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gtotheunit91 said:

I was just reading about the outage Xbox experienced over the weekend. Did anyone have experience these problems?

It really shows again how much of a rough state Xbox's DRM is set up though and Microsoft really should re-evaluate it, again does Xbox not really have an offline mode anymore for your games?

Didn't experience the issues myself, and also don't particularly sympathize with the DRM, maybe I'm misunderstanding some of what people are experiencing, but I know under normal circumstances, if I lose internet, or Live is malfunctioning, I can still play my digital games, provided that I'm on my home console. Now, I of course use the game sharing feature of having my Xbox set as someone else's home console, so I get their games, and vice versa, so naturally the games we can play in these circumstances are inversed. Can this be slightly annoying at times? Sure. But, frankly, I also see it as an incredibly small price to pay for doubling up on the games I can play under normal circumstances.

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I posted about this a week or two ago about how AoE III DE added 20 hidden achievements going from 63 to 83. Happened to go through my Steam library just now and noticed the number of hidden achievements went up another 5 lol. So at some point soon, a massive expansion has to be coming to AoE III to justify having 25 hidden achievements! 

For the record, I was at 61/63 achievements this time last month, then a week ago it was 61/83, and today it's 61/88.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Looks like I'll have to go back to State of Decay 2 at some point.

Angelus said:
gtotheunit91 said:

I was just reading about the outage Xbox experienced over the weekend. Did anyone have experience these problems?

It really shows again how much of a rough state Xbox's DRM is set up though and Microsoft really should re-evaluate it, again does Xbox not really have an offline mode anymore for your games?

Didn't experience the issues myself, and also don't particularly sympathize with the DRM, maybe I'm misunderstanding some of what people are experiencing, but I know under normal circumstances, if I lose internet, or Live is malfunctioning, I can still play my digital games, provided that I'm on my home console. Now, I of course use the game sharing feature of having my Xbox set as someone else's home console, so I get their games, and vice versa, so naturally the games we can play in these circumstances are inversed. Can this be slightly annoying at times? Sure. But, frankly, I also see it as an incredibly small price to pay for doubling up on the games I can play under normal circumstances.

^ that...

First of all, I never have any issue like that (and I played plenty of my Xbox this weekend without having any issue). And I'm not about the Sony Foundry dude saying the home console is not working, but it always did for me and I can play all my games offline on my home Xbox.

And second, people are always putting so much emphasis on the "IF" something happens then you cannot play... But with physical, they are also a lot of 'IF' and they are definitive most of the time... If your kid clean up the floor with the game disk, if your console Bluray drive stops working, if the game media cannot be read by the next generation of console, etc... 

At least with digital, it will come back and then you can play it on later console (even if they are no drive) like the Original Xbox games, 360, etc... (if you bought them digitally). 

The complainers always talk about the cons while forgetting all the pros (and then act like the physcial does not have as much if more cons).
I dislike physical games very much and for a lot of reason; digital made my life SO MUCH easier. Even with small issues here and there.

Last edited by Imaginedvl - on 09 May 2022

Physical and digital are both just preferences, you prefer digital? Great, someone prefers physical? also great. Obviously, there are pros and cons to each format. I personally have most of my PS and Nintendo games in physical format and the inverse is true with Xbox where most of my games are digital. Also, yes even if you had your Xbox as the "home console" some people still couldn't launch their games which was the case for me.

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Ryuu96 said:

And here's someone who I have no reason to doubt.

Xbox should address this.

Oh shit, if Parris Lilly is getting onto Xbox about the outage, then they definitely got problems lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Glad to see some notable individuals calling out MS on the issue.

Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

Oh shit, if Parris Lilly is getting onto Xbox about the outage, then they definitely got problems lol

Was quite a lot of people, Lol.

Parris, Jez, Miles and your other journalists, all calling Xbox out for their DRM.

Jez is useful for moments like this, Lol.

I think it's something they should comment on, I think Miles offered sensible solutions but Idk if Xbox will take them.

It's so weird how the Xbox app on PC doesn't have the same kind of DRM the Series consoles use. 

If you're a PC Game Pass subscriber, you can be offline for up to 30 days in order to verify your subscription is active. If you straight up bought a single player game on the Microsoft Store, you can be offline for eternity lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Oof, Ghostwire Tokyo on PC is already $20 off after barely a little over a month since launch. Not the best of signs lol.

Definitely will be a Game Pass playthrough for me. All I've heard is despite how great the visuals are and unique the combat is, the combat and gameplay in general is insanely repetitive and the open world is bland and very Ubisoft-like in design.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

SegaHeart said:

When is the Xbox event for Microsoft and Bethesda and what time?

It'll be Sunday, June 12th at 10am PST.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind