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Rab said:

Still advocating for getting nothing done? I think it really is because you have no skin in the game and/or you don't have empathy for people in real need, it really is a blind spot in your thought process, you rather continue on the same path of doing nothing for decades more :/ 

Progressives have brought most of those social and environmental ideas to the forefront of political and public thinking, not something "moderates" or Reps have achieved, generally they have opposed such suggestions/ideas with the help of mainstream media, until now that is, those social and environmental ideas are mainstream thanks in no small part to Progressives, about 30 or so fully progressive politicians are now in seats of power which is great    

When I talk about great leaders and Biden not being one of them, that is my point.. at this stage of negotiations it's about private talks particularly as its 2 Dems that are holding up the progress, so it's only logical the leader of the Dems (Biden) has pivotal/important input, you ask me about what specifically Biden should say in those negotiations, how can I, I'm not in those negotiations, that's totally unrealistic for me to say what he needs to say to individuals at specific moments in a negotiation behind close doors, be reasonable 

The Climate crisis wont stop its march, our leaders cant just sit on their hands with this one, the system will collapse, power will change hands 

It is fast becoming Game Over for the Dems as the people are getting less and less hope of improvement/support in their lives seeing the Dems as keeping the status quo, seeing no hope of change, having the Reps replacing them in 22 and 24 will be a disaster  

Still hearing what you want to hear.  I see now that you basically just ignore the majority of what I stated.  There is not one point that I stated to do nothing. Actually if you are being real with yourself, it has been you that stated that the Progressives should do nothing since they had to reduce their agenda from the big spending package.  Maybe you should reread your statements before trying to put your own viewpoint on me. Why don't you show me within any of my points where I stated to do nothing.  My points has always been to get something done, not matter how small.  My points has always stated that the Progressives do not have the votes, so they need to make hard decisions on what they really want to accomplish and get it done.  

DO you even have a plan B.  So the progressives cannot get their big spending package.  Now its reduced to 1.5 Trillion. This probably isn't going to change so what exactly is your plan B because the big spending package is dead.  Is your plan to blame Biden as if that gets anything done.  

SO I see you value ideals more than getting something done.  You list ideals but do not actually give results.  What is the use of bringing ideals if they never put into action.  So you are a person who likes to dream big but do nothing and blame everyone else that you could not achieve your goal because they did not understand how great and good your ideals are. Ideals are great but if not put into action, then you have to believe the people in charge of those ideas are not capable.  

If you are not in the negotiations then why are you making statements like you are.  You are stating that Biden is not this great leader without any specifics on what is going on in those negotiations but you are ready to give your opinion that he is inadequate.  By that opinion alone it must mean you have some thoughts of what he is not doing correctly, if not then it just means you are looking for a scapegoat since its very evident that you do not like him. 

We all know your choice is Bernie Sanders but Bernie also had his shot at changing Manchin and Siemna minds but instead of getting more money for his agenda it went down to zero.  I do not see you putting Bernie on the hook.  Since most of the items in question is what Bernie and the progressives want, its evident that he does not have the skills to get it accomplish.  Actually if we take this situation as a whole, we can see how very ineffective Bernie would have made as a president.  Here is his shot to get his agenda into law and he cannot muster the leadership ability to get pass these 2 senators and get it done.  

With that said, do you see how easy it is to throw blame around.  I could easily make a case that the progressives are just as inept as the moderates and republicans you continue to talk about.  Its very easy to show that the leadership within the Progressives are inept at getting things done and the only thing they are good at is dreaming up huge spending packages that have no chance of getting to the President desk.

Here is my position on climate change.  We did not get here in a short period of time and we will not get out of it in a short period of time.  It will take decades to reverse the effects we have already made.  If you actually follow the science you would know this.  Thus because it takes decades to see any real results, the most immediate thing for Progressives to do right now is to push things that give immediate results because 2022 is looming and 2024 will be here before you know it.  If the GOP take back control, then all the progressives agenda is nixxed.  Progressives need wins, I do not know why I have to continue to say the same thing over and over to you.  Climate change right now just does not give the impact they need to people lives in a short enough time frame to be effective in the next 2 to 4 years.  None of those initiatives are going to result in anything immediately.  If you only get 1.5 Trillion, then you best use it to hit items that give immediate measured benefits now.  Anything less will lose the fickle voters which gives the GOP back their advantage in the EC.

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^At the level the funding has dropped to in this now gutted package ($1.5 Trillion over 10 years), almost everything the Progressives wanted has been dropped, the only things really left are corp handouts, so what do Progressives lose if they reject the bill now, I can see them doing it, it has nothing in it they really care about, thanks to 2 "moderate" Dem senator's and a weak President

Your not interested anyway, your happy with the way it is, you just love the politics much like a sports fan loves watching football, still couldn't care less if its more decades of doing nothing, bravo

Your take on the Climate Crisis is just wrong, it's what we do in the next handful of years that will dictate the outcome of this massive issue coming our way, once the temperature or energy in the system reaches the tipping point no human intervention can slow it's progress, irreversible changes to the global climate will be the result, and that is the science (There is no plan B when it comes to the Global Climate catastrophe, if we are delusional and think there is a plan B it's Game Over)

Last edited by Rab - on 26 October 2021

The Senate Democrats need all 50 votes to get the reconciliation bill passed. At this time, they have 48 votes. If they don't compromise with Manchin and Sinema to get their votes, then the bill is dead. Not only that, but the country will default as well because they need to raise the debt ceiling and Senate Republicans will not vote to raise it.

Last edited by Mr.GameCrazy - on 26 October 2021

Actually lets put this in perspective. Lets say the Progressives do not vote on the BBB and then do not vote on the infrastructure bill. Who do you think will benefit from that. If that is the move to make, does it move Republicans to vote on the BBB. If they make that move will it make Manchin and Sinema vote on the BBB. So we know the current positions for Manchin, he get finance by coal, so anything that hurt that industry is a no. Sinema is all corporations and the rich, nothing in the BBB aligns with their interest. So I ask you again, what is the play. While you are at it can you flesh out what you believe will be the outcome. How can the progressives leverage their position.

Why do you continue to try to make this about me. Your ignorance of the process is not my fallacy. I gave you my position but I still I have no clue what yours is. So do you favor doing nothing. Nix all the bills, the infrastructure and BBB because the Progressives did not get what they wanted. Does that move Manchin or Sinema to vote the way they want. How does that change the current course of Congress, how does that progress the Progressives agenda. You have not once shone what progressives have actually accomplished. You talk about big plans but show no results but somehow I am the one who is ok with nothing all the while you will support whatever they do. You are just a cheerleader in the process. You hold everyone else accountable besides the side that you support. You are willing to blame and scapegoat everyone else but forget that the Progressives are all part of the process as well. You present no actual plan on handling obstacles in their way but believe they are above reproach.

I read your article and I still stand by my position even more. In a vacuum, it would be great if we can get all the initiatives to move on climate change but the reality is that its not close to being the top item for actual voters in the US. You keep saying how important it is to do something now but with no solutions on how to change voters minds to actually care enough, you present no actual solutions toward making it a top priority. You still just do not get it. Without the votes, you cannot get anything done. The progressives have nothing right now that shows their way is the right course of action. How many long years have we seen reports like the one you posted but still climate change is still low on people that vote in the US. Progressives are not going to get their way anytime soon. Doing nothing definitely means they cannot build on any success.

If progressives want to get their agenda on climate change then they have 2 very tough options. First is to understand Manchin is not moving on anything that hurt coal so devise a plan that helps the coal industry to shift to greener solutions and fund it. Second, cut back as much of the other items and push more towards climate change. They have 1.5 to 1.75 to work with, they best be smart on their choices. Maybe if they give more incentives to Manchin they can hit 2 Trillion and push more stuff. My position is that I would give Manchin everything he wants as long as I could get some major policy issues on the table. Right now he holds all the cards because he doesn't care if the BBB actually get through.

Mr.GameCrazy said:

The Senate Democrats need all 50 votes to get the reconciliation bill passed. At this time, they have 48 votes. If they don't compromise with Manchin and Sinema to get their votes, then the bill is dead. Not only that, but the country will default as well because they need to raise the debt ceiling and Senate Republicans will not vote to raise it.

That is the other dynamic that is on the table which is why the GOP is now making an issue with debt ceiling. I would say this could blow up in their face if Dems would be ready to actually push to get rid of the filibuster but the GOP already knows that Manchin and Sinema will not vote for it so the Dems have no leverage to use the Filibuster as an advantage.  With Sinema willing to nix anything that taxes the rich or corporations, paying for big spending package is not going to happen and Manchin can continue to throw out those GOP talking points on inflation etc to not budge on any plan above 1.5 Trillion.

Interesting enough, this is nothing new.  Back in 2020, the Dems already knew that these 2 Senators were going to be a problem and what they stand for.  Progressives had a whole year to work on a plan to push past these 2 and here we are today.  This article kinds of sums up the situation before even the presidential election.  Its not like we got here today without knowing the landscape even if the Dems edged out a majority in the Senate.

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Machiavellian said:

Actually lets put this in perspective. Lets say the Progressives do not vote on the BBB and then do not vote on the infrastructure bill. Who do you think will benefit from that. If that is the move to make, does it move Republicans to vote on the BBB. If they make that move will it make Manchin and Sinema vote on the BBB. So we know the current positions for Manchin, he get finance by coal, so anything that hurt that industry is a no. Sinema is all corporations and the rich, nothing in the BBB aligns with their interest. So I ask you again, what is the play. While you are at it can you flesh out what you believe will be the outcome. How can the progressives leverage their position.

Why do you continue to try to make this about me. Your ignorance of the process is not my fallacy. I gave you my position but I still I have no clue what yours is. So do you favor doing nothing. Nix all the bills, the infrastructure and BBB because the Progressives did not get what they wanted. Does that move Manchin or Sinema to vote the way they want. How does that change the current course of Congress, how does that progress the Progressives agenda. You have not once shone what progressives have actually accomplished. You talk about big plans but show no results but somehow I am the one who is ok with nothing all the while you will support whatever they do. You are just a cheerleader in the process. You hold everyone else accountable besides the side that you support. You are willing to blame and scapegoat everyone else but forget that the Progressives are all part of the process as well. You present no actual plan on handling obstacles in their way but believe they are above reproach.

I read your article and I still stand by my position even more. In a vacuum, it would be great if we can get all the initiatives to move on climate change but the reality is that its not close to being the top item for actual voters in the US. You keep saying how important it is to do something now but with no solutions on how to change voters minds to actually care enough, you present no actual solutions toward making it a top priority. You still just do not get it. Without the votes, you cannot get anything done. The progressives have nothing right now that shows their way is the right course of action. How many long years have we seen reports like the one you posted but still climate change is still low on people that vote in the US. Progressives are not going to get their way anytime soon. Doing nothing definitely means they cannot build on any success.

If progressives want to get their agenda on climate change then they have 2 very tough options. First is to understand Manchin is not moving on anything that hurt coal so devise a plan that helps the coal industry to shift to greener solutions and fund it. Second, cut back as much of the other items and push more towards climate change. They have 1.5 to 1.75 to work with, they best be smart on their choices. Maybe if they give more incentives to Manchin they can hit 2 Trillion and push more stuff. My position is that I would give Manchin everything he wants as long as I could get some major policy issues on the table. Right now he holds all the cards because he doesn't care if the BBB actually get through.

Your attitude is part of the problem, your one person, but you represent in a way many people that hold back progress, your reduced empathy for peoples social and environment plight, your focus on politics as a sport, and an indifference to a system where nothing gets done  

I get it's a no win situation right now, how did it get here? weak leadership, a broken system, and media more concerned with the nuances of politics than they are on educating the public on the facts of issues and policies to help them, progressive ideas have had a constant fight to even get air time, they have slowly pushed forward over the recent years to see the light of serious discussion

In this massively underfunded compromise of $1.5 trillion over 10 years bill, the progressives may feel they cant budge because there is almost nothing left in the compromise and if they do give in it makes it easier to believe in future they will budge again

Biden and other influential Senators are really the only hope to move the needle on 2 recalcitrant Dem senators, it's really not a time to play nice 

Issues like Climate cant wait even 5 to 10 years, once we reach the tipping point, even if we later drop carbon emissions to zero the climate will run away in it's own feed back loop, then it's beyond human control, the carbon targets world wide so far are woefully inadequate, even with those targets almost every country is already behind, the US being one of the biggest 

Last edited by Rab - on 26 October 2021

Rab said:
Machiavellian said:

Actually lets put this in perspective. Lets say the Progressives do not vote on the BBB and then do not vote on the infrastructure bill. Who do you think will benefit from that. If that is the move to make, does it move Republicans to vote on the BBB. If they make that move will it make Manchin and Sinema vote on the BBB. So we know the current positions for Manchin, he get finance by coal, so anything that hurt that industry is a no. Sinema is all corporations and the rich, nothing in the BBB aligns with their interest. So I ask you again, what is the play. While you are at it can you flesh out what you believe will be the outcome. How can the progressives leverage their position.

Why do you continue to try to make this about me. Your ignorance of the process is not my fallacy. I gave you my position but I still I have no clue what yours is. So do you favor doing nothing. Nix all the bills, the infrastructure and BBB because the Progressives did not get what they wanted. Does that move Manchin or Sinema to vote the way they want. How does that change the current course of Congress, how does that progress the Progressives agenda. You have not once shone what progressives have actually accomplished. You talk about big plans but show no results but somehow I am the one who is ok with nothing all the while you will support whatever they do. You are just a cheerleader in the process. You hold everyone else accountable besides the side that you support. You are willing to blame and scapegoat everyone else but forget that the Progressives are all part of the process as well. You present no actual plan on handling obstacles in their way but believe they are above reproach.

I read your article and I still stand by my position even more. In a vacuum, it would be great if we can get all the initiatives to move on climate change but the reality is that its not close to being the top item for actual voters in the US. You keep saying how important it is to do something now but with no solutions on how to change voters minds to actually care enough, you present no actual solutions toward making it a top priority. You still just do not get it. Without the votes, you cannot get anything done. The progressives have nothing right now that shows their way is the right course of action. How many long years have we seen reports like the one you posted but still climate change is still low on people that vote in the US. Progressives are not going to get their way anytime soon. Doing nothing definitely means they cannot build on any success.

If progressives want to get their agenda on climate change then they have 2 very tough options. First is to understand Manchin is not moving on anything that hurt coal so devise a plan that helps the coal industry to shift to greener solutions and fund it. Second, cut back as much of the other items and push more towards climate change. They have 1.5 to 1.75 to work with, they best be smart on their choices. Maybe if they give more incentives to Manchin they can hit 2 Trillion and push more stuff. My position is that I would give Manchin everything he wants as long as I could get some major policy issues on the table. Right now he holds all the cards because he doesn't care if the BBB actually get through.

Your attitude is part of the problem, your one person, but you represent in a way many people that hold back progress, your reduced empathy for peoples social and environment plight, your focus on politics as a sport, and an indifference to a system where nothing gets done  

I get it's a no win situation right now, how did it get here? weak leadership, a broken system, and media more concerned with the nuances of politics than they are on educating the public on the facts of issues and policies to help them, progressive ideas have had a constant fight to even get air time, they have slowly pushed forward over the recent years to see the light of serious discussion

In this massively underfunded compromise of $1.5 trillion over 10 years bill, the progressives may feel they cant budge because there is almost nothing left in the compromise and if they do give in it makes it easier to believe in future they will budge again

Biden and other influential Senators are really the only hope to move the needle on 2 recalcitrant Dem senators, it's really not a time to play nice 

Issues like Climate cant wait even 5 to 10 years, once we reach the tipping point, even if we later drop carbon emissions to zero the climate will run away in it's own feed back loop, then it's beyond human control, the carbon targets world wide so far are woefully inadequate, even with those targets almost every country is already behind, the US being one of the biggest 

Identifying a problem does very little to actually solve that problem. You can point at a burning building and say "That's on fire", but unless you have an actionable plan, you aren't helping anyone. 

Yes, there are problems with our government. How do you plan to fix them? If you don't have a plan then you just aren't helping. Like yeah, I agree that we need to pass climate change legislation, but how? What is your plan? I get that you are mad that enough isn't being done. I am too. But how do we achieve progress. You continually provide these broad, abstract answers like "fight" or "don't play nice", but what the fuck does that mean and do you actually think it will have an impact on todays congress? Joe Manchin in particular has seemed to take a step away from compromise every time he has been pushed, recently threatening Sanders with a $0 bill due to their disagreements. What is your plan here, because from your words and the words of many online progressives, there doesn't seem to be much of a plan. If anything, the plan seems to be drag every Democrat down if we fail to give them everything and I just can't get behind that.

sundin13 said:
Rab said:

Your attitude is part of the problem, your one person, but you represent in a way many people that hold back progress, your reduced empathy for peoples social and environment plight, your focus on politics as a sport, and an indifference to a system where nothing gets done  

I get it's a no win situation right now, how did it get here? weak leadership, a broken system, and media more concerned with the nuances of politics than they are on educating the public on the facts of issues and policies to help them, progressive ideas have had a constant fight to even get air time, they have slowly pushed forward over the recent years to see the light of serious discussion

In this massively underfunded compromise of $1.5 trillion over 10 years bill, the progressives may feel they cant budge because there is almost nothing left in the compromise and if they do give in it makes it easier to believe in future they will budge again

Biden and other influential Senators are really the only hope to move the needle on 2 recalcitrant Dem senators, it's really not a time to play nice 

Issues like Climate cant wait even 5 to 10 years, once we reach the tipping point, even if we later drop carbon emissions to zero the climate will run away in it's own feed back loop, then it's beyond human control, the carbon targets world wide so far are woefully inadequate, even with those targets almost every country is already behind, the US being one of the biggest 

Identifying a problem does very little to actually solve that problem. You can point at a burning building and say "That's on fire", but unless you have an actionable plan, you aren't helping anyone. 

Yes, there are problems with our government. How do you plan to fix them? If you don't have a plan then you just aren't helping. Like yeah, I agree that we need to pass climate change legislation, but how? What is your plan? I get that you are mad that enough isn't being done. I am too. But how do we achieve progress. You continually provide these broad, abstract answers like "fight" or "don't play nice", but what the fuck does that mean and do you actually think it will have an impact on todays congress? Joe Manchin in particular has seemed to take a step away from compromise every time he has been pushed, recently threatening Sanders with a $0 bill due to their disagreements. What is your plan here, because from your words and the words of many online progressives, there doesn't seem to be much of a plan. If anything, the plan seems to be drag every Democrat down if we fail to give them everything and I just can't get behind that.

I actually agree with you, no one has a plan that will save this bill because of 2 very difficult selfish people, and yes I'm mostly about being frustrated, but it's also frustrating hearing people talk about doing the same old crap that got us here in the first place like that's a realistic solution to the Climate Crisis :/ 

My only suggestion or hope is that Biden really can do miracles behind closed doors and get a deal with those idiots, really that's all I got, never said anything else

It would not surprise me if some of the progressives just throw their hands up and walk away at this point 

Such a cluster, I feel like I'm one of the few that is mad at this and actually says so, that frustrates me as well, the perceived complacency is very frustrating 

I worry for my kid, and other peoples kids, I really do :/  

Rab said:
sundin13 said:

Identifying a problem does very little to actually solve that problem. You can point at a burning building and say "That's on fire", but unless you have an actionable plan, you aren't helping anyone. 

Yes, there are problems with our government. How do you plan to fix them? If you don't have a plan then you just aren't helping. Like yeah, I agree that we need to pass climate change legislation, but how? What is your plan? I get that you are mad that enough isn't being done. I am too. But how do we achieve progress. You continually provide these broad, abstract answers like "fight" or "don't play nice", but what the fuck does that mean and do you actually think it will have an impact on todays congress? Joe Manchin in particular has seemed to take a step away from compromise every time he has been pushed, recently threatening Sanders with a $0 bill due to their disagreements. What is your plan here, because from your words and the words of many online progressives, there doesn't seem to be much of a plan. If anything, the plan seems to be drag every Democrat down if we fail to give them everything and I just can't get behind that.

I actually agree with you, no one has a plan that will save this bill because of 2 very difficult selfish people, and yes I'm mostly about being frustrated, but it's also frustrating hearing people talk about doing the same old crap that got us here in the first place like that's a realistic solution to the Climate Crisis :/ 

My only suggestion or hope is that Biden really can do miracles behind closed doors and get a deal with those idiots, really that's all I got, never said anything else

It would not surprise me if some of the progressives just throw their hands up and walk away at this point 

Such a cluster, I feel like I'm one of the few that is mad at this and actually says so, that frustrates me as well, the perceived complacency is very frustrating 

I worry for my kid, and other peoples kids, I really do :/  

The only way to change this is by voting.

That's why it frustrates me when I see people I agree with politically taking actions that I see as discouraging voting, like the "Dems = Reps" stuff I regularly see coming from the Progressive left. It feels like the spite for the system (which is certainly broken) creates a refusal to work within the system, which prevents Progressives from getting the power they need to make meaningful change. 

Further, I feel like pushing the idea that there is nothing worth doing in this bill is similarly dangerous. As of now, the bill is still very much up in the air, but if we get basically any piece of it passed, it will help Americans. We shouldn't let our frustrations completely overshadow that.

sundin13 said:
Rab said:

I actually agree with you, no one has a plan that will save this bill because of 2 very difficult selfish people, and yes I'm mostly about being frustrated, but it's also frustrating hearing people talk about doing the same old crap that got us here in the first place like that's a realistic solution to the Climate Crisis :/ 

My only suggestion or hope is that Biden really can do miracles behind closed doors and get a deal with those idiots, really that's all I got, never said anything else

It would not surprise me if some of the progressives just throw their hands up and walk away at this point 

Such a cluster, I feel like I'm one of the few that is mad at this and actually says so, that frustrates me as well, the perceived complacency is very frustrating 

I worry for my kid, and other peoples kids, I really do :/  

The only way to change this is by voting.

That's why it frustrates me when I see people I agree with politically taking actions that I see as discouraging voting, like the "Dems = Reps" stuff I regularly see coming from the Progressive left. It feels like the spite for the system (which is certainly broken) creates a refusal to work within the system, which prevents Progressives from getting the power they need to make meaningful change. 

Further, I feel like pushing the idea that there is nothing worth doing in this bill is similarly dangerous. As of now, the bill is still very much up in the air, but if we get basically any piece of it passed, it will help Americans. We shouldn't let our frustrations completely overshadow that.

Look I'm going to make one last observation, then I'm done as I'm achieving nothing here anyway

How this bill is funded and handled could mean the death of the Dems in coming elections, people were already sceptical about what the Dems could achieve, but if they see that it's the same old 'little to nothing being done' scenario, then it's over for them, the Reps will be back in force 

Like it or not, the Dems survival is at stake with this Once in a Generation Bill