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Machiavellian said:
NobleTeam360 said:

I've actually said this a few times myself. Halo Infinite as a live service game is not good. Hope 343 gets a wrangle on content output, it's been slow going so far. 

It really would not have mattered.  If Halo MP was not separate we still would see the same complaints.  Their output would not be any faster and new content would not be any faster because they are not that huge of a team.  The other companies had years to get to where they are at, it probably will be the same for 343.

And? None of that changes that Halo Infinite in it's current state is not a good live service game. In another year or two (hopefully not quite that long), the game will obviously be in a much better state, kind of goes without saying (barring some kind of colossal screw up by 343). 

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Ryuu96 said:

Pray for May event, expect a July event, Lol.

Microsoft's been so dead on the news front this whole year aside from the Activision-Blizzard purchase that I hope it's May but I doubt it.

I think that's only symptomatic of a Microsoft that try to shift from announcing too early just to have something to show to announcing stuff closer to releases.

Ryuu96 said:

Kinda confused about his talks on combining Gold with other services.

He says Microsoft is trying to find ways on combining these things.

"I've heard that Microsoft is contemplating on figuring out how to raise the price of these services to include Gold so that $15 a month is the new baseline meaning you get Game Pass and Xbox Live Gold and that's the only tier"

New baseline or only tier? Does that mean Game Pass basic is dumped and Game Pass 'Ultimate' just becomes "Game Pass" and the only available one? Or that Game Pass Basic bumps up to $15 a month + Gold and Game Pass Ultimate bumps up to $20? I'm confused, Lol.

Yeah the whole situation with gold is a bit messy right now. The feeling is that Microsoft wants a way for gold user to upgrade to Gamepass but there's no easy way.

Microsoft cannot just deprecate gold as they would loose revenue and also years of free games are tied to an active gold subscriptions.

They could not just combine Gold and Gamepass because they are not the same pricing and last time Microsoft tried to level out the cost they quickly realized it wasn't going to pass.

Also combining the way Brad Sams suggest is actually way worst so not going to happen IMO. 

IMO, what should MS be going is, add gold benefits to all tier of Gamepass not just Ultimate, deprecate monthly free games in gold. Rename Gold to gamepass mini/entry/whatever. Same 6$/month as yearly gold is. Access to first party title only and ID@Xbox (and maybe something like all access weekend).

Oof....on Steam, Halo Infinite is down to number 5 when it comes to XGS top sellers.

#1 is Forza Horizon 5
#2 is Sea of Thieves
#3 is freaking Microsoft Flight Simulator that's already been on Steam for 2 years now.
#4 is Age of Empires IV

That just stings when for YEARS, Halo was the franchise that PC gamers were begging to get properly introduced and supported on PC. The first 2 games ports on PC were very meh, but I never would've thought that a mainline Halo game that finally launched day 1 on PC as well as on console, would fall so fast.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Kotick is forced to step down before the deal finalizes lol. Every week, he seems to be in even more legal controversy.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

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Ryuu96 said:
gtotheunit91 said:

At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if Kotick is forced to step down before the deal finalizes lol. Every week, he seems to be in even more legal controversy.

Would love that.

But he's still a shareholder, unfortunately I don't think there's any legal way to force him to dump his shares? Lol.

Microsoft is about to take on about 20 lawsuits when this deal closes

Yeah I don't think there's anything they can do about that lol but at least him step down from his leadership position and be strictly a shareholder and nothing more.

They really are Phil is preparing himself everyday for when the time comes lol

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

shikamaru317 said:
Machiavellian said:

That is the problem with the new COD fan base.  After a month they want something new, some new trinket.  343 is not the size of COD so they were never going to pump out content on such a regular tight schedule that take 9 studios or 1K developers to produce.  In the end does it really matter.  If you enjoy playing the game then play it for the enjoyment instead of crying that they are not producing content fast enough for you.  If that is the case, probably best to go to COD, Destiny, Fortnite etc.

I think the CoD fans who decided to try Halo Infinite since it was F2P mainly left within the first month or two, which isn't surprising, the game was never designed for them, it very much so plays like a Halo game, it's not a fast TTK twitch shooter like CoD. The problem is that they are losing core Halo fans now thanks to their post-launch release schedule which prioritizes microtransaction cosmetics over actual content of significance, each season has like 100+ different paid cosmetics (some of them with very high pricing), and yet season 1 had only a few new modes, no new maps, no new weapons, and no new vehicles. Meanwhile, they have announced that season 2 will only have 2 new maps (no info yet about how many new modes, vehicles, or weapons we might expect to see). 

Halo fans are used to much faster map releases than this, season 2 will end 9 months after launch with only 2 new maps added since launch. By 9 months after launch, Halo 2 had 9 new maps, Halo 3 had 7 new maps, Halo Reach had 6 new maps, Halo 4 had 9 new maps, and Halo 5 had 9 new built from the ground up maps (plus several forge built DLC maps). Halo fans simply aren't used to map releases this slow, and when they also see 343 releasing like 100+ new paid cosmetics each season, they start to become annoyed with the the fact that 343 seems to be understaffed and is focusing on paid cosmetics over content of substance like maps, modes, vehicles, and weapons. 

343 needs to expand their multiplayer team and fast, and in the meantime Microsoft needs to find some more contract studios to assist with content development. Microsoft also needs to make a choice between bilking players with far too many paid cosmetics per season and making more content of substance, map/modes/weapons/vehicles, because the more developers they have designing new cosmetics, the less they have working on the content the fans really care about. Nobody will be around to buy all of the cosmetics they are designing if this playerbase fall-off continues much longer.

I would say you are totally wrong.  Just like all of these services, the COD fanbase jump from one game to another every time something new comes out and they will jump again to Halo when season 2 comes.  Its the current MP crowd that always looking for the next trinket that moves.  If you truly like the game play you play the game for the gameplay and you would continue to come back for the gameplay.  If all you care about is trinkets and a new coat of paint you will always run to the next thing, rotating to which ever game has the new trinket.

Just like any other free to play game that has come out, it takes time to get into a content rich grove.  Not sure why you would expect things to just jump off right away.  Yes, 343 needs to expand and they probably will but like anything expanding takes time.  You guys always make statements like companies are lining up as support studios or to be purchased and you have no clue about how the market work or the development gut for talent.

So things are not moving as fast for you, great be patience and let thing work out.  I personally just happy they brought out a damn good single player game and a very solid MP.  Yes it needs work but the base and foundation is solid.  Some times you really can worry to much about something that is not under your control.

How many map releases did Halo 5 

NobleTeam360 said:
Machiavellian said:

It really would not have mattered.  If Halo MP was not separate we still would see the same complaints.  Their output would not be any faster and new content would not be any faster because they are not that huge of a team.  The other companies had years to get to where they are at, it probably will be the same for 343.

And? None of that changes that Halo Infinite in it's current state is not a good live service game. In another year or two (hopefully not quite that long), the game will obviously be in a much better state, kind of goes without saying (barring some kind of colossal screw up by 343). 

Halo is a solid live service, lets not have the attitude of if its not perfect its crap type of mindset.  Just like all of these services that have come out, they all started from a base form and built to a solid content delivery, this is no different for Halo MP.  The problem with most gamers is its all fiery brimstone.  I am more than willing to let 343 get into their grove and looking forward to season 2.  I look at Sea of Thieves which had the same issues at first until they got into a grove being able to pump out content on a regular schedule.  These things take time.

Machiavellian said:
NobleTeam360 said:

And? None of that changes that Halo Infinite in it's current state is not a good live service game. In another year or two (hopefully not quite that long), the game will obviously be in a much better state, kind of goes without saying (barring some kind of colossal screw up by 343). 

Halo is a solid live service, lets not have the attitude of if its not perfect its crap type of mindset.  Just like all of these services that have come out, they all started from a base form and built to a solid content delivery, this is no different for Halo MP.  The problem with most gamers is its all fiery brimstone.  I am more than willing to let 343 get into their grove and looking forward to season 2.  I look at Sea of Thieves which had the same issues at first until they got into a grove being able to pump out content on a regular schedule.  These things take time.

That's literally not my point though, I'm saying that the game as of RIGHT NOW is bad compared to other live services. Yes, the game will be fine in time, nobody is debating that and yeah most live service games start out on a similar path as Halo Infinite. That still doesn't change the fact that as of right now; in this moment of time the game is not in a good spot. 

There's no denying 343 wasn't ready to support live service model yet. I mean we knew they wouldn't be launching a full game so it was expected. Some of us argued they should delay it and really nail the lauch with a full, fleshed out package only to get called selfish :P at the moment the live service is not even solid unfortunately. 

But it has been fun to play it. I'd play more if the content was there. I've no doubt it'll have a huge player base again once they get the ball rolling, but it could've been even bigger.

Last edited by KiigelHeart - on 01 April 2022