shikamaru317 said:
It's an ok Gamepass update but nothing special, I can't help but be disappointed. These Gamepass updates have been largely disappointing this whole year so far. Objectively speaking, last year's Gamepass updates were better than this year.
- Most updates now have around 3 of the usual 7-10 slots taken up by Cloud support for games already on gamepass, when those Cloud games should be in addition to the usual 7-10 games per update, not in place of some of them.
- Another 2-3 slots are usually taken up by PC only games these days (the combination of mostly focusing on Cloud and PC really hurts for a console only gamepass player like myself)
- JP support has dwindled considerably, especially AAA JP support, Gamepass was once getting quite a few AAA JP announces (Tekken 7, Ace Combat 6, SoulCalibur 6, Nier Automata, Kingdom Hearts 3, Resident Evil 7, Monster Hunter World, the 10 game Final Fantasy gamepass deal, Code Vein, Dragon Quest 11, Yakuza series), but Microsoft has allowed most of those AAA JP Gamepass deals to expire now without renewal and simply aren't replacing them with new AAA JP gamepass deals. If I'm not mistaken, the last new AAA JP announced for Gamepass (that wasn't part of the FF or Yakuza multi game deals signed earlier) was DQ11 way back in December 2020, 16 months ago. Most recent JP added to Gamepass have been A or AA instead, and many updates, like this one, have no JP games at all. The Judgment deal with Sega teased by Gamepass twitter last summer never happened, with rumors that Judgment 2 will join Judgment 1 on the new PS+ instead.
- We haven't had a day one AAA 3rd party on Gamepass since Back4Blood in October (Sniper Elite 5 and Total War: Warhammer 3 are more large scale AA than AAA).
- We are getting less older AAA games per update than we did in the past
Microsoft really needs to step up their Gamepass efforts and soon, especially with Sony's new PS+ coming in June. Sony is rumored to be throwing around quite alot of money on 3rd party game service exclusivity deals for the new PS+, the Gamepass situation is only going to get worse if Xbox doesn't start throwing around large amounts of dough on 3rd party Gamepass deals as well.
And now we have these rumors that Xbox is considering locking online play behind base Gamepass and raising base Gamepass and Gamepass Ultimate prices by $5 a month each, to $15 and $20 respectively. If MS goes through with that they will be shooting themselves in the foot in a big way when Online Play is $60 a year on PS. It's like Xbox forgot that just a year ago they tried to double Gold pricing and got immediate huge amount of backlash, locking online play behind Gamepass and raising Gamepass to $15 a month would mean tripling the price for online play, far worse than when they tried to double it a year ago.
I keep scratching my head trying to understand what is exactly what you consider to be a "big" game. I would argue that MLB The Show is one of the biggest third party Day-one releases GamePass has ever had. I mean, according to the November NPD Chart, by that month last year that game had already outsold Far Cry 6, R&C, and even RE:Village (and as you can see, Back4Blood didnt even crack the top 10 one month after release).

And yes, it sold well on Xbox too.

There is one thing that you keep forgetting in your analysis, and that is the diversity in people's tastes. I mean, it is not like you can walk up to a Beisbol fan and tell him: "Hey dude, I know you wanted a beisbol game but I have something even better here; it is a... AAA game! huh? What do you think?"
Last edited by chakkra - on 06 April 2022