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The big problem with such a move is that there are so many people who buy a console for Fifa, CoD and not much more. Some of these people will definitely switch to PS5 if they need to pay 10 bucks a month to play CoD or Fifa.

It might be a better deal for people like me and many others but for those who only play the same damn CoD, Fifa, GTA? Nahhh...

And if I want to play these games with my friends who will move to PS because of that? Well, then I also need a PS just for that. 

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Yeah I don't like this move. I mean I personally do, it would be great value for me, but so many gamers would prefer to pay less for just online play.

shikamaru317 said:

Just think about how well a $250 Series S would sell with casuals this Holiday, just in the US alone, with MS having both CoD and Madden marketing and free online play? Guaranteed sell out this Holiday, with many millions more Series S units sold each year after. And each one of those many millions of casuals that buys one of those Series S units is buying digital copies of CoD and sports games every year for the rest of the gen, with the higher profit margin on digital sales, plus accessories like headsets and extra controllers which all have considerable mark-up. Plus MS would have us core gamers being more willing to pay for Gamepass than we are currently, since we'd be saving money on not needing Gold for online play any more.

Now think about that same scenario, except MS is charging $120 a year for online play through forced gamepass. That $250 Series S is suddenly $370 at launch. Assuming a 7 year gen, people who buy Series S at launch will end up being forced to pay $840 for online play over the course of the gen, plus the $250 console, for $1090 total. 

Now compare that to a possible $450 digital PS5 model. Higher entry level price, but you can get 12 month PS+ codes for $40 if you catch them on a sale. 7 years of PS+ at $40 comes out to $280 + $450 for the console comes out to $730, but even if you pay the full $60 price for those PS+ codes you're looking at $870 total for PS5 plus online, much less than $1090 for Series S plus forced Gamepass. MS would basically be banking on casuals not being smart enough to do the math. Some probably wouldn't do the math, but those who did would definitely realize that the digital PS5 is a much better deal than Series S in the long run.

If you're gonna use the argument that PS+ can often be gotten on sale, then at least use the same argument for Gamepass. I could go buy a year's worth of Gamepass codes right now for about 76 bucks. 7 years of that, plus 250 entry price, if that's what we wanna go with, still comes out to about 100 bucks less than your PS5 total. And I get countless games to boot. 

crissindahouse said:
sales2099 said:

That’s not necessarily true. In many cases sales go up. People recommend to their friends who don’t have GP. DLC purchases go up for those playing on GP who otherwise wouldn’t play the game. 

Right now saying “total players” instead of total sales is new to us and will take some getting used to. But the more GP catches on the more we will accept the new standards. It may not be a upfront sale but we are essentially paying money to play the games. Just spread out every month instead of all upfront. 

Sure but sales only go up because "only" 10m people have GP right now and it's games which are leaving Gamepass again. When everyone who wants to play online will have GP and people will know that MS's first party games won't leave the service again then sales of these first party games included in Gamepass won't sell as much compared to a time before we even had stuff like Gamepass.

That doesn't make the games less successful but I'm sure there will be some who try to spin it in a disaster. 

We can have 50m people who play Halo and it will be "lol it only sold 5m" or something like that... 

Nothing MS will care about but it will be annoying. 


If any fanboys from the other side make fun of physical sales then there will be people to correct them. There is no good argument to trash Game Pass and “total players”.

To say people just paid the $1 deal just means the service has value and is a foot in the door. To argue against this is to advocate spending more money is good. Which is absurd.

Total players is a stat we gamers can get behind. Total physical sales is a good argument if you work for the corporations. Let them worry about cash flow the important thing is that we know games are heavily populated and more popular then ever. 

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:

If you're gonna use the argument that PS+ can often be gotten on sale, then at least use the same argument for Gamepass. I could go buy a year's worth of Gamepass codes right now for about 76 bucks. 7 years of that, plus 250 entry price, if that's what we wanna go with, still comes out to about 100 bucks less than your PS5 total. And I get countless games to boot. 

Curious where you've seen Gamepass on sale at? Don't think I've ever seen it on sale here in the US, at least through legitimate channels. 

Well I'm in Germany, but just a quick search gave me a few hits here where I could get 3 month codes for 18-19 bucks a pop. I find it hard to imagine one couldn't find similar deals in the US.

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shikamaru317 said:
Angelus said:

Well I'm in Germany, but just a quick search gave me a few hits here where I could get 3 month codes for 18-19 bucks a pop. I find it hard to imagine one couldn't find similar deals in the US.

Amazon and Walmart both are charging full price currently. I see cheaper prices on gray market sites like CDkeys and G2A, but I don't use gray market sites personally, it feels too shady for me.

I've used CDkeys a few times in the past. Never had an issue with them.

I've also seen amazon do gamepass deals now and again here. There was an offer a couple months back where you could get 6 months of gamepass for the price of 3. Imagine amazon US would do similar deals.

Ryuu96 said:

It’s better but...I mean.... this is still a slap in the face to Xbox gamers, where the pc players get the same games and online but free mp. Do what’s right Phil, you want each side to be equal. You know what needs to be done 

I was never one of the Halo players who got a new Halo and thought "these changes made Halo so much worse as before" but damn, with the Halo 3 release on PC I just realized how much more fun I have with H3 multiplayer. I've played the other parts online the last weeks and I just stopped when I got bored after an hour or so. With H3 multiplayer I really have to force myself to stop.

There are 24 month Gold membership cards at Sam’s Club if anyone is interested. They go for $99.

Gold is gone, MP will be free, games will only be in gamepass,
100% win

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