You talk like your "game of politics" has actually achieves something, it has been decades of business as usually, and it will be decades more, little ever gets done, and with the Climate Crises that is devastating
Because you feel secure in your life, your happy to watch it from the side lines, as I said you lack empathy
You talk about heart felt emotion as if its a bad thing, it is what makes us human and not soulless automations
The President leads his party, it is the members of his party that are blocking the funding for the climate crisis amongst other things important to the people, a leader leads in many ways including privately and behind closed doors, you are making excuses for his weak leadership as you always have
The Progressives have been asked again to compromise on popular policies, I get the feeling they would rather nothing happen now as the compromise is a devastating one, time now for Biden to lead his party if he has the capacity or loose the next election
The Dems are losing the long game
The game of politics has been going on before any of us was born, and it will continue way after we are dead. You say nothing has been done for decades well we will leave that one to your opinion, the key is that the things you want has not progressed. The reason why the things you want has not progressed because people are not voting towards your agenda. I, personally blame this on the fickleness of people only motivated to vote when they are emotionally invested. Wondering why nothing change when they rarely participate. Only caring when the outcome suits them. Not understanding the rules or the process but wallow in self pity.
You only have to look to the last few elections to see that Progressives are not winning. They have repeatedly lost to moderate Dems and make no dents in red states. 70+ million people voted for Trump which shows that a huge number of voters are more than happy with the current GOP agenda. Climate change, M4A and everything else in your list they do not care. Biden isn't President because he is a great leader, he is president because a lot of voters were tired of Trump, just enough which as far as the electoral college goes gave him an edge. That edge was very slim but guess what happens next go around.
I talk about heart and emotion because voting that way means people only vote when its convenient. If they are not motivated by the choice they do nothing. Case in point, if the 2 choices for President is Desantis and Trump, would you vote. I can tell you I would definitely vote each and every time because I need to make a decision which is the better person even if I believe both are garbage. I do not waste my time on emotions that do not serve anything but make me feel good. You can have all the empathy in the world but what does it actually do.
SO tell me Rad what exactly are you doing. Since you believe I sit on the sidelines, what type of action are you taking. Enlighten me on your efforts to make a difference and we can compare notes. I am more than happy to show you my voting record. How many elections have you attended, from the State, local and federal.
The progressives will continue to be asked to compromise because they do not have the votes. Its so simple that I do not understand why we continue to go over the same point. I ask you questions but you have not given one example how they can make things work out to get all of their agenda. The progressives will continue to compromise or get nothing and if they want to block everything because they do not get what they want, I assure you, the GOP will smile all the way to the next election. So yes, if they want to play right into the do nothing GOP, then as you stated, the Dems will lose because the GOP has built a platform on doing nothing. The group that wants change has always needed to work smarter and harder, this is the process.
You still have not provided one answer to how Biden is going to lead the party and change Manchin and Sinema. You have not provided any way to get around filibuster. Its like you just ignore these very important process to the Senate as if it doesn't mean anything. You have not even provided a way to get 50 votes but you believe that Biden is a magician. You have not provided what he can do to force Manchin or Sinema to vote for his agenda. This is what I call not being realistic. You are looking for a scapegoat and that is fine but Biden is no savior for the Dems and he never was. Why waste time concentrating on Biden who was always just another bump on the road. The real issue is that the Dems do not have 50 votes to do anything and if you are paying attention, there is nothing Biden or anyone else is going to do to change either Manchin or Sinema minds. So if that is the case, then the people with the real power at the moment is the ones who do not care. Its pretty much as simple as that. Progressives need to come to the table with something that make these 2 idiots happy or they can pack up and hope by the next election they get lucky and Trump screw up everything for the GOP like he did in Georgia.
One thing for sure, if you believe in doing nothing then are you not supporting the exact thing you keep griping about. Nothing gets done.
Last edited by Machiavellian - on 24 October 2021