Wonder if they can beat that peak in future. Games like Apex have made quite a recovery after post launch slump.
Wonder if they can beat that peak in future. Games like Apex have made quite a recovery after post launch slump.
I would be a bit cautious with those estimates, it appears his basis for the platform breakdown is a twitter poll. I would be shocked if the PC player base is as high as 50%
aTokenYeti said: I would be a bit cautious with those estimates, it appears his basis for the platform breakdown is a twitter poll. I would be shocked if the PC player base is as high as 50% |
Yeah my first question after watching the video was where he got that platform breakdown from. Sounds like bs tbh.
All I can say is that I find matched much faster as I did in Halo 4 or Reach. That's the data I need for myself
Halo Infinite kept #1 spot yet again on trueachievements.com chart. Dying game, eh?
Ryuu96 said:
We getting some of them niche JRPGs. We gonna be getting Neptunia before [REDACTED] 4 and [REDACTED] 5.
Downloaded though
https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png%5B/IMG%5D">https://www.trueachievements.com/gamer/SliferCynDelta"><img src="https://www.trueachievements.com/gamercards/SliferCynDelta.png
Ryuu96 said:
That's awesome. I have them on steam but i will gladly get them on xbox if they bring the entire trilogy. Hoping for a port of Decadence.
Ryuu96 said:
Good, always wanted to try this series, but unfortunately I missed my chance to grab the physical copy of all three games on Switch when it released last December. Will probably go with Xbox version now. I suppose the other two games will also release straight into GamePass at some point during the year.
Hopefully "next" generation cyberpunk and Witcher will be releasing soon...
I'll play through them both again. Just smash through the story.
Got all the achievements for both already.
Anyone else looking to replay anything on the new machines pending an update?
ironmanDX said:
Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk for me too :P
Especially Witcher after watching the outstanding 2nd season on Netflix.
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