Pemalite said:
Wedge said:
Zero evidence? are you sure? did you put some effort in learning about Islam or, as I stated before, are content with your current situation because you're happy with it?
Positive there is zero evidence. But go ahead, try and prove me wrong... After thousands of years, if you can present the necessary empirical evidence you will likely win a Nobel prize. - I'm not joking either.
Wedge said:
You missed my point again concerning empathy, and you think I'm the one missing your point, what ever the feeling is, it is relative. "Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself", and if I don't abide by this rule? nothing obligates me.
No. I haven't missed your point, I discarded it in it's entirety.
Religion isn't required to have morals, couldn't be any simpler than that. There are half a billion Atheists in the world, if not more. - Unless you are asserting that they are all immoral?
And we have already established that the Bible, Quran and Torah are full of immoral acts anyway.
Wedge said:
Can't you see that I put the word prophet between quotes? I know what atheism is, probably more than you, you ignore simple atheistic facts such as morals relativism.
No. That is simply your belief, not the real world, nor mine.
Wedge said:
You fell into double standard fallacy buddy, you kept saying that I have no evidence to backup my claims, and yet you just throw statements randomly without providing evidence. And where did I put words into your mouth?
You want evidences, here you go: check the 3rd question in this page, read "Exploring dimensions of human sexuality" and "My genes made me do it"
False. I am not obligated to provide evidence as I am not asserting that a deity of some description exists.
As for where you are putting words in my mouth... And I quote: "You save peoples lives, and? what do you gain from that? only feeling good about yourself because you believe in the illusion (from an atheistic view) called absolute morals, and either if you save lives or kill people your destiny is the same: void, sooner or later. there's no point in risking your own and only life to save others lives, this is absurd."
In short, you don't know me, so stop pretending you do.
In regards to that Link, it really doesn't go in-depth into anything or has any verifiable citations.
These also seem to contradict that link:
Wedge said:
I already told you that the evil acts of a certain group that claims to follow an ideology is not an argument against the ideology itself, why do you insist on ignoring this? The fact that you see the all religions as the same is another proof of your superficiality.
Ambiguous? this?: Big bang [Quran 21.30] Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe? ; Expansion [Quran 51.47] And the heaven, We built it with craftsmanship and We are still expanding. ; Big crunch [Quran 21.104] On the day when We will fold the heaven, like the folder compacts the books, and as We originated the first creation We shall return it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will deliver. If this is ambiguous then you probably want God to use scientific term even if they didn't exist 1400 years ago, add to that that the Quran is not science book, so it doesn't have to go through details.
I don't see all religions as being the same. But I hold them all to the same standard.
Yes the Quran is ambiguous. - Keep in mind that the original texts of the Quran was not written in English, many Arabic phrases have multiple meanings which can be reinterpreted to fit any narrative that forwards their position or argument... We need to frame the text in a context that is befitting of someone who lived 6,000 years ago and the knowledge they possessed.
Not only that but the Quran is derived from the same historical context that the Bibles Old Testament was built from... Which in turn predates the Quran by several centuries... Which was also derived from the Hebrew Bible and thus was also translated and reinterpreted many times, thus meanings changed to "fit in" with the scientific principles over the course of a few thousand years.
Wedge said:
Evolution is a fact because you've been told so, and tbh it's a very fancy theory, but have you ever searched about the counter-arguments? or do you only believe in it because it is the only explanation available for the origin of creatures, let's not open this topic too because we're already discussing enough stuff.
Yes Evolution is a theory. A scientific theory. In case you aren't aware a scientific theory is a collection of facts with working models to explain a position.
Evolution falls into that category, at this point the evidence for Evolution is simply indisputable, if you disagree with Evolution then you are a science denier, simple as that... The same scientific principles that gives the explanation of Evolution is what got us to the moon, gives us modern medicines that cures disease and pretty much gave us all the modern comforts we enjoy today.
Wedge said:
Sorry but I think you showed that -with all due respect- you're a dogmatic and superficial atheist, and you make a lot of bold statements. by the way you only respond to a small part of my arguments.
Not all your arguments are worth my time responding to. Nor am I obligated to either.
Facts are... Everyone is born Atheist, it is the default position... It's only later that they are indoctrinated into various religions/cults/organizations/groups.
DrDoomz said:
Being "morally right" does not make your rights superior to others.
I do actually agree. But you still need to call it out.
DrDoomz said:
The harassment, bullying and missed opportunities, etc. are the actions. In which case there is a clear act and a clear right being trampled on. In which case there is something we can target and condemn/punish said actors.
They have every right to a happy life, but I feel one should not have the right to force others to behave according to what makes one happy.
There is a clear delineation between "Your evil actions hurt and oppress me" and "I will oppress and hurt you because you have evil thoughts".
Well. It could also be argued that those who have been repressed, mistreated, bashed, murdered, discriminated against are owed something by society in the short term with true societal equality coming later. If it's something like educating the next generation on LGBT issues, then that is a small price to pay... That isn't forcing ones beliefs down someones throats, it's ensuring that past transgressions don't occur in the future.
I do have a Pro-LGBT bias on this topic though for obvious reasons though.
I'm not saying that you don't have morals, or that I know you, I'm not talking about your own beliefs, they won't change what atheism is, I'm saying that atheism doesn't provide any ground to support morals, nothing forces an atheist to have morals, either you are a moral or immoral person your fate is oblivion either-way, unlike religion, which has judgement day and different fates for each of 2 types of persons.
"What's to prevent us from saying Hitler wasn't right? I mean that is a genuinely difficult question" Richard Dawkins
"Your belief that rape is wrong is an arbitrary conclusion" Justin Brierley
You're asking for empirical evidences because you ignore how things work in Islam, we believe that we are in a test world where men should believe in God if he received the invitation (undistorted and adequate) and obey him. let's say that God appeared himself in a form of his choice to us, everyone is going to believe, the test is too easy then.
Homosexuality research are subject for sponsorship bias, confirmation bias,publication bias... there are plenty of articles for both pro and anti genetic homosexuality, and many other scientific topics, don't take it for granted,
A study proved that even simple bodily features are too complex to be related to a single gene or a specific group of genes, let alone behavioral ones:
Can you give me examples of immoral acts in the quran?
I know arabic and the words used in the original verses are actually clearer than their english translation, + adapting verses to any situation is prohibited in Islam, we question "science" first of all because human conclusions are susceptible to error obviously, unlike you who probably don't even consider the slightest error as a possibility.
Among the scientists that gave up on supporting and believing in evolution: David Berlinski, Jonathan Wells, Karl Popper, Fred Hoyle, Michael Denton, Antony Flew, Francis Collins, Phillip Johnson, Michael Behe, Jerry Fodor, Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini. Some arguments against evolution: the incompleteness of the fossil record (no transitional fossils between species, normally they should be abundant), the cambrean explosion, forged fossils (Coelacanth, Piltdown man, ida fossil, lucy fossil, nebraska man, archeoraptor...), organs that are thought to be useless or evolutionary remains because of ignorance of their function (appendix, leg remains in whales, junk DNA...) and later proven to have a function, the improbability of the acquisition of a gene outside the gene pool of the specie, irreducible complexity..... and this is just a sample.
You're too sure about yourself buddy, an deceived by pop science, stereotypes and media .