Timeplitters future perfect, 9.99€
Timesplitters 2 49.99€ (Please be wrong)
Timeplitters future perfect, 9.99€
Timesplitters 2 49.99€ (Please be wrong)
konnichiwa said: Timeplitters future perfect, 9.99€ |
Timesplitters 2 is £8.39 here, so I'm guessing wrong. xD
Angelus said: Am I reading this right? There's only 10 maps? |
Don't worry they'll add more in 3 months with season 2! Oh wait... 6 months!
Zippy6 said:
Don't worry they'll add more in 3 months with season 2! Oh wait... 6 months! |
Well thank god for that...
Halo update finally pushed to my Xbox, the problem is that I ran out of space. Need to clear a bit. 1 TB drive is just isn't big enough
These battle pass/season details read like homework.
Barozi said: You guys installing Halo (or at least you're t rying to), I'm installing Max Payne 3. |
I'm resting my eyes on 4k/60fps Gears of War 3 and it's just so frikkin' beautiful :')
shikamaru317 said: The launch playlists kind of suck. No separate playlists for Slayer and Objective, forcing those like myself who are bad at Objective to play them. No SWAT, no Snipers, No Infection, the only playlist without crossplay is the ranked which has a poor ruleset for my tastes. |
They could have 20 maps almost ready for all we know. Let's not just assume they just finished the 10th one and are only just starting making the 11th and onwards. 10 maps seems to be good, especially considering I'd imagine they are bigger and more detailed than previous games. Less options can also be less overwhelming and help people get adjusted to the game more. Perhaps they are taking a page out of Splatoon's playbook here for all we know, allowing gamers to get used to the mechanics at a slow and steady pace so as to not leave anyone behind, rather than throwing a million things at us at once and 90% of us becoming frustrated by the 17 year old's playing the game 12 hours a day and then pwning us into annihilation for the brief time we can get on a day.
dx11332sega said:
I found the backwards list but the games don't show then I did a complete boot restart on One X and still they haven't appeared? I checked if my Xbox was updated today it said updated successfully 11/15 |
Go to store, click on magnifying glass in the xbox store, search 'Otogi' and you will find it.
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