obsidian set in the Pillars of Eternity universe. All I need to know.

Also have to say, after a day of sleeping on it and now watching the reaction from the Digital Foundry crew, it seems 343 has once again dropped the ball. While I felt it overall looked pretty great and the gameplay seemed quick and fun, it really needed to blow people away in some aspect and it didn't.

When the DF crew said it looks less impressive than some current-gen open world games, that's just not good enough for a flagship title. We don't know how open world Infinite will be either, but even at 60fps it should be at least a noticeable improvement over current-gen titles.

5+ years of development, 2+ years hyping up the Slipspace engine, only developing for Xbox and PC, yet 343 just aren't delivering the goods. Let's hope over the next few months they're working their asses off to really polish this up properly.

A delay shouldn't be out of the question either. I don't see any other big titles likely arriving year one for PS5 or XSX, so the release of Infinite should be able to play a big part in the start of this gen. It can't afford to fall flat again.

I agree that it probably would have been better to delay Halo, but I think it will do more harm than good at this point. The first impression of the game will already be remembered better than anything they show after polishing it. And it won't look good to delay it as during the show they mentioned Holiday 2020 release window once again. If the decision about delay would have needed to be made it should have been made before the show IMO. And it doesn't look good either that MS is already backing off of some stuff they were talking about a week ago. Halo delay will only make it worse.

Sure, it'll be a big PR hit in the short-term, but the potential harm if Halo falls flat again is there won't be a long-term for the series. They've invested too much time and resources into this game to not get it right. There's no excuses.

If they can delay the game and the final product turns out to be truly breathtaking, no one will care about the first impression of a gameplay trailer. What's important is the first impression of actually playing the game.

shikamaru317 said:
crissindahouse said:

The Gameplay trailer on the Halo channel has 2.8m views of whom 117k are positive and 18k are negative. On the Xbox channel it has only 900k views of whom 35k are positive and almost 10k are negaitve.

Sry to say that but I get the feeling it's not Halo fans who aren't so happy with it. I can also imagine how many thousand of these downvotes come from Sony fans alone. 

I guess the difference is that Halo fans care only secondary about if the graphics are better than this or that game and it's more people who seem to care only about how the textures looked and not about the game itself who complain so much. 

Fair point, I didn't realize that the demo had a better ratio on the Halo channel than on the Xbox channel and other various gaming channels like IGN and RajmanGaming HD. Alot of it could be PS fanboys downvoting due to console war bs. Still, 18k dislikes on the Halo channel version is not great, and I have seen alot of people besides myself who I know to be Halo fans who were very disappointed with the graphics. 

I mean, look at the Halo 5 Campaign Demo reveal for comparison:

8.9k likes to 352 dislikes, in spite of the controversial decision to showcase an Osiris level instead of a Blue Team/Chief level. If Halo 5 could flop on launch (at least relative to earlier games in the series) with a positive gameplay reveal reception, I hate to think what a negative gameplay reveal reception could do to Halo Infinite on launch later this year. I don't know if 343 can afford to take the chance of releasing the game with a more polished version of the current graphics. Infinite feels like it may be their last chance to revive Halo's glory days, and if you only get one chance, better to delay and make the best looking game possible, especially since they plan for Infinite to be live service game, supported for the remainder of the generation. Do they really want to be adding new content to Infinite in 2025 that looks 10 years outdated by that point? I mean I guess they could always do a complete overhaul of the multiplayer graphics after release, and release future campaign expansions with better graphics than the main campaign, but it's better to fix the graphics for both the main campaign and the multiplayer before release. 

But there is no general negative reception. Most people on Youtube liked the video and the graphics won't be the reason for this game to be successful or not. It will all depend on the gameplay and story. That's what Halo was always about, it was never about the graphics. 

I'm not saying that I wouldn't prefer better graphics but at least it looks very clean instead of your video as example where the aliasing alone fucks everything up in comparison. The MCC is a huge success even on Steam and that's because people love Halo for pretty much everything which has nothing to do with graphics. With Halo you always have to be more concerned about the art style which is another thing to discuss but the graphics from a technical standpoint? Nothing people really buy Halo for.  

If at all it would have been much more important for the console itself that Halo will blow people away graphically. That's really a missed opportunity. But I've said that some month ago already. Just because MS has the stronger console doesn't mean that their games will look better as Sony's. Sony's studios are just much more about graphics as MS's studios are. 

Ryuu96 said:

HiddenExperia's breakdown is pretty good Imo, he has a very valid criticisms and concerns over Infinite but his video honestly made me more excited for Infinite. I agree with quite a lot of his points but simply think the negatives aren't deal breakers for me personally as they mostly relate to Graphics/Design. I would honestly say the Halo community as a whole is being a lot more fair this time around.

Also since this video came out it seems some of the criticisms I agree with him on, such as replacing the old Magnum/Shotgun with those ugly modern designs may not actually be true after-all and could be a mistake on IGN's part and they're simply side-variants, also it's pretty cool to notice that the Brutes which come in ODST-like pods don't actually have any weapons so they are basically another variant, like Berserker Brutes.

Alright, so the video starts off with "if you somehow missed my stream yesterday...", so I immediately paused and went to find his reaction--

Yeah, I don't think this can be taken as an objective viewpoint. The people that need to be enticed aren't the Halo diehard faithful but the more neutral gamers. And right now, they're not overly impressed

While I agree the gameplay looks great, I love the grappling hook and grunt tossing, I like expanding the scope of levels, going back to more classic style and all that jazz.. yet there's just something undeniably lacking.

A delay won't just give them the time to improve visuals until it's at least a noticeable improvement over current-gen (launching without some implementation of ray tracing for XSX should be out of the question, especially based on that demo), but it should also be enough time to address any concerns about multiplayer for launch.

As for story which I also have concerns about, that's an aspect that isn't generally a big factor for the majority of people that buy Halo. As long as it's not uber bad, and everything else about the campaign and multiplayer is excellent, it can basically be covered up.

They've already underwhelmed with the initial gameplay showcase, they can't afford to do so with the game's launch. A delay has to be an option, if they're not ready to get it looking and feeling next-gen yet.

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Ryuu96 said:
Shaunodon said:

Alright, so the video starts off with "if you somehow missed my stream yesterday...", so I immediately paused and went to find his reaction--

Yeah, I don't think this can be taken as an objective viewpoint. The people that need to be enticed aren't the Halo diehard faithful but the more neutral gamers. And right now, they're not overly impressed

While I agree the gameplay looks great, I love the grappling hook and grunt tossing, I like expanding the scope of levels, going back to more classic style and all that jazz.. yet there's just something undeniably lacking.

A delay won't just give them the time to improve visuals until it's at least a noticeable improvement over current-gen (launching without some implementation of ray tracing for XSX should be out of the question, especially based on that demo), but it should also be enough time to address any concerns about multiplayer for launch.

As for story which I also have concerns about, that's an aspect that isn't generally a big factor for the majority of people that buy Halo. As long as it's not uber bad, and everything else about the campaign and multiplayer is excellent, it can basically be covered up.

They've already underwhelmed with the initial gameplay showcase, they can't afford to do so with the game's launch. A delay has to be an option, if they're not ready to get it looking and feeling next-gen yet.

HiddenExperia isn't a die-hard faithful, I'm pretty sure he's more of an old school fan considering he hates Sprint and I think it's pretty unfair you're dismissing his objectivity without even watching his video, where he has to defend himself as not being an Bungie die-hard cause he makes a few fair criticisms about older games being better in certain areas.

His video is very much well rounded in criticism and praise, his thoughts are well explained and not just "This sucks, That Sucks" so again I'd recommend watching it before dismissing him outright.

Multiplayer is in launch? There's no concerns there.

If we're talking about the majority, the majority of people don't give a crap about graphics, just look at some of the biggest selling games, Halo sells well because of its gameplay, not graphics, that has always been the case. The vast majority of the complaints are regarding graphics and I think when people get their hands on the game they won't care that it doesn't look next gen.

"I have no concerns over Gameplay, my major concerns right now are Story (lots of unknowns and worry if they'll be able to fit everything in) and Multiplayer content"

That was your comment from just a post ago. Not sure why you're suddenly defensive of the issue. I wasn't implying multiplayer wouldn't be in at launch. Edit: Reading the other post again, I can see how my wording was bad. But the only concerns I was talking about were the ones you were implying, and just really any multiplayer concerns in general. Hope that clears this up.

I'm sorry if you think I'm being unfair to Xperia, but I'm not gonna watch a 36min video, when I can instead watch the reaction video he immediately directs me to, get halfway and know I've seen enough. He may not be a diehard faithful, but he's definitely a big time Halo fan who was looking to get excited over any little thing he could find. His reactions say enough. I'm glad he's excited for the game, but that's not the problem here...

You can say the majority of people don't care about graphics, but I don't remember myself or anyone when playing Halo: CE for the first time thinking, "this kind of looks worse than some games on PS1/N64", and I don't remember myself or anyone when playing Halo 3 for the first time thinking, "this kind of looks worse than some games on Xbox/Gamecube/PS2."

Halo Infinite launching on XSX looking worse than some current-gen games just isn't good enough. It doesn't need to look better than even half of PS5 exclusives (or really any), but it can't look worse than current ones.

Honestly, that demo would've been great if it was running on Xbox One X, and the next-gen version was somehow far improved over that. Based on some of the things I was reading here, I was honestly starting to believe that kind of situation would be the case. Many of the expectations set for this title definitely aren't being met so far.

(Follow-up post I couldn't re-fit into here)

Last edited by Shaunodon - on 25 July 2020

To give you an idea of what the mainstream are thinking, here are people I don't even sub to (mostly), but just go to whenever I need to gauge general public reactions:

(go to 1:00:00)

(go to 3:46)


Also this one guy I've never watched but gave really great throughts that I agree with:

And these are all just on top of the scathing Digital Foundry video, which is the one that really matters most to gamers who follow this kind of stuff. They were really not kind.

My only concern with Halo was the gameplay. The demo show good gameplay and some glimpse of the open world aproach.
Graphics look cross gen, thats no deal breaker for me. People should start to worry about if the game is good to play instead of "We want to win the graphics war with PS fans"

Sorry for my bad english

Last edited by Loneken - on 25 July 2020

Ryuu96 said:
crissindahouse said:
3 of the Top 4 best selling games on Steam right now are on Gamepass. Carrion, Halo and Sea of Thieves. Crazy how good these games still sell on Steam.

A lot of PC players seem to simply either hate Windows Store or would much rather play via Steam, Microsoft needs to try to get Gamepass on Steam, could potentially blow it up.

Is that technically feasible?

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Well the last thing I'll say is my concerns really aren't about console wars, and mostly about the future of Halo.

I do have many more thoughts, but I don't wanna keep bringing the mood of this thread down. Overall I'm at least pretty excited about Halo Infinite, and the future of Xbox in general. We'll just have to see how things play out.