Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:
What did Randy do to you?  |
Where do I begin. He was accused of being a bully and assault by Claptrap's voice actor (Eddings) who didn't return for Borderlands 3 as he claims Randy rage fired him, Gearbox said they "took the matter seriously" but didn't comment on it further as it was a "personal matter", and his account is slightly backed up by Mario Kroll who claims that he didn't see the incident, but he did see Randy as visibly angry and Eddings as noticeably upset. Gearbox Co-Founder Montgomery backed Eddings up and claimed that he saw Randy shove him hard after he whispered something in his ear (apparently that he heard that Gearbox was selling). This comes after Gearbox's lawyer sued Randy for leaving a USB drive with porn and company secrets in it at a restaurant, Randy was exonerated but he did admit that he left a USB with porn on it and company secrets at the restaurant, Lol. He whined about Eurogamer calling them "Shoddy Journalism" because they leaked that Borderlands 2 would be revealed soon. Lied about Baker turning down the role of returning as Rhys for Borderlands 3 which Baker refuted and said that Gearbox didn't want him back and he pulled something similar with Claptrap's voice actor. Borderlands 3 was a huge success but despite that, Gearbox renegaded on the significant royalty bonuses to employees that they were promised they would receive and all this while Gearbox already pays "below average" wages to according to more than a dozen current and former Gearbox employees on anonymity. Randy told them if they didn't like it, they could quit, whilst taking a $12m bonus himself in the past. Told a user to fuck off on Twitter for pointing out that the review bombing on Steam for Borderlands 1/2 was down to Borderlands 3 timed exclusivity to EGS. That same review bombing made Randy make a comment that it makes him want to reconsider Gearbox's own publishing position on Steam (load of nonsense, he just wants Epic money) and then said he would consider take a restraining order out for the stalking, Lol. Used George Floyd's death to try to sell Duke Nukem 3D. Attacked GameInformer for his poor communication skills, he straight up said on stage that Borderlands 3 wouldn't have MTXs so that is what GI reported, then a producer said that it has cosmetic MTXs which GI corrected their article to, then Randy got mad at GI and accused them of making him look like a liar because he never claimed BL3 has no MTXs except that he did. The whole situation with Aliens: Colonial Marines, which is the most well-known Gearbox fuck up, passing the development over to another random studio so they can focus on Borderlands, who claim to have been passed a project which clearly didn't have four years of work done on it and on a tight deadline. An anonymous source claims that Randy stole money from Sega to use for Borderlands. During this whole mess they had to cancel Obsidian's Aliens RPG to focus on Colonial Marines. Sega blamed Gearbox for the Aliens marketing, saying that he did whatever he likes, overstepped their bounds and kept Sega in the dark on some things. Randy was sued (again) for failing to pay royalties to Duke Nukem 3D's composer which they all ultimately settled outside of court for an undisclosed sum. He learnt nothing since he still defends Aliens: Colonial Marines, says he likes it and he knows how much it bugs people to say that he liked it, says that he knows he isn't objective and why should people expect him to be objective. Defends against claims that the release version didn't look as good as the promotional material and says the pre-release demos being intentionally misleading is absurd because of the small impact it has on a game's overall sale. Borderlands art-style is copied from Codehunters, here is the original Borderlands reveal with a completely different art-style. Then here is the opening scene with the new art-style and here is Codehunter's video. Codehunter's artist claimed he was contracted by Gearbox and asked if he was interested in designing some cut scenes, but nothing materialized in the end. Gearbox changed the art-style but without crediting him until called out on it. A lot of this is anonymous but where there is smoke and there's a lot of examples of Gearbox employees speaking out either publicly or anonymously against Randy/Gearbox and he's in general very thin skinned to criticism. Generally, Gearbox doesn't really make good products either outside of Borderlands and Borderlands is all I care about from them but I'm fairly sure that Gearbox would do fine or better without Randy but he's CEO. Randy is as big of a bullshit artist as a few others in the industry but with the added benefit of being a dick. |