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I wonder if Pierre or some leadership interviewing Pierre will post something on 343 Industries website/Halo Waypoint website at some point today or tomorrow going over the excitement of being in the position and going over what his plan will be for the franchise. Something to get the Halo fanbase excited for the future.

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Ryuu96 said:

Time to bring the mood down and say that I think Forza Motorsport and Starfield will both be delayed into Holiday 23. 🥲 avoid getting banned for inactivity, I may have to resort to comments that are of a lower overall quality and or beneath my moral standards.

I still find it amusing that Deathloop will be Xbox's first Bethesda game since finalizing the deal a year and a half ago lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Yes, please!

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Ryuu96 said:

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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@Angelus @VersusEvil well, it may not be a second expansion since CD Projekt said there would just be one, but at least they will continue with the Cyberpunk IP. I'm a few hours into CP2077, and it is pretty sick so far! At launch I couldn't even get through the first 10 minutes

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As exciting as it is seeing the restructuring of 343, I don't think this will have any noticeable impact on Infinite until Season 4 roles around at the end of June 2023 lol

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Not complaining. This game honestly screams game pass anyway lol

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SegaHeart said:

I think Bonnie Ross gave us Kait Diaz representing Mexican for support of Xbox Throughout the years? she did Gears correct there I think which Rod Ferguson is happy. Some say Gears 5 is better than older gears but Metacritic is super bias trying to make gears meta same score as Halo 5 because Halo is the flagship.

What? lol Bonnie Ross has been heading 343 Industries and the Halo IP since its inception in 2007. I know she had some involvement in the original Gears of War in 2006, but as far as I know, that was it. The Coalition has been working on Gears since 2015 and they created Kait Diaz. Still a great character and Rod Ferguson did push her to become the protagonist of the franchise. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Hopefully 343's new structure works out because it's been a bumpy ride. Wishing Bonnie's family nothing but health and wellness