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Wasn’t gonna watch the show at all because the trailers looked mid but I guess I’ll give the first episode a run. Is Speilberg still the brains behind the show?

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Hopefully, not as essential as usual though given series is outselling ps5 due to shortages and all series consoles get sold anyway.

I think for a majority of the instal base, it's reaching that saturation point. Better off focussing resources on expanding mobile like they have done with the iOS update.

As great as it is that Microsoft is really embracing the hands off approach, there has to be a certain point where Matt Booty goes to Gallagher and tells him "okay, what the hell is going on?"

I had mentioned at the game awards 2020 announcement that they said the game was still early in development, and even the tweet that The Initiative was partnering with Crystal Dynamics, it was mentioned AGAIN that the game was still early in development. This is tough to read.

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

It doesn't really speak well of MS that the one studio they started from the ground up, in the midst of all their purchasing, is seeing a mass exodus before even shipping their first project.

The pandemic and WFH initiatives have made it harder for tech companies to retain staff since it’s so competitive. Plus slow development times due to Covid. It sucks but it’s to be expected it’ll have a big impact on new studios like The Initiative

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Ryuu96 said:
Angelus said:

It doesn't really speak well of MS that the one studio they started from the ground up, in the midst of all their purchasing, is seeing a mass exodus before even shipping their first project.

Tbf...There is also World's Edge which is running smoothly but The Initiative's issue seems as if they don't really know what they want to be or it was marketed as something it wasn't, they never established a firm culture which is key for a studio, on top of this, creating an AAA studio from scratch is hard even at the best of times, it is way harder in the current climate of WFH/COVID and a lack of talent, it's becoming a real problem in the video games industry right now, not just for Microsoft, there's a lot of talent wanted but not enough to go around, in an industry which is more competitive than ever, I think the industry as a whole needs to figure out a way to fix this before it becomes a massive issue.

But I think this puts a pin in the debate over creating studios vs buying studios, I doubt we'll see Microsoft creating anymore new studios, instead they'll continue to focus on acquiring studios which already have an established culture that works for them, with the talent alongside it, of course in the case of Activision-Blizzard though they need to go in and be very hands on to fix their dozens of issues.

Definitely not liking that a lot of this seems to be Darrel's fault, I think The Initiative advertised themselves as something they weren't which frustrated a lot of very talented big name developers, I'm willing to give him a chance to fix things due to his career, pivoting to co-development with Crystal Dynamics is a smart way to rapidly fix the situation and Crystal Dynamics will likely work well with him as he ran them for 13 years with not much issue, they know his development style and he knows them well but if he somehow manages to annoy Crystal Dynamics then he needs to be given the boot.

Though I will say, I think it puts Microsoft in an awkward position if The Initiative doesn't just become a typical 300 person AAA studio rather than this tiny "senior employees only" studio, Square may not want Crystal Dynamics on Perfect Dark 2 and that would screw The Initiative, I think Microsoft needs to make Square an offer that they can't refuse...

"Sell us Crystal Dynamics or we'll buy you."

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

I feel like the Thanos meme of "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me" would be very appropriate here with Gallagher being the Avengers and Thanos being Crystal Dynamics xD

Unfortunately, I don't know how to make a meme :(

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

gtotheunit91 said:

I feel like the Thanos meme of "You could not live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me" would be very appropriate here with Gallagher being the Avengers and Thanos being Crystal Dynamics xD

Unfortunately, I don't know how to make a meme :(


there you go

Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 15 March 2022

Damn it sucks that they lost all of that talent, I’m actually worried for the game and The Initiative team now.

Does Square own Crystal? If so I expect MS to poach their talent after PD launches.