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The real question is why that AR was CGI in the first place. Make a fucking prop ffs.

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Ryuu96 said:
Angelus said:

The real question is why that AR was CGI in the first place. Make a fucking prop ffs.

It is a prop, for some reason they used CGI when it actually hit the floor though, Lol.

That makes even less sense. What the actual fuck. Literally burning money on scenes for pointless shit.

Angelus said:

The real question is why that AR was CGI in the first place. Make a fucking prop ffs.

Yup, you could literally buy several replica AR for cheaper than that scene would have cost and it would have looked better. 

What a waste of time and money. 

Halo series first episode mini review
No spoilers

First things first, I have to admit I didn't have high expectations for the show but hopes that Paramount might prove me wrong and actually deliver a masterpiece, such as Halo universe is known to produce and by all means that it deserve.
My hopes were quickly quashed though and the average to OK at best show that I anticipated turned out to be accurate.
Overall the first episode isn't bad by all mean but has flaws written all over it.
All scenes have some degree of imperfection, enough that it prevent me from getting absorbed by the story.

The biggest issue with the first episode for me is that it should not have been the first episode but rather the second or preferably the third.
The characters, UNSC, insurgent, Spartans, Covenant lacks proper introductions, all got toss out in a mess that scream "we expect all this is common knowledge, if your not a fan you're on your own."
This is sad to the extent that the Halo universe doesn't lack material for proper introductions on all parties.

There's also some character that aren't quite believable as their personality doesn't match what their position would normally require.
ex: a Character that is emotional and kind of panicking when his/her jobs would require being somewhat cold and calculating with great amount of self control.

The good:
looks great, doesn't feel cheap overall.
Action scenes are overall great.
Power level between different parties seems right and relatable along with the games.
Intriguing despite it's flaws

The Bad:
Lack of proper intro
some CGI would have benefited from more polishing
Physics seem weird at time in action scenes
Some character does not have the right persona

5.5/10 but will probably improve when the lacks of proper introduction become less significant.

What's the last xbox game that managed to chart in Japan?
By the time Starfield releases, xbox will be at 200k sold and it will be one of the biggest game of the year so i think it has a chance.

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DeusXmachina said:

What's the last xbox game that managed to chart in Japan?
By the time Starfield releases, xbox will be at 200k sold and it will be one of the biggest game of the year so i think it has a chance.

There's a lot going against that, all big JP releases have been digital only(like ER could have done it, if it wasn't). Charts are physical only. 

1st party games are on Game Pass day 1, and these are the only games getting physical releases. 

Half of those 200k are digital only.

Most stores don't hold xbox content over in Japan, and from the few that do some aren't tracked by Famitsu like Amazon JP and Microsoft Store. 

Microsoft needs to ship more xbox series x to see retail presence increase, by doing so more stores will give xbox a chance and publishers might be willing to release stuff like Kingdom Hearts 4, Ace Combat physical.. which are good bets.

Latest ones that managed to rank were Sekiro and Ace Combat 7.

Angelus said:
Ryuu96 said:

It is a prop, for some reason they used CGI when it actually hit the floor though, Lol.

That makes even less sense. What the actual fuck. Literally burning money on scenes for pointless shit.

This. It is not about budget, but talent. Arcane had a reported budget of about $10m per episode, and that s*t is one of the best shows ever imo.

chakkra said:
Angelus said:

That makes even less sense. What the actual fuck. Literally burning money on scenes for pointless shit.

This. It is not about budget, but talent. Arcane had a reported budget of about $10m per episode, and that s*t is one of the best shows ever imo.

I didn't know the budget of Arcane, but yea, that show is incredible.

DeusXmachina said:

What's the last xbox game that managed to chart in Japan?
By the time Starfield releases, xbox will be at 200k sold and it will be one of the biggest game of the year so i think it has a chance.

It's a big IF, whether Microsoft will even make a physical release in Japan at all, considering the game is on GamePass. At the same time, I think the chance that it will chart is higher than any other Microsoft game released before. Halo Infinite had a physical release in Japan, I think, and Forza Horizon 5 maybe. Both didn't chart though. Starfield has a way bigger chance though, because Bethesda is quite popular publisher in Japan, so maybe it will sell a couple of thousands and at list enter weekly Top 30 at launch. But once again, will depend on physical release even happening in the first place.


chakkra said:
Angelus said:

That makes even less sense. What the actual fuck. Literally burning money on scenes for pointless shit.

This. It is not about budget, but talent. Arcane had a reported budget of about $10m per episode, and that s*t is one of the best shows ever imo.

I would say stop reading nick picky videos and other stuff about the show.  In all honesty you probably going to spoil it for yourself more than anything else.  Who even knows if you would even notice this part watching the show on a whole instead of someone looking for every little thing to complain about. The show has a budget so yeah, there probably going to be parts not that great while they concentrate on others that need that extra ooomph.  Personally, I really just do not care.  I need to see the whole episode not some slice as that is what I am most interested in not every shot and how great the CGI is.  If you go into any show looking for flaws, you are definitely going to find it.  I am going into the show to be entertained and setting my expectations on that level.