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Forums - General Discussion - Say Something About the Person Above You

Hopefully has a Happy New Year.

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Hopefully had a good new year

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Had a dream last night where he was a bird flying high above the earth, and peacefully watched it all from above while flying. Then, like many birds, took a dump on somebody's vehicle.

Made a fantasy about an eagle who shits on cars

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

Should be excited for the Nintendo Switch 2, and yes I'm aware of what I said as we're discussing number 2.

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Knows that Super Nintendo Switch would've sounded cooler than Nintendo Switch 2.

coolbeans said:

Knows that Super Nintendo Switch would've sounded cooler than Nintendo Switch 2.

Is correct, but knows that Nintendo Switch 2 is still a better name than Wii U.

Knows that Wii U is the sound one makes after entering a bathroom that the previous occupant has destroyed.

super_etecoon said:

Knows that Wii U is the sound one makes after entering a bathroom that the previous occupant has destroyed.

Knows that it's also the sound made when doing gross close ups of stuff in cartoons.

Is not a fan of gross close-ups, but is not so opposed to gross far-aways