I know you think its all a game, you appear to lack empathy for the plight of people, maybe you will never understand or "feel" these issues and what it means to most non-politicians You say "For the people that care", YOU should care, we all should, we ALL should be mad as hell at this shite, Climate change will affects everyone for countless generations, also treating things like M4A as something that can be addressed decades down the line after decades have already passed on these issues, because 'politics', tells me a lot about your motives in discussions like this, and I don't trust you to look at the big picture in a empathetic way :/ Your out of touch, people like you are the problem, weak Presidents like Biden are the problem, Corporate sponsored Senators are the problem, we simply don't have the time anymore, the science shows us that the climate catastrophe is looming faster than many want to believe |
Yes, it is a game, its a game that just like anything, there are winners and losers. Understanding how the game works give you an advantage. Not understanding how the game works means you get frustrated and lose.
So lets understand this game. You cannot pass most anything without 60 votes in the Senate. You cannot get rid of the filibuster without 50 votes. You cannot get your agenda to even get started with either getting rid of the filibuster, getting 60 votes or with the current environment 50 votes.
Now that we have established the rules of this game, lets understand the current environment. Dems will absolutely get no votes from the GOP, they have already shown that with every vote from the house to the Senate. So that means nothing through filibuster. You have 2 Dems Senators who are not going to vote against the Filibuster so you can pretty much nix getting rid of it. You have 2 Dem Senators no matter what their affiliation are not going anywhere anytime soon so you must deal with them now.
You preach all this emotion empathy stuff but none of it gets you anything. I do not view voting as some emotional soul searching enterprise. I view it as my duty. I do not just vote on the federal level, I vote on every level, from my local to state to the federal to basic commissions. You are right, I am not like you because I am in it for the long game. I understand the process, I understand that the laws that effect me the most actually are on the state level not federal.
It appears to me that you are someone who does not take the process seriously. You only vote occasionally and probably never vote on the local or state level. You seem to vote emotionally which means when you do not get what you want, you just do nothing. When you say I am out of touch, that is how I view you. I view you as someone who only vote when it suits you. You only vote when you believe the outcome is going to be your happy path but that type of voting is the problem in the US. There isn't always a happy path, there isn't always a best candidate, you are not going to get most if not the majority of the items you believe in no matter who you voted for.
When you say I am out of touch, that is how I view your post. You seem to only look at the President as if that position is the only important position on the federal level. You do not seem to understand the process. It matters not how strong or weak, Biden is because he is only 1/3 of the federal portion of the government, there is the House and Senate. Crying about Senators beholden to corporate sponsors, so what. At the end of the day, if they are in a seat, they must be dealt with.
So I ask you again, now that we understand the rules, how do Progressives overcome the situation now. How do they even get 50 votes to even have a chance of getting anything within their agenda.
My point still stands. Either Progressives figure out what they want that will have the biggest impact and show results and get it done or they can do nothing which fits right into what Manchin Sinema and the GOP want. Tell us what you believe that can do without all this emotional stuff that gets nothing done.