John finally tackles CRT. Long overdue and absolutely insane how out of control the 'issue' has become.
John finally tackles CRT. Long overdue and absolutely insane how out of control the 'issue' has become.
TallSilhouette said: John finally tackles CRT. Long overdue and absolutely insane how out of control the 'issue' has become. |
I would say its pretty much going along GOP and conservatives plan. They have orchestrated their message very well with a subject the majority of people have no real clue about and turned it into a message. Its never about truth in these situations is always how you can construct a message and get it to millions of people. Technology at the speed of light. Manipulation of information is made so much easier today and even though people have more ways to vet that info, we are just as lazy today as in the past to put in the effort.
Goddamn we are backsliding so fucking fast. You have to wonder if Texas in particular is doing all this monstrous shit recently to try and get liberals to leave the state and keep it red a while longer, but I'm sure redder states will use this as an excuse to follow suit.
Ken Paxton needs to be in prison.
TallSilhouette said: John finally tackles CRT. Long overdue and absolutely insane how out of control the 'issue' has become. |
3:55 "some races are morally superior to others"
4:49 "some races are superior to others"
John Oliver should make sure not to misrepresent the very person he's lampooning.
the-pi-guy said:
What exactly is the distinction between those two statements? If someone is "morally superior", then clearly they are "superior" in some fashion. This isn't a position being misrepresented, literally anyone should be able to understand what was being referred to. |
I try to adhere to a policy of NEVER deviating from what someone else said when making reference to what someone else said. In this case, Oliver is in violation of that principle.
the-pi-guy said:
And apparently missing 1 word, that doesn't change the actual meaning of the sentence is in violation of your policy of trying to not deviate from what someone else said. Sorry he's in violation of your principle. My personal principle is that it doesn't matter how you word something as you long as you aren't misconstruing the meaning. Sometimes you have to reword something, because people don't understand something the same way. Besides that again, he missed one word, that did not change the meaning of the sentence. |
A being superior to B.
A being morally superior to B.
I consider the two sentences to mean different things. They are similar in meaning but NOT the same in meaning. The second sentence makes clear along what lines the superiority exists. The first sentence is more vague and generalized.
KLAMarine said:
3:55 "some races are morally superior to others" John Oliver should make sure not to misrepresent the very person he's lampooning. |
Lol, so out of that video, all you came away with is that Tucker used morally superior and John stated superior even thought if you actually spent any moment reading what CRT is, you would understand Tucker definition is totally incorrect no matter the choice of words which even he stated he doesn't know. Why would anyone get their info from someone who actually does not know about the subject they are talking about.
the-pi-guy said:
One is slightly more specific, but not a distinction worth complaining about. Particularly when they show the quote in question, to contextualize what is being talked about. |
So we're in agreement: one word can change the meaning?
Machiavellian said:
Lol, so out of that video, all you came away with is that Tucker used morally superior and John stated superior even thought if you actually spent any moment reading what CRT is, you would understand Tucker definition is totally incorrect no matter the choice of words which even he stated he doesn't know. Why would anyone get their info from someone who actually does not know about the subject they are talking about. |
Don't ask me, I don't watch Tucker or Oliver.
KLAMarine said:
So we're in agreement: one word can change the meaning?
Don't ask me, I don't watch Tucker or Oliver. |
Do not ask you what?? It would have been better if you actually had something that was actually interesting to state concerning the video or on CRT and the topic. Instead you made some nick pick about basically nothing. If the only thing that actually get your interest is the difference between morally superior and superior instead of the actual topic, why even bother. I think we can all be in agreement that no matter what word Tucker used he was wrong. Once a person is wrong on a subject, nick picking specific words seems a waste of time.