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trunkswd said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Technically....yes? If Xbox gets more Japanese support. But with FF being PS exclusive right now isn't going to help. Microsoft needs to work out a partnership it companies like Sega, Capcom and Bandai Namco.

I would love if Microsoft fully rekindled the relationship with Sega the way they did back in the original Xbox days! 

Microsoft would have to pull off a miracle of a deal with Square to get FF back on Xbox. Especially with those rumors that Sony wants to keep FF exclusively on PlayStation. Whatever happened to FFXIV coming to Xbox? I wonder if Sony put a cork on that lol

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You guys always talk about aquisitions, if MS was really serious they would open more studios. I am sure they can attract talent in countries like Japan and have multiple projects if they wanted to.

konnichiwa said:

You guys always talk about aquisitions, if MS was really serious they would open more studios. I am sure they can attract talent in countries like Japan and have multiple projects if they wanted to.

Sure, but that's easier said than done. I'm all for MS opening more studios than acquisitions, which I'm not personally a huge fan of the Acti-Blizz purchase, but that takes a long time to not only get the right talent, but also just to get a brand new studio going on a game at a AAA level. Look at The Initiative. Why do you think so many studios are poaching devs from other studios or companies like Bandai Namco, Capcom, and more recently Microsoft drastically increasing pay? There's a shortage of talent in the industry and company's know that.

That's why you don't see Sony or Nintendo opening new studios anymore. Sony purchases studios they've had a running relationship with and Nintendo chooses to grow from within rather than acquire studios, which even that takes years. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

konnichiwa said:

You guys always talk about aquisitions, if MS was really serious they would open more studios. I am sure they can attract talent in countries like Japan and have multiple projects if they wanted to.

Its sounds easy but really its not.  Opening a new studio doesn't just happen over night and getting top quality seasoned and experience talent is hard enough as it is.  Acquisitions is the fastest way to get to an already fully functional Dev team.  Think about it this way, how many brand new studios has any of the big OEMS created from scratch.  Even with acquisitions, look how long it takes just to get content going think about how long it can take trying to build a dev studio from the ground up needing key personnel and hoping you can get a full team within a years time.  Each missing peace delays getting things started and slows down production.

I really do not care how MS expand their studios and content but there is no actual right or wrong course, its just time, resources and money.

why get another japanese studio, just get bioware

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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shikamaru317 said:
kirby007 said:

why get another japanese studio, just get bioware

Xbox already has WRPG's covered better than any other genre, between Bethesda Game Studio, Zenimax Online, Playground RPG studio, Obsidian, inXile, and soon to be Blizzard. Going for another big WRPG dev like Bioware or CD Projekt at this point would be overkill, basically every WRPG fan is already going to be buying an Xbox or a gaming PC at some point this generation to play Xbox's WRPG exclusives (or stream them through xCloud), another big WRPG studio acquisition at this point won't really move that much Xbox hardware.

It's JRPG exclusives that Xbox is totally lacking, and therefore JRPG exclusives have the most hardware moving potential for Xbox at this point, increasing their sales in Japan/Asia as well as increasing Xbox sales among western fans of JRPG's.

Yeah, if you look at IPs and studios Xbox has, JRPG's is definitely the biggest missing genre within the company's catalog. 

WRPG's are almost just as covered as FPS's within Xbox lol. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Kinda stinks Starfield and Redfall are delayed to next year, but I would rather see them be polished games than buggy ones.

Mr.GameCrazy said:

Kinda stinks Starfield and Redfall are delayed to next year, but I would rather see them be polished games than buggy ones.

For sure. I don't get the anger from this decision that I've seen online. The last thing Bethesda would've wanted or even afford to have was another Fallout 76 like launch. I'm just happy that the term "Bethesda Game Studios" and "more polished" were used in the same context.

I mean, Deathloop and Ghostwire: Tokyo were delayed multiple times for Bethesda, and there really wasn't much of a peep about it. Covid has really had an enormous impact on the video game industry, and I'm just glad that a studio that is known for their buggy releases is doing something about it. Although I'm pretty sure Microsoft may had something to do with it lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

shikamaru317 said:

Square has re-trademarked FF7 Remake Intergrade ahead of the FF7 25th anniversary reveals already scheduled for June, which may be an indication of an Xbox port incoming soon, as I'm hearing that the trademark for the already released PS5 and PC versions didn't need to be renewed yet (it is believed that Sony's timed hat deal will expire in June, 1 year after the PS5 release of FF7 Remake Intergrade).

Now to see if Phil paid for day one Gamepass on it, and if not, if Square thinks Xbox fans are going to give them $70 for it after they made us wait 2 years to play the game ($70 is what they charged for the PC port back in December). 

And it was a CRAP port! Arguably the worst PC port in who knows how many years. Requested a refund after only 10 minutes in the game lol.

Idk what state the game is now, but if it's finally fixed, I'm hoping a Steam release is announced along with an Xbox release.

Last edited by G2ThaUNiT - on 19 May 2022

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Machiavellian said:
konnichiwa said:

You guys always talk about aquisitions, if MS was really serious they would open more studios. I am sure they can attract talent in countries like Japan and have multiple projects if they wanted to.

Its sounds easy but really its not.  Opening a new studio doesn't just happen over night and getting top quality seasoned and experience talent is hard enough as it is.  Acquisitions is the fastest way to get to an already fully functional Dev team.  Think about it this way, how many brand new studios has any of the big OEMS created from scratch.  Even with acquisitions, look how long it takes just to get content going think about how long it can take trying to build a dev studio from the ground up needing key personnel and hoping you can get a full team within a years time.  Each missing peace delays getting things started and slows down production.

I really do not care how MS expand their studios and content but there is no actual right or wrong course, its just time, resources and money.

Hard or not doesn't matter when you have a ton of people who leave their companies and go to kickstarter.  Like Koji with his bloodstained game. At the moment MS is basically doing nothing.