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Forums - Politics Discussion - Muslim parents in UK protest school children's storybook featuring same gender parents

RolStoppable said:
o_O.Q said:

you shouldn't make fun of trans people like that, it could lead to suicide

Is that so? If you claim to be trans and put it like that, I cannot deny that it's tempting to continue.

you want me to commit suicide?

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sundin13 said:
o_O.Q said:

1) "Being more biologically similar in some ways does not mean biologically and physically identical in all ways."

ok how are the biological differences manifesting themselves?

2) "Nop. 0/10"

really? you don't think inclusion and equality are the dominant influences for this philosophy? and you don't think our perception is inherently hierarchical and differentiated?

3) "Already did."

you said it depends on context, what is the context? or is that something you can't elaborate on?

4) "Prostate cancer is extraordinarily rare in XX individuals."

i thought women didn't have to have XX chromosomes in your view?

1) Ask google or find my earlier posts on this subject.

2) I don't think you, an individual notorious for being dog trash at making assumptions, can understand the full context of an article by just reading the title. Bad show.

3) If only I had already explained that.


4) As that was the most predictable attempt at a "gotcha" moment, I specifically mentioned "biological factors" and "individuals with XX chromosomes", I did not make any remark relating to whether or not women can get prostate cancer.

The fact that you tried that bullshit, failed, and then still went on with it is embarrassing. This is the level of bullshit I've been dealing with for the last two days...

We clearly have nothing more to discuss.

" If only I had already explained that."

"Kind of, but its also a lot more complicated than that."

this was your answer, since you seem to have forgotten, you haven't really explained anything because you can't

"I specifically mentioned "biological factors" and "individuals with XX chromosomes""

you've also said this

"" We should not deny the identity of a trans individual on the basis of biology""

do you not see how a situation can arise where a man who identifies as a woman gets prostate cancer? you are claiming above that despite their biological state we should just regard them as a woman anyway

or am i misinterpreting you even though i'm quoting you directly?

"The fact that you tried that bullshit, failed, and then still went on with it is embarrassing. This is the level of bullshit I've been dealing with for the last two days..."

don't blame me for you not being able to keep this nonsense straight, no one can and that's why people are opposing how stupid it is

"I don't think you, an individual notorious for being dog trash at making assumptions, can understand the full context of an article by just reading the title"

as i said i read the article and it was as predictable as this nonsense always is, its so amazingly shallow

SecondWar said:
Machiavellian said:

You really cannot teach one without the other.  So the school tells the kids about same sex couples and families but if they just left it there then the child will go home asking their parents about same sex couples and their families.  You cannot just make a child aware of such situations and not explain how everything came to be.  You cannot talk about gender on this level and not explain why some kids may view themselves as another gender even though they were born male or female.  At 5 years old, I will say that the innermost details for these conversations are to complex and it does put pressure on the parents to fill in the gaps.  If anything I would say around 15 on up would be way better for these type of conversations and discussions.

At the age of 5 the vast majority of children do not a have a concept of sex, so you don't need to start telling them how same sex couples do it. They know about pregnancy but not how it is caused. So yes, you can get away without filling in the blanks. Also at 15 there are a fair number of kids who have already questioned their sexuality for several years, so you will be leaving it too late.

So how do you tell a kid, why a family have 2 dads.  How do you get into that conversation and not talk about the relationship especially if your child has witness your relationship between you and your wife.  You make this statement as if you do not have children but I have actual personal experience with this subject. You cannot just say they live together it will not be enough to satisfy a child curiosity.  Do you believe the conversation just ends there but it doesn't.  The child will repeatedly come back with more questions and each time they will be more detailed and more involved.  If you do not provide this information then someone else will and their bias will be the formation of their development from there on.  Once you open the pandora box it doesn't close until the child is curiosity dissipate.  You will be very surprised how much a information a child picks up by age 5 and how much concept they understand.

At age 15 is when they can have real discussions about their feelings or even how they feel about same sex relationships.  This is when they become at a maturity level where they start to really form their world view.  I am not talking about a child who is  homosexual or identify as homesexual at a young age. Nothing within the schools will help them work out their issues, as it will be something within the home to help them on their course.  If their family is supportive then things are much easier but if not then nothing within the schools will help the situation.  What I am talking about is giving information to young adults at a stage they can really chew on it and hopefully beat down their parents bias and form their own opinion.

Stupidity isn't reserved by Christians afterall. Stupid is stupid no matter who does it. As a Muslim I must say, these protests seem stupid. End of story, bye!

Just a guy who doesn't want to be bored. Also

A lot of passive aggressive posts in this thread. I'll avoid the bait this time. 

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Nogamez said:
Some Muslims and some christians are against LGBTQ stuff and dont want there kids been taught at age 5 about that stuff. I agree with them really, one of the books was about a prince marrying a prince. I dont think 5 yr olds need to be exposed to that imo.

Exposed? It's a part of nature, it's part of the real world and a part of real life.
You aren't exposing them to anything dangerous or damaging, they aren't suddenly going to become a raging homosexual because they saw two men hug.

Children are extremely intelligent, open minded and less judgemental than a large percentage of Adults who already have established thought processes.

As for religions being against it... I would argue that those religions need to prove their religious assertions like God exists before trying to instill their religious indoctrination upon Children rather than stress about LGBTQI stuff.

Immersiveunreality said:

Im happy that crap has not been implemented in Europe yet,took a long time to get most religions out so lets not get the fantasy inclusive supposed "biology" in.

It disgusts me that people try to influence kids on that level.

You should probably do a bit of reading, sexuality has biological, environmental and social influences.
Science says so.

It's part of the social fabric of society these days anyway, shielding them away isn't going to make them better individuals, in-fact the opposite could be argued.

SecondWar said:

At the age of 5 the vast majority of children do not a have a concept of sex, so you don't need to start telling them how same sex couples do it. They know about pregnancy but not how it is caused. So yes, you can get away without filling in the blanks. Also at 15 there are a fair number of kids who have already questioned their sexuality for several years, so you will be leaving it too late.

No one is teaching 5 year olds about the birds and the bees are they?
What generally gets promoted is that it is okay for two men or two ladies to love each other... A kid can understand that concept... Apparently better than allot of Adults!

Machiavellian said:

So how do you tell a kid, why a family have 2 dads.  How do you get into that conversation and not talk about the relationship especially if your child has witness your relationship between you and your wife.  You make this statement as if you do not have children but I have actual personal experience with this subject. You cannot just say they live together it will not be enough to satisfy a child curiosity.  Do you believe the conversation just ends there but it doesn't.  The child will repeatedly come back with more questions and each time they will be more detailed and more involved.  If you do not provide this information then someone else will and their bias will be the formation of their development from there on.  Once you open the pandora box it doesn't close until the child is curiosity dissipate.  You will be very surprised how much a information a child picks up by age 5 and how much concept they understand.

You tell them that kid has two dads that love each other and leave it at that. Kids are extremely open minded and understanding, often more so than Adults.
If they ask questions, just be honest, no need to lie. - They don't need to know the gritty details.

They won't be anymore curious than when asking about opposite sex relationships. Be tactful.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

RolStoppable said:
LurkerJ said:

My fave part of the video is when one of the protesters gets questioned by the reporter, and be hold, she can't speak English!

My second fave part is the way non of what being shouted is labelled as "hate speech" by the BBC or any other network. Conservative Europeans must be watching these videos wondering why these people are being handled so gently. 

What exactly should be called hate speech? Video is long, so post quotes for easier discussion.

Also, how old are the children who get taught about same sex couples?

As young as 5 years old. They're not taught about same sex couples, they're just exposed to stories that includes same sex couples, imagine a world with a popular cartoon series starring a gay character. Would that be considered "same sex couples education" or just another cartoon series?

Carl said:
As someone who was born and raised in Bradford, I can't say I'm surprised at the developments in Birmingham.

That said, the authorities have banned them from protesting outside schools now. See where it goes when the children return after half-term. See if the police actually have the bollocks to make arrests.

Bold: care to elaborate? 

Nogamez said:
Some Muslims and some christians are against LGBTQ stuff and dont want there kids been taught at age 5 about that stuff. I agree with them really, one of the books was about a prince marrying a prince. I dont think 5 yr olds need to be exposed to that imo.

So it's not ok to tell a story about a happy gay couple, but it is ok to expose a 5 year to the Quran? A book that instills fears of eternal hell in the minds of its believers? Muslims seem to be ok exposing their kids to the idea that "being gay = death" but they are not ok with a harmless story starring two moms and their child?

Religious societies have had the freedom to use cheap scaring tactics against children with stories revolving around eternal punishments for centuries, now we have those same religious societies crying over fictional gay characters in stories that aim to spread acceptance and open mindedness.... The hypocrisy driving all of this stupid hysteria is beyond hilarious.

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 02 June 2019

AbbathTheGrim said:

Parts of interest in the video:

Man tells interviewer who the interviewer should interview and who she shouldn't:

Man says, if this is a predominantly religious community, why should there be secular schools? We should have faith-based schools:

Bold: that guy is visibly butt-hurt throughout the video. 

This is why this story is important, these people shouldn't be given an inch. This isn't just about promoting acceptance of LGBT. (which is why the title of the thread was "Secular europe vs Islam, but I understand why it was changed by the mod team). 

Another hilarious bit in the video is the lead female protester not wearing hijab. The overwhelming majority of Muslims would tell to cover up or she'll be punished by god for being a bad female Muslim. Yet, she's out there lecturing others about what they should and should not teach children. 

Last edited by LurkerJ - on 02 June 2019

Pemalite said:

SecondWar said:

At the age of 5 the vast majority of children do not a have a concept of sex, so you don't need to start telling them how same sex couples do it. They know about pregnancy but not how it is caused. So yes, you can get away without filling in the blanks. Also at 15 there are a fair number of kids who have already questioned their sexuality for several years, so you will be leaving it too late.

No one is teaching 5 year olds about the birds and the bees are they?
What generally gets promoted is that it is okay for two men or two ladies to love each other... A kid can understand that concept... Apparently better than allot of Adults!


I think my OP was unclear. No one is teaching children anything related to sex!

For me, this is not about gender/LGBT issues. This is about parents having a say at what they don't want taught to their kids. It can seem ignorant/backwards to many of us but we need to sympathize with their plight. They do not agree with what the school is teaching and at what age this is being taught and they do not have a choice on where to send their kids. Not only do they have to pay for this (via taxes), now they are forced to have their kids attend it, as well? I don't agree with their beliefs but as a parent, I have to sympathize with their situation. Because if there will come a time when certain beliefs are forced onto my kids at that age that I don't agree with, I will also be doing exactly what they are doing.

If religion is kept out of schools, then why force this in? Schols (at this early an age) should be neutral in both religion and politics, I feel. Schools should make these non-mandatory and parents should be allowed to have their kids opt out (unless they already are?).

Personally, I've taught my 5 year old daughter about LGBTQ issues (not in depth, just that love doesn't have to be about man/woman. But I have taught them that such instances are not the norm). My wife is a card carrying liberal feminist that I have deep respect for so I don't see the harm in letting my child know the truth about the world. But that's beside the point.