Lmao that Pete Hines vid is amazing
Lmao that Pete Hines vid is amazing
Finally, a Wonder Woman game. It’s Monoliths next game
shikamaru317 said: Ugh. Monolith's 4 year in development project announced and it's not the Middle Earth Shadow of 3 they set up with the DLC, it's Wonder Woman. |
Think I might prefer this. Hopefully.
Didn't care for Shadow of War.
SquareEnix will literally sell themselves out for money huh.
FF7re Epic Store Exclusive
Ryuu96 said: - There has to be a better way to cycle through Equipment and Grenades, it's annoying me, Lol. |
My nr 1. cause of death lol. nr 2, not knowing wtf is going on and getting stuck on something, nr 3. falling off the ring.
The grapple hook is a lot of fun. I wish there was an upgrade to use it again while falling or its the cool down that's preventing me from hopping up a cliff. I need more cores to upgrade the thing, I wasted them on my shield.
Hmm, another cause of death, return to the battlefield. The game does not appreciate me jumping to the next 'island' I guess. Wonder why it lets me set a waypoint to somewhere you're not allowed to go yet. Back the other way.
Bokeh’s first game looks interesting. It actually reminded me of Ghostwire for a bit there.
Finally the Cuphead DLC
Sonic Breath of the Wild
So Suicide Squad is next gen only
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