shikamaru317 said:
Spade said:
I wonder if this will change MS' stance on exclusivity...
I suspect at the very least they will keep CoD multiplat now, since Sony said they will keep Destiny multiplat (and it sounds like even Bungie's new IP will be multuplat).
Destiny revnues are no-where close to COD. I do not see why Microsoft would change their mind about COD based on the risk to lose Destiny.
This would greatly favor Sony (that kind of deal), Sony has way more to lose than Microsoft. If anything like that happens, Sony will probably have to give up way more than just allowing Destiny to be on Xbox.
I start to believe that this was a panic acquisition from Sony (this can be decided in days), and the "wording" of their "Bungie will remain a mutliplatform" studio does not make any sense when you overpay 3.6B for Bungie. I think Sony did that for 2 reasons:
- To secure at least one very successful FPS, in case everything goes south with COD (very likely...)
- Try to have Microsoft allowing COD on their hardware by "finally" becoming the good guys and showing to the world 'how they want to bring their experience to the world". This level of hypocrisy in this statement from "Sony" is absolutely insane...
yah, I think they are in panic mode right now. And I tell you, next AAA from Bungie are going to be Play Station (and maybe PC) exclusive, what would be the point of this deal. We are talking about Sony here...