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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Did You Watch XO19?


Did You Watch XO19?

Yes, and it was great 126 15.38%
Yes, but it was disappointing 111 13.55%
No, but I caught up on announcements after 146 17.83%
No, wasn't interested 407 49.69%
Other 29 3.54%

Didn't watch, however the announcements were more than what I expected.
BTW what happened to Battletoads? I thought they were showing more of it.

Around the Network
Azzanation said:
Didn't watch, however the announcements were more than what I expected.
BTW what happened to Battletoads? I thought they were showing more of it.

I think its not ready yet and we`ll see mor at e3

Jigsawx1 said:
Azzanation said:
Didn't watch, however the announcements were more than what I expected.
BTW what happened to Battletoads? I thought they were showing more of it.

I think its not ready yet and we`ll see mor at e3

It was suppose to release this year, maybe they are doing a Sonic the Hedgehog overhaul.

Jigsawx1 said:
Azzanation said:
Didn't watch, however the announcements were more than what I expected.
BTW what happened to Battletoads? I thought they were showing more of it.

I think its not ready yet and we`ll see mor at e3

“Wait for E3” seems to have been the running joke with Xbox this whole generation. It’s become an unofficial slogan on the net for fans who refuse to give up hope. Not that hope should be given up, but placed only where it’s

Imagine trying to turn an innocent and honest discussion about Battletoads into console warz.

I watched it in the background while I played some Dead by Daylight.

Around the Network

Nah. I don't need anyone to hype me up these days. I see something I like, I buy it. I only watch some E3 and the occasional Nintendo Direct and even then, only if I stumble across them on YouTube.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Jigsawx1 said:

I think its not ready yet and we`ll see mor at e3

“Wait for E3” seems to have been the running joke with Xbox this whole generation. It’s become an unofficial slogan on the net for fans who refuse to give up hope. Not that hope should be given up, but placed only where it’s

Nah you know what you wrote is rubbish, nobody is waiting for battletoads without 3 people and 1 wrote in this thread. is it so hard for you only to have interactive movies to play?

⚠️ WARNED: Trolling ~ CGI

Last edited by CGI-Quality - on 21 November 2019

Yes. Good show .
Lots of games for 2020 and interesting titles (for me) from Obsidian and Rare.
Gamepass news are really good and for people who dont like gamepass, they can still buy the anounced games (Yakuza, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy , etc) so is a win - win situation.

Sorry for my bad english.

Jigsawx1 said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

“Wait for E3” seems to have been the running joke with Xbox this whole generation. It’s become an unofficial slogan on the net for fans who refuse to give up hope. Not that hope should be given up, but placed only where it’s

Nah you know what you wrote is rubbish, nobody is waiting for battletoads without 3 people and 1 wrote in this thread. is it so hard for you only to have interactive movies to play?

Gearing up for the next gen's console war ? :p

I think Microsoft is keeping the big news for next year.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Jigsawx1 said:

I think its not ready yet and we`ll see mor at e3

“Wait for E3” seems to have been the running joke with Xbox this whole generation. It’s become an unofficial slogan on the net for fans who refuse to give up hope. Not that hope should be given up, but placed only where it’s

I agree with this. I can't remember Xbox actually had a good E3/show that actually pathed a way for the brand/console, 2009??

OT: I saw bits but it was a snoozefest as per, I've never known a company to be so naff despite having so much arsenal.