konnichiwa said:
gtotheunit91 said:
How would you know? We wouldn't know of anything Xbox is working on in Japan for probably several years. All we know is that Xbox Wire just a few months received ago received proper Japanese support and Xbox's Japanese branch has been hiring like crazy.
Because it is 2022 and its an discussion that started early 2010's....
You mean the era where Xbox themselves barely cared about games anymore and the management that allowed exclusive JRPG's to be made on the 360 were long gone? 
I ignore discussions that were made throughout the 2010's because it was not only a dark period for Xbox in general, but it was also years where a lot of work that was being done was just undoing what previous management did that nearly destroyed the Xbox brand as a whole. I still remember when Xbox made an entertainment division for making TV shows and movies lol not even games! I was so happy when Phil shut that division down.
But, Xbox was so close to having the final nail dug into the coffin that the brand basically had to start over from scratch, and that starts with focusing on the brands strengths and continuing to build on top of that. Only then can they further expand. I wasn't even aware that Japan didn't have native Xbox Wire till the announcement was made that they finally did. So clearly investment that hasn't been there either before or just been a long time is FINALLY starting to be made for sure in Japan, just a matter of Xbox finally getting the deal they need to show they're serious about gaining traction in the Japanese market.
If Xbox wants to have any hope of getting a firm plant in Japan, it definitely has to be this generation. If Xbox doesn't make big moves in Japan within the next 5 years or less, I really think all hope will be lost at that point.
Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 19 May 2022