dx11332sega said:
Freaking hate netease guts , they stole Nagoshi from Sega and now they took No More Heroes Developer I hope Microsoft hurries up and Buys a Japanese studio because Netease and tencent are not stopping and Microsoft can't be this dense to not see the patterns these 2 are doing . any Japanese developer is ok Microsoft don't be freaking picky it's that or your left with no Japanese studio ever. And It's not impossible for Foriegner to acquire a Japanese studio Netease is proof of that Netease is Chinese. Breakdown. There's no government laws in Japan. |
I didn’t realize that Grasshopper was up for grabs, I knew that they split into two different teams after Let It Die but I thought that they were still part of Gung-Ho.
Suda’s games don’t sell all that well but I love how ganes, I hope that Netease gives him funding and he is able to make more AAA games again.
Also yeah those claims that Japan doesn’t allow foreign companies to purchase Japanese companies is completely overblown, all you have to do is look at what happened to Nissan to see that isn’t true.