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Forums - Sales Discussion - June NPD 2019 thread

Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Zelda all sold above NSMB U this month, even though it was released this year.  I am trying to figure out what is more impressive: Zelda or Smash Bros?  On previous systems Smash Bros was a really front loaded title.  This month it was the second best selling game on the Switch.  Somehow the franchise has shifted from front loaded to evergreen.  And of course their is Zelda which is up at #4 on the Switch over two years after launch.  Mario Odyssey and Splatoon 2 have sold well in the US, but they can't quite keep their legs going like these other 2 games.  Smash and Zelda are both huge monsters (and so is Mario Kart 8, but that is not too big of a surprise).

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Hopefully someone leaks HW #s. Nice ti se MK holding strong.

Megiddo said:
MasonADC said:
Botw comes in at 13th after more than two years. Unprecedented sales for a single player game

Skyrim is a single player game. What in the world are you smoking? Unprecedented for a Zelda game, is that what you meant?

Skyrim was a multiplatform game, which was released on many different consoles. Anyways Zelda legs are special

CosmicSex said:
Megiddo said:

Skyrim is a single player game. What in the world are you smoking? Unprecedented for a Zelda game, is that what you meant?

There is also the sub industry known as GTA 5 which will end the generation as the best selling game, while managing to launch last gen. 

No one is buying GTA for the singleplayer aspect lol

Megiddo said:
MasonADC said:
Botw comes in at 13th after more than two years. Unprecedented sales for a single player game

Skyrim is a single player game. What in the world are you smoking? Unprecedented for a Zelda game, is that what you meant?

MasonADC said:
CosmicSex said:

There is also the sub industry known as GTA 5 which will end the generation as the best selling game, while managing to launch last gen. 

No one is buying GTA for the singleplayer aspect lol

I've bought GTA V on PS3, PC and PS4 and have never touched the multiplayer. But you're right lol, it is a multiplayer game.

Barkley said:
MasonADC said:

No one is buying GTA for the singleplayer aspect lol

I've bought GTA V on PS3, PC and PS4 and have never touched the multiplayer. But you're right lol, it is a multiplayer game.

lol really? Why rebuy it so many times just for the singleplayer? Unless it was on sale, then I could understand 

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MasonADC said:
Barkley said:

I've bought GTA V on PS3, PC and PS4 and have never touched the multiplayer. But you're right lol, it is a multiplayer game.

lol really? Why rebuy it so many times just for the singleplayer? Unless it was on sale, then I could understand 

It's rare I buy a game when it's not on sale lol, all 3 copies were bought at half price or less. I wouldn't have bought it on PS3 if it had come to PC sooner, I played about a quarter of the game on PS3 but by 2013 I wasnt really enjoying using the console, 2012-2014 PC was my platform of choice. So I purchased it on PC when it came out and played about the same on that but I got back into console gaming with the PS4, and then eventually picked it up on that when it was on sale for about £20-£25.

Basically just never got round to finishing it and the platform I wanted to play it on kept changing.

MasonADC said:

CosmicSex said:

There is also the sub industry known as GTA 5 which will end the generation as the best selling game, while managing to launch last gen. 

No one is buying GTA for the singleplayer aspect lol

Megiddo said:

Skyrim is a single player game. What in the world are you smoking? Unprecedented for a Zelda game, is that what you meant?

Well I mean GTA V sales has far surpassed PS Plus + XBL Gold Subscribers, so clearly people buy it for singleplayer and multiplayer. In fact GTA V sales still outpace the subscriber growth of PS Plus + XBL Gold to this day, leaving the rest on PC or singleplayer gamers. A game in the modern era with this high sales HAS to be desirable in both aspects, Minecraft being the other game in the same caliber.

Farsala said:
MasonADC said:

No one is buying GTA for the singleplayer aspect lol

Well I mean GTA V sales has far surpassed PS Plus + XBL Gold Subscribers, so clearly people buy it for singleplayer and multiplayer. In fact GTA V sales still outpace the subscriber growth of PS Plus + XBL Gold to this day, leaving the rest on PC or singleplayer gamers. A game in the modern era with this high sales HAS to be desirable in both aspects, Minecraft being the other game in the same caliber.

Hard to be comparable when the game is on pc as well. Obviously the singleplayer is desirable, but having legs to this day is due to the multiplayer. 

Barkley said:
MasonADC said:

lol really? Why rebuy it so many times just for the singleplayer? Unless it was on sale, then I could understand 

It's rare I buy a game when it's not on sale lol, all 3 copies were bought at half price or less. I wouldn't have bought it on PS3 if it had come to PC sooner, I played about a quarter of the game on PS3 but by 2013 I wasnt really enjoying using the console, 2012-2014 PC was my platform of choice. So I purchased it on PC when it came out and played about the same on that but I got back into console gaming with the PS4, and then eventually picked it up on that when it was on sale for about £20-£25.

Basically just never got round to finishing it and the platform I wanted to play it on kept changing.

Understandable, Ive done the same thing with Minecraft. I believe I own it on 5 systems at this point 

Something that probably doesn't get talked about enough is that when Nintendo titles sell in the millions like this, they are almost always doing it at full price. I can't even imagine the numbers if Nintendo released any of their big guns as a Select title. Of course, why should they at this point considering the legs they have.