Yes, Islam is essentially "untouchable" these days, or at least that is how most Muslims and "SJWs" want it.
Which is ironic as hell, because Islam, in the Quran itself, expressly forbids and demonizes most of what SJW types want: Equality for everyone, LGBT elevation, female elevation, religious equality, child rights/protection, etc. According to the Quran, LGBT people are evil, and SHOULD be put to death for existing. Women and children are to be considered property, women and girls especially, and they shouldn't have any rights, should cover their bodies head to toe, and if they ever step out of line even a little bit, they should be put to death. Abuse of women and children, both violent or sexual, are 100% A-OK, so long as you keep up your "Good Muslim" points in other areas. Non-Muslims are to be considered evil, and should either be converted by force, or, you guessed it, eventually put to death.
These and more are all things the Quran literally says. And when extremist terrorists, who other Muslims and "The Left" love to claim "have nothing to do with Islam", stab people in public, or drive vehicles into people, or shoot people or blow shit up, that literally does have 100% to do with what they're being taught by their Imams, coming from the Quran. The only way in which Islam is a so-called "Religion of Peace", in the most fundamental terms, is that according to their teachings, the world will know "peace", just as soon as they finish converting the ENTIRE planet to Islam, by any means necessary. And if you think this is hyperbole, no, it isn't. Those were literally the "Prophet's" original teachings. Christianity, or some of its' strains, do indeed also dream of making the ENTIRE planet (their version of) Christian. But that doesn't mean for a moment that Islam in general, and I would wager a majority of Muslims, don't also dream of a world in which EVERYONE is like them.
Personally, I am not an atheist by any means. In fact I'm a very spiritual person. But I am not religious at all, even though I was raised with Christianity as a kid. And there is a massive difference between spirituality and religion. Spirituality colors people's perception of life and the world around us, adding that "spiritual element" to often even mundane things. Religion, on the other hand, tells people that it's ok to molest children, or to keep women covered and treat them like pets or property. Or that killing people who aren't like you is OK, because they are heathens anyway, basically "less human".
In all blunt honesty, Christianity has done FAR more serious harm to the world in human history, than it has any good. And yes, there are absolutely still scary Christian fundamentalists who are, at least in belief, little better than Muslim terrorists. But the major difference there, is that they mostly exist in America, and are a minority even among Christians. Islam, on the other hand, has over a Billion followers worldwide, and counting every year. And while it is completely fair and accurate to say that NOT all Muslims agree with the fundamentalists and hardliners, there ARE moderate or even "liberal" Muslims who do genuinely want peace, and don't seek to convert or trash the entire Non-Muslim world. That does not, however, mean that Islam itself, an an entity, isn't a very scary and frankly very serious threat. While "most Muslims" may indeed just want to live their lives and leave others to do the same, if you were to ask "most Muslims" if the idea of converting the entire world to Islam was OK. If ideas like stoning women to death for not covering themselves head to toe, or threatening and KILLING literally anyone who so much as gently criticizes any aspect of Islam, let alone openly mocks, challenges or attacks it verbally/intellectually, that those things are OK. There's a strong and very realistic chance, that "most Muslims", if privately surveyed, would indicate that those things are "justified" or OK on some level.
I do not personally hate Muslims, in fact I've met several who are really cool people. But I DON'T like Islam as a religion, at all. I hold no love for Christianity and its various strains either, but Christianity isn't nearly the overt, open threat to "infidels" that Islam is these days. Because while there ARE some scary and demented, hateful Christians in the world, they almost exclusively live in and were raised in countries where their madness is greatly contained. Islam, on the other hand, is another story entirely. NOT all terrorists in the world today are Muslim, to be certain, just look at some of the sicko shooters in the USA. But looking at things pragmatically and honestly, it IS truthful to say that a MAJORITY of major terrorist attacks (not carried out by official militaries that is), are Islam-related.
Most especially in European/Western countries that welcome in refugees by the thousands. And therein lies the real issue. It is inhumane and shitty to NOT give refugees who are genuinely fleeing for their lives, with their families, from dangerous or deadly circumstances in their homelands, SOMEWHERE to go where they can be safe. But, at the same time, it is next to impossible to tell who among these refugees might be the next ticking time bomb. The next dumbass kid taught by his demented Imam that attacking Western crowds or blowing shit up, is doing "God's Work". And yeah, some of them ARE fake refugees sneaking in with the rest, which is incredibly scary and messed up. But many of them aren't. Some of the terrorist attacks just in the last few years, in places like Australia, or the UK or France or Germany, were carried out by actual refugees, or even people who were born and raised in those countries. And not all of it is even "Terrorist" attacks. Some of it just plain criminal behaviors, like intimidation, rapes, beatings, even murder. Which is far more terrifying.
And the fact that "Intersectional Feminists" and "Social Justice" clowns basically AGREE with fundamental Muslims, who think you should NEVER question or criticize anything Islam-related, certainly doesn't help anything. These are the same kind of people who condemn bigoted and scary beliefs and actions by Christians, but for the SAME exact shit from Muslims, they cry "That's their culture, leave those poor Muslims ALONE!" These tired and trite Western Feminists, who would absolutely flip their shit if/when fundamentalist Christians, let's say, say it's OK for women to be raped, that it's "God's Will", and that aborting a rape baby is still sinful and shouldn't be allowed. Yet literally ALL of that is exactly how Islamic countries/culture view those same things, but THAT'S ok, "It's just their culture". Western Feminists act like women in Western nations are SO oppressed, even if in most ways that matter they're literally not. Yet they don't say a damn word, nor allow OTHER rational people to say a damn word, about/against the fact that the MOST oppressed women on the planet, are women stuck living in Islamic countries/cultures. The LEAST feminist cultures/nations on earth, are predominantly Muslim. Yet they are either bewilderingly blind to this fact, or they don't WANT to see/acknowledge it, because "those are brown people, which means they're oppressed by White Man and totally innocent".
For the record, not that it matters in the least, I myself am part Lebanese, though I don't speak Arabic and wasn't raised with Islam. I also tend to lean pretty hard "Left" on many issues, most especially Environmental stuff. But it is absolutely silly, while at the same time being outright terrifying, that so-called "Leftist" elements in all of these western countries, are SO hardcore about allowing more and more Muslims to flood into their lands, and SO hardcore about offering them "special protections" and treating them as a "protected class". Yet it is many (not ALL) of these same Muslims being invited to live in Europe, Canada, etc., who absolutely refuse to acclimate and integrate themselves into Western Society. As far as many of them are concerned, the only "law" that matters is Islam, which means it takes absolute precedence over whatever the laws of the actual countries they now live in are. They basically set up camp and live as if they were still living in their original home countries, and expect to be allowed to do so, ignoring the laws and traditions of the nations who invited them in. And worst yet, as the OP talks about, they fully expect to be allowed to push Islamic values onto the REST of the populace. Which, guaranteed, will only get worse over time, as their own population within those countries grows. That's just simple, basic logic.
So what is the answer? Send them all home? Keep more from coming to The West? There are no easy answers. But frankly, inviting them to come live in Western nations whose cultures totally clash with their own, was/is definitely NOT the right thing for the EU, the UN, or anyone else to do. That was not the correct call. There are relatively peaceful and stable, mostly Islamic countries that they SHOULD have been sent to, or allowed to flee to, which would for obvious reasons work FAR better for everyone in the long run. And yet, ironically enough, most of those nations refuse to allow their "Muslim Brothers" to come live with them, to take them in in their time of need. Instead, they too, encourage Western nations to take them. Funny, eh?
Anyway, I know I just wrote a "novel", and honestly there is a LOT more than could be said on the subject. Personally, while I do not savor the idea of living in a totally Atheist world either, I do not like, and in fact do feel realistically threatened by the idea of ANY religion dominating and covering the planet. Personally, I don't want to live under so-called "Sharia Law" any more than I want to live under "Christian Law". Both are completely medieval and backwards in their own ways, but more importantly, no one who is NOT in agreeance with such BS, should ever be forced to live under it. And while that is, of course, not an active threat right now in "The West", how long will it honestly take, measured in years, before fundamentalist Muslims and the "Leftists" who actively enable them, actually start pushing for it in Western countries? I honestly hate politics as much as I do these "One God, One Truth" religions. But I don't think it's a terribly "political" stance, to not want some frankly pretty scary religion, to keep on spreading itself unabated, to the point that it literally starts taking over Western laws and systems of government. Maybe that'll never happen, but then again, there are millions in the world who would LOVE for it to. And I don't care WHAT religion that is, whether it's Islam, Christianity, or The Flying Spaghetti Monster. People who don't believe in and follow that shit, should never have to even WORRY about living under it.
Last edited by DevilRising - on 10 June 2019