Ryuu96 said:
I do really want a dinosaur game, an ARPG but with no gimmicks, I simply want regular old dinosaurs and I want to be a regular old human, no special abilities, no special powers, I can't do insane jumps into the air, I'm just a simple dude with a gun, no multiplayer focused nonsense either. I just want to kill some frigging dinosaurs whilst also being terrified as I'm running away and hiding from a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Ubisoft should have continued Primal as a spinoff series but went even further in the past. I'd much rather it be the Jurassic era but if they must, a modern day Earth which is overrun by dinosaurs would be acceptable too but I'd want it to be very like Metro tonally, you're a regular human with a gun having to scavenge supplies in abandoned locations (like NYC), a sense that the world is very dangerous and you have to always be on your guard, there is always something around the corner which could kill you, having to scrap together parts for weapons and equipment, going outside is dangerous cause of frigging Pterodactyl's watching you from the buildings, going inside abandoned buildings to scavenge supplies and they're full with shit like Velociraptors lurking in the darkness. Just let me fight some damn dinosaurs and be terrified while doing it, don't go nuts on the survival mechanics, fuck that food/heat shit, I want a primarily solo title which has an actual story, co-op will be fine as long as it's optional and not the main purpose of the game. Ark disappointed cause it was firstly a buggy mess and secondly entirely multiplayer focused, if I had a Playstation I would definitely get Horizon but again, robots suck, I hate fighting robots, Lol. Feathered dinosaurs or bust. |