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Can we please put this "MS can't buy Japanese companies" shit to rest? Pretty sure they can, but it's much harder.">"><img src="

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coolbeans said:
gtotheunit91 said:

And I don't imagine Platinum would cost all that much to purchase either. Sony purchased Insomniac for $229 million and I can't think of Platinum costing anywhere near that. 

But there are some nuances to consider:

1.) Insomniac was acquired towards the beginning of this acquisition frenzy, instead of when it seems red-hot today.  

2.) I'm pretty sure Platinum has ownership of some prominent IPs, versus Insomniac only coming with Sunset Overdrive & Fuse.  

3.) Amped-up inflation in the past year.

Yeah, a couple really good points, but Platinum doesn't own any prominent, if any, IPs. All their big games they made in the late 2000s and early 2010s are owned by Sega. Astral Chain is owned by Nintendo, Nier of course is Square. Idk what the state of Babylon's Fall is, but I remember reading a story in 2020 that Platinum would barely start publishing their own IPs

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Damn just found out that Shinji co founded Platinum Games. Might actually be a good get and have them work together. Their games to me are a little hit and miss though. But they want to focus as well on live service, something PS is interested in.">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

Like, honestly, we heard that Phil was an extremely patient man, we know acquiring major Japanese companies is hard.

So instead focus on the smaller companies, led by veterans which will cause people to join based on the names alone, slowly expand them over time, it's not Capcom/Square/Sega but with patience you could grow them to become major studios, it may not have much affect this generation but into the next generation Microsoft could establish a pretty nice foothold in Japan.

Keeps regulation off your ass too, your revenue will grow through more natural means when it comes to Japan, you're acquiring people who frankly have no IPs worth anything but have the potential to create big IPs under your company.

Star with Tango, Mikami speaks positively to his former employees (such as Platinum) then you go for Platinum who also speak positively, then you go for M-Two, etc. It'll be like a domino effect.

With Mikami who has a focus on finding young talent, you have a chance at capturing the next up and coming talented creators, sure, they'd still be loads of people who want to work with the big boys but they'd also be young talent who want to work with companies like Tango just cause Mikami is an inspiration.

Basically Japan needs the same approach to acquisitions as they started in 17/18 when they acquired companies with no IPs to their name but a few of those companies were close friends with each other which helped convince them to sell to Microsoft (Obsidian, InXile, Double Fine, etc). You won't be able to brute force your way into Japan (similar to Zenimax/Bethesda acquisition).

This is smartly put I will agree. I wonder what concessions assuming they want a Japanese company. Maybe continue to let PG work with Nintendo, but also release those games on Xbox? I'm sure PC will help carry some of that burden of games not selling well on Xbox. But if everything would go to game pass then who knows if that would be matter.">"><img src="

Ryuu96 said:

But honestly it depends on what they mean by independence, if they mean to work on what they want then that's fine, if they mean to release on whatever platforms they want then Microsoft ain't going to acquire them and they'll likely go to Platinum instead, Lol.

The most important thing for us is to have the freedom to make the games that we want to make,” he said. “What I hear about the recent acquisitions, I don’t think Microsoft is going to start micromanaging Activision to where they take away all their freedom… I don’t think it’s going to be a relationship like that.


Looks like MS would check that box if history has shown us anything the last few years. 

New ip from coalition, Fable with PG, creative freedom with Activision support studios. 

Would be fun to have more support for Shinji if anything.">"><img src="

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Platinum would be a great get for MS. This way they can focus on just making the games they want instead of having to worry about funding and taking on everything just to stay afloat.

Yeah Platinum are basically asking for MS to buy them. Phil has talked numerous times about acquiring a Japanese development studio and just having Tango isn’t enough. It’s time to see if he can fulfill on that promise.

MS acquiring a Japanese publisher is far fetched and this would be their only chance to actually get a big name so what exactly is Phil waiting for? This an opportunity landing on your lap right now.

Without a doubt Kamiya talked to Mikami about MS and how it is to work under them and very likely got a positive reception, FYI both a still very good friends. If MS does decide to pull the trigger then they need to acquire the Bayonetta and Vanquish IP from SEGA too.

As some are also pointing out this would likely create a Domino effect that could give MS more opportunities to to either acquire more Japanese devs or have more be willing to work with Xbox possibly even get some exclusives. When you look at the list of independent Japanese studios imo Platinum are at the top.

The Ukraine Russia conflict is escalating and now its looking like Russia will invade this week. This will mean that Stalker 2 will likely get cancelled. It’s going to be interesting if this will affect Atomic Heart as well since the devs of that game are Russian.

Last edited by EspadaGrim - on 14 February 2022

Cyberpunk 2077’s next gen patch seems to be launching tomorrow